ROTK Extended Edition [merged]
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Dose anyone know when it'l be releast??

Probably around August like FotR and TTT.
mmmmmm_ob :)
won't it be at xmas...that's when it was realesed here?
I heard it'd be at Christn\mas *sob* too long!
It can't be Christmas, it can't hold any longer then November, probably September.
Okay, if you insist, Kit... *mumbles under breath* ...butshesaidthatitdbeoutatChristmas! andilookeditupontheinternet! *growls*
I heard that it was going tocome out in september and the regular one is coming out May/june but i'm probably wrong
I wish it would come out like in a month

But no way.. I think somewhere in November or September.. the Regular one is coming out.. um... i thought august but.. not sure cry I dont want to wait lol

It was said that the official version would be released in July... the EE maybe in september. I dont think theyll wait until November again as there is no fourth film where they have to keep up the audiences' attention
Good, I don't want to wait! What if they made The Hobbit?
Would take several more years
Too long even for NLC to wait with the EE

Most likely November, like the last two
i wish it came out before august 12 so i could get it on my b-day but that probably wont happen so...
No, most likely, that will be the release time for the 'final cut' DVD - not the EE.
i know but at least i can have the origanal version to watch while i wait as pationtly as possible *starts to wait pationtly*
Lol, I think I'll join you there!
*pationly waiting, pationly waiting, pationly waiting*
no i just cant
*runs off to watch FOTR and TT EE*
Lol, I'm managing to resist...just!
I've heard what Exa heard-July and Septmeber
i also heard may for the regular edition, that would rock, my birthday is in May
Ok, normal edition in may, and... EE in "Holidays 2004"
WHAT HOLIDAYS???? I hope they mean summer
May 25th was my reckoning, nice and earrly
Discos - this source of info was brought to you by the lovely shadowy
Yes but thats the normal edition, not the EE

I'm confused now how are people saying it's September or something? Coz the other EE's came out in November didn't they? But will the EE of RotK be earlier because the normal one is earlier or something?
Yep we think and hope so
because theres no holiday in november right ^^ ... so probably theyl be out in august or something
holidays generaly mean holloween-thanksgivigh-hanukah-christmas-kwanza-newyears-presidentsday-ect...
*still watching Fotr and TT*
i hope its early like the normal edition but something tells me that wont happen

oh well heres to hope
i'm sorta in a twisted way glad they are not releasing it early...cause then we can drag out the antisipation...

About the TC, it's confirmed already. May 25th which is a very good thing. LOL...they also changed the DVD cover from the usual one since they won 11 Oscars.

..oh..what the heck!? I fully support it.
About the EE, no release date confirmations yet. In an interview of PJ just after the Oscar's, he said that the EE was edited out already and is in the hands of Howard Shore and he's expecting it to be released on November just like the first two. However, in the official LOTR site, it was said that it is expected to be released at a "later date". That means it will be released at a later date than usual,or a later date than the theatrical version...hmm...just decide for yourself when you think it's gonna be released. As for me, I want to stay as optimistic as I could be since I'm having huge desperations in the past few days of still not hearing any news about the Eowyn/Faramir scenes. I KNOW it was filmed but are they gonna put them in?

All I hear about is that there will be Houses of Healing scenes but it is still not an assurance of having E/F scenes.

Sorry for being too fangirlish here but I can't help it. I was very devastated not seeing Glorfindel in FOTR (though I don't hold any grudge against movie Arwen) and Quickbeam (yes!..Quickbeam) in TTT and it will be very devastating not seeing my favorite couple even for just 5 freaking minutes of being together in the EE since they just showed them standing together in the TC for 2 seconds.
Anyway, like I said, I want to be optimistic, so I'll say it will come out on November like the first two or even earlier.

they should know better, if they don't put any E/F scenes in shadowy and i, along with probaly half the people in this forum and a few of my friends will revolt
exa, where is that photo from?
what does the last bit say, too many questions, head exploding, aghhhh!!!
Theatrical Edition comes out on May 25 in the United States and May 5 in New Zealand. I don't know when the EE comes out, but I heard in November or sooner.
The older you get the shorter any increment of time becomes for you...
a minute seemed like a lifetime when you where a child and now it's barley a second. the years go faster, and soon, nothing seems like it takes that long to come to you... but, for some damn reason that's not working this time!!! each year i've waited for one of these films has far out wayed the orignal star wars 3 year gaps i had to endure as a very very young child! but waiting 6 months for the EE of ROTK is driving me insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some one put me in a coma!
ahh, i saw rotk last night at the cheap theater in my town and i have decided, i cannot wait for the ee any longer... I WANT IT NOW!!!!! precious
scott hiwersh
At least you can see it in the theater... They stopped showing it in my neck of the woods... I am so anxious for this DVD to come out, give it to me NOW!!!
they actually did stop showing it at my local theaters, the theater that i went to go see it at is the second run theater, the movies there have already been and gone in regular theaters... and it only costs $3 to get in=me going to see rotk alot
I thought they were releasing the EE sooner than November... unless New Line is going to make it as a cross-advertisement for King Kong?
I had hoped they would release it the same time as the "normal" one. Hopefully the lastest we would have to wait is August.
August for the ee would be NICE... that would totally rock my world, i could watch it all day instead of having to go to school and wait to go home and watch it
I'm buying the normal version when it comes out simply because I'm about to drive myself mad over not being able to watch it.
Then I'll buy the EE when it comes out.
I am insane, after all.

