the officail faramir thread

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faramir... wow what a guy

yeah!!! Faramir is cool! The only problem I have with him is that my friend always tries to convince me that hes better than witchy big grin

lol im sorry but aragorn is far much better.. hides!!!

I just wonder why nobody seems to be able to write "official" correctly big grin

woops i wrote it right but it looked wrong so i wrote it again think i need a coffee

lol stick out tongue

omg he looks like robin hood...goes and dreams

woops heres the pic


the last one doesn't show! Darn it!

faramir is one the most interesting people in series. Theydid expand his storyine better. Like frodo went to osgailth(mind spelling) and the old times with his brother. I would of rather seen him fighting like carzy at the walls of minas trinth!!!! that would be nice!!!

Faramir- Middle-Earth's Robin Hood

Exa - I'm so glad you also like Faramir. big grin I thought I'm the only fan of his in this forum. sad big grin

ANd oh, Arwene, thanks for starting the thread!!! big grin

faramir..hmm you know i hated the way they portrayed him in some parts of the tt totaly diferent than the books...

Well in the Original Cut of TTT they made Faramir look like he's staring at Frodo like a piece of meat.

Faramir in the books wasn't really like that....

Iirima's just gross! I love Faramir in the books. love

I love him in the books and I admit that I was rather surprised at how they portrayed him in the movie but after some hours of thinking to myself (I tend to do that, don't be suprised if I had some alter ego existing behind my head already stick out tongue ) , I'd learned to love and understand the change. big grin

I thought Faramir was overall portrayed pretty well -

His outfit was cool too, but I didn't favor the sleeve design much.

Yeah, David Wenham did really well with the part.

As for the costume, I never really noticed it before, but now that you mention it, yeah....

*ahem* This is a Faramir thread, Arwene!!! Tisk, tisk.

laughing out loud Kit you say the strangest things....confused

Ah Faramir. Wonderous! (Not as wonderous as Pip, but I promise I won't talk about him in a Faramir thread big grin ) I lurve Faramir love Hurrah!

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