You forgot Boromir, I know he's dead but he's the most human character of all of them and several people could relate their personality to him.
Unfortunately, I'm not one of them, I like his personality very much, but I have to say I'm not like him. I'm more like his brother Faramir.

I hate wars and fights but if I really have to, and I know where I'm standing and I know my ground, I'll fight for my belief.

I'm also always making sure that if I would say something a little complicated and not everyone exactly would agree with it, I have enough reasons and evidences to support it.
And like Faramir, I'm close and attached to tough, dark and very human characters. Faramir (he's close to Boromir and he's attracted to Eowyn), I on the other hand is very close to my sister who's has the same exact personality as Eowyn. She's kinda like Boromir too.

I can't recall how many times exactly have I mentioned in this forum how much I admire my sis.