I usually borrow the normal version and wait until the EE comes out to own a copy. Cousins and friends are not as crazy about LOTR so they usually buy the normal version, so I always have access to one.
Two copies just seem... insane

The I am a fool, lol
EE, I am not sure but as usual someone has probably posted it the post above mine as I aint read the whole topic yet

scott hiwersh
I wish I could do that, but I would spend more cash on the dvd rentals than on the TE... LOL... Plus, I like having them both...
I watch the normal version to see what extras it has

oh god me too, one of my friends was making fun of me cuz of it, i'm like 'im buying both' then she just renamed me crazy... i'm crazy about my fanatical insanity
im waiting for the EE. im just gonna go to my friends house and watch the one comin out next month. wow, next month already!

I am insane as well and will be getting the theatrical this month and my ee around, as they say, the holidays!!!
I ain't even got a job!

I get $10 a week for my allowance, and more if I really need it (like during the week if I run outta paper or something). I had better start saving up!
I had saved enough originally, but I spent it. Oh the joys of being a geeky woman in the electronics section...
scott hiwersh
Ha... You better start saving!!! LOL, or you won't have it on the 25th, LOL... I cannot wait.
extended version is suppost to be 4 hours and some minutes, and its gonna take the summer dvd release because the theatrical version is being released earlier.
scott hiwersh
What do you mean take the summer movie release? Isn't it coming out around Christmas? Regardless, I think the two DVD's together will outsell both of the other LOTR Movies...
I really am such a geek... I buy the video... the DVD... the extended video... the extended dvd... I fully intend to buy box sets, in case they have something extra... I have the book trilogy in three books... the book trilogy in one book... I AM A GEEK!

yes...but in a good sense...not like maniacal or a crazed loony cocooned in your room with your eyes glaring at the things you have and quite secretive about it...

rock and roll yo!!! i do the exact same thing....
attention everyone... i officially have a very good quality bootleg from russia... party at my house
i shall be there as long as can borow a cushoin for the gross bits
i always get the dvd ee and normaland gunna get all 3 combined
a christmas release would be much better but it is a long wait rather than the past two years where the theatrical released in Aug. the extended in Nov. but since this one is released in May they may bump it up, because 5 months in between versions is rather long as opposed to the normal 2 1/2 month wait
i won't care as long as i had a lotr fix whilst i wait a couple of months
scott hiwersh
That is how I feel, give me the TE and I will be fine for a little while. It is only 11 days away folks...
yeh, ive herd loads of rumours- think it'll be out july-august probs (in my opinion). by the way, heres wot i nows in it
- there are E/F scenes where they fall in luv at the houses of healing, n i think sumhow ppl find out they get engaged.
-similar scene to pipins when merry gives his allegience to Theoden
-scenes on the corsair ships with aragorn, legolas n gimli
-Frodo n sam in Mordor when some orcs find them disguised as orcs n frodo n sam have to march with the orcs until they escape
-more scenes with the dead people (not much here)
sure there's other stuff but I can't remember!
the drinking game

I wish they would go back and fix up all the screw-up's in ROTK. There are so many, more then in the first 2. It's horrible.
yep most of them are in the EE, The Mouth of Sauron is also in it, I am not sure about frodo,sam and the orcs...I am sure they would have been spotted since they are half the orcs's size
Sarumans death is also in it, Theoden confronting Worm tongue and also Wormtongue revealing how Theodred died
also the Houses of healing bit is definetly in there, it also shows Merry being in the House of Healing
i read somewhere, Entertainment Weekly i think, that the ee will come out in December....
:starts singing Dawson's creek song:
'i dont wanna wait.. for December, i want to know right now, blah blah blah'
Discos, frodo and sam and the band of orcs does happen
that's good... and E/F scenes.... :starts hyperventilating in middle of computer center at school:
hehehehehe... i'm happy
yes Thor I know but it wouldnt be happening in the film would it?
Grond will be in it, hopefully some more info on sams gaffer
will we see the riders of rohan take the road through the mountains in the film?
discos, frodo and sam marching with the orcs does happen in the EE
Discos - Discos does now not to talk thee Thorondor
I hope Septmeber, then i wont have to buy it, I can ask for it for my birthday lol

good stuff,
well with all these official date changes its hard to tell, expect it at an average of october

if it is near the end of the year we could all protest and get the date brought forward ..yayh ..
well the first two non-extended came out in Augest while the extended came out in November. But ROTK came out in May, so the extended will probabably come out sooner, like August.
oh yeah soon lets hope its monday the 2nd of august as that my b'day yayh 18th
what with? lol
Thought that I would add that the Collectors Edition of EW for LOTR has the following scenes listed:
300 new F/X shots and 49 minutes of added footage.
1. Gandalf confronts Saruman at the ruins of Isengard.
2. Aragorn treats Eowyn in the Houses of Healing after her fight with the Lord of the Nazgul.
3. Faramir's attraction to Eowyn begins when he sees her in the Houses of Healing.
4. Merry pledges fealty to King Theoden.
5. The Lord of the Nazgul faces off agains Gandalf during the seige of Minas Tirith and breaks his staff.
6. Aragorn uses the palantir to reveal himself to Sauron as Isildur's heir before he goes to Mordor for the final battle.
7. The Mouth of Sauron taunts Aragorn and his troops at Mordor's Black Gate, showing them Frodo's mithril shirt.
49mins extra, cheers man for that info
a total of near 4hrs of the experience of lord of the rings, rounded up tot 4hrs after the opening of the disc case, loading disc, selecting sound, after-ward tissue clean up

thats nearly an hour more oooh yay
also which exa/cyn said along ago, we will get to see what happens to the flags and horses of the Gondor/Rohan/Dunedain soldiers at the black gate
There's one error in the film messed up (theatrical).
Now if only they could go back and photoshop in some crumbs on Sam during their talk, that would actually make that scene really good.
Is there a burning of the Shire?
yea peter jackson never liked that part in the book, he never shot it, i kinda found it a bit dragging in the book after the destruction of the ring and all their toil to keep the shire safe and its still gets ruined, kinda dumb really. Glad it isnt in the film.
Agent Elrond
Tolkien added that scene just to continue the story. He wasn't sure how he wanted it to end.
i knew it was an add on, it just felt like pasted on just to make it a bit more lengthier, i was not a fan of that scene.
umm, the original came out in May, I have heard CHristmas, but I don't know. They may be working on it right now, so it may not come out till later. I've heard that it takes 3 months to do the extra stuff and organize it. I've also heard that they have an August 1st deadline, but I'm not sure if they have to turn in the EE at that time, or if they just have to have it finished by that time.
I read in a Starlog magazine, Fantasy WOrlds #4 (I think) that The producer Osborne said he wanted to do the Hobbit, but they would have to secure the rights first.
Ok, you guys are crazy, every single person that I know personally wanted to see the SotS (copyright Lady_Eowyn_Of_Rohan 2004) because that was their favorite part. I have heard that there will be scenes from SotS. Things like Saruman's death.
Tolkien wasn't exactly sure how he wanted it to end, but SotS is not just a filler. It is there to show how much the Hobbits have grown. Physically, emotionally etc. It's there to show them handling a situation by themselves, and to show how a few good and willing "people" and a bad situation can turn out for the good. And it is also a closer of sorts. Things do happen that you would have to read the index to know, like Sam is elected mayor of Hobbiton for seven years in a row.
Maybe they could make a SotS movie, and make it an average length movie. That would be fun, I'd have to go find the casting calls though.

According to "Video Business", the EE won't be published until - DECEMBER
*starts crying*
because most actors are busy with other projects and so the Audiocommentary will take a while


if I could be bothered searching through dvd review magazine it would probably give us a date
i still bid for November
New rumours ~
Different online-DVD-shops mostly give November or December as the publishing dates for the EE, for example and say it'll be Nov 22
But there are also different infos - Ian Brodie, author of the the "LOTR Location Guide" for example, says that NLC is considering to publish the EE even later because they want to show in theatre, too - this time not only in some few cinemas (like the first two editions), but make it available for all cinemas.
Nothing of this has been confirmed yet though.
I rely on or dvd review I must believe you

the theaterical version DVD said coming this holiday season, which holiday though, maybe 4th of July, maybe Thanksgiving, who knows they didnt even have a preview of the extended cut on the dvd extras, i was really pissed bout that.
~ new releasing dates...
According to PJ, it will be published in November, new material between 40 and 60 minutes;
Barrie Osbourne, producer, says that it might be December though

its 50 minutes thats all the DVD said,
yes 50minutes sounds about right,
was TTT 49mins?
anything extra is gud ...
something like thaT ???
43, knew it was in the 40's
well, any the reason it will be a hot topic to talk about nearthe end of this year

*axiously awaits the years end*
right with ya buddy,
I was talking to my friend today who agreed to watch all 3 EE's with me when they come out, during the time we will order take-aways and watch the films very hardcore-like
then celebrate by walking our soar arses down to the pub and sitting on an even more un-comfortable stool and celebrating our victory
i take it it will be an all nite thing for u then
we are deciding to startat 9am so hopefully we should be finished to still go out and party down,
According to the russian site, "safe sources" confirmed that the statue for the RoTK Gift Edition will be a WETA-miniature of Minas Tirith

scott hiwersh it is going to be a little Minas Tirith in the Collector's Edition this year!!!! I just saw it on TORN. It look so detailed. Has anyone seen it in person? What is the weight? Are you supposed to keep the DVD Discs inside of it (it looks like it opens up or something) DETAILS PLEASE!!!
Here is where I saw that one...
So it's true?
We had the rumour here a while ago (,
Would be great

There will also be an addition model in combination with the Gift set...

Were already presented at the ComicCon in San Diego
Screenshots can be found here


(yessss I'm hyper today)
Still no idea what's this thingy about Minas Morgul.
Btw - interesting thingy in the background, this "lotr symphony"-set

I want it..It comes out in 3 months, not counting November itself
... PJ said it might also be December as most of the actors are still working on other projects and dont have too much time for the audiocommentary

I read at the official website that it comes out in november. It also say it comes out in november in a variety of other places. hope they change it to before november.

Yup Same...Cool...

more than like to be chrimbo .. or november
november officially rocks, the ee will possibly come out and i'll get my liscense... rock on
I heard there was a trailer going around for the E/E of Return of the King does anyone know the link?
There is no trailer yet, no;
But somebody filmed some scenes from the ComicCon
You can download them here
(just click the links and use "save target as"
The quality is rather bad.
There is a fan-made trailer though; it's really good and combines new material from different sources, nearly all probably from the EE
You can download it here
If the link doesnt work, try this one

alright thanks
i hope soon but i heard like in september-october
Neo Baggins
The Return of the King Extended Edition Release date is December 14,2004
DECEMBER bloody 14th!!!!!!!! i can't wait that long... alright, who's up for storming the castle, aka new line cinema with me
me! ARRRRRR! Let me go get my torch and pitchfork!
yes!!!!! i'll get a mob of angry forum-goers and we'll storm the castle
So whens ROTK ex coming out?? Is it nov?
What you don't see. Caught in the act by theoden.
I hope it has alot more battle scenes and more of mordor and eowyn.
Different sources give either the 10th (US) or the 14th of December.
And, yes, there will be more Eowyn

The EE version will be 258 minutes long, that is (deducting the time the fanclub-credits take) around 50 minutes longer than the normal edition.
First reviews:
Official information by New Line Cinema was said to be published in August, but kinda didnt appear...
Though a short new scene can be found in a video of the mattepainter Dylan Cole - Frodo and Sam in their orc clothes:
Four screenshots (scroll down):

go to and search for it, they say its not actually being made. " The studio is currently not producing this title on DVD"
I went to Barnes and Noble and asked when it was coming to their store and they said taht it would come out at chrismas.
I thought they had started by now... they weren't working on it for a while now as nearly everybody was busy with other projects
Sorry but when are amazon ever correct?
They say things are out already when they aren't out for a year.
It's out in Winter, Nov-Dec.
ah comon guys its not that long a wait, only 3mounths, its just like when the noraml version got out to last mounth, and that went fast IMO
true .....
it seems everything is out in three months tho
harry potter 3.vid
harry potter 6. bk
rotk ee
Official release date for the EE as given today by NLC:
Dec 14 (US)...
price: $39,99
for the gift set (with minas-tirith-statue-thingy): ~$73
According to WarnerBrosGermany, it will be released on Dec 10 here..........
ace mega kewl....
ppl i have seen a minute or so of footage from comic con
its gonna own the final cut
looks like theres gonna be more kool s**t going down
lotr so owns i think they are the best films ever made
they even make other ownage films look bad!!!!!!!!!!
and the EEs are even better
top stuff
ummm few questions
-who the f**k is the mouth of sauron???
cuz hes gonna be in EE
roll on december
i cant stand hairy potter
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