Character Poll!

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Which character best fits your personality? big grin

Where the hell is Boromir? Is there some odd grudge about the dead dude or something? C'MON WE NEED BOROMIR!

mmmmmm_ob :)
hmmmm.....yeah!!....people can be like dead dead grandad is just like him!!

I wish Pippin were on there though

I woulda said Boromir but.. yeahno I said Aragorn for a weird reason hahabig grin

raven guardia
I have to say I'm like gandalf

I'm like gimli if anyone

You forgot Boromir, I know he's dead but he's the most human character of all of them and several people could relate their personality to him. wink

Unfortunately, I'm not one of them, I like his personality very much, but I have to say I'm not like him. I'm more like his brother Faramir. big grin I hate wars and fights but if I really have to, and I know where I'm standing and I know my ground, I'll fight for my belief. big grin I'm also always making sure that if I would say something a little complicated and not everyone exactly would agree with it, I have enough reasons and evidences to support it. big grin

And like Faramir, I'm close and attached to tough, dark and very human characters. Faramir (he's close to Boromir and he's attracted to Eowyn), I on the other hand is very close to my sister who's has the same exact personality as Eowyn. She's kinda like Boromir too. big grin I can't recall how many times exactly have I mentioned in this forum how much I admire my sis. big grin big grin

Where's pippin? mean if your gonna make another useless charactor thread you might at least include pippin???? I mean with out his unique personality the movie wouldnt have been waht it was!

pippin was very importent but and so was merry
and boromir
must have Merry and Boromir!!


i'm a mix between Merry, Pippin, and Legolas.

Legolas because i'm tall and i have good eyesight (even though i have glasses) and hearing, Merry because i'm sensible and Pippin because i have his appetite and impatience, and i want to know everything. stick out tongue

I'd say that I feel the most affinity towards Sam, but I'm probably quite a bit like him as well, I didn't think so at first, but he's a bit of a surprise, in the beginning he's a gardener, but by the end he's a poet, helper by both physical and mental strength, "elf-warrior" but that's only in the books, he also is incredibly strong mentally, he gave the ring up willingly *sighs* I love Sam, maybe it's just some strange dilusion that I'm like him in anyway...

Who am I like?? Wow... confused
If I was in lotr I'd be an entirely new character big grin

well between the options there......... i'd love to be like eowyn, but in real life im more like gimli messed

yes, another useless thread...... but people! there are options, you choose the most likely to you between those........ and if you make a poll, at least put "other" as an option!!

I know! I'd be Arwen because she's TOTALLY non-existant in the books, I didn't even NOTICE her until the movies had this random person I didn't know who seemed to have this... connection with Aragorn, silly me, not getting the 3 times she was mentioned, one of them in Elvish, one not meaning anything unless you look at it to, and one not by name... am I missing any? I guess I should have read the appendicies better

I'm like sam I'm very helpful and give really good speechesbig grin


What does that have to do with your personality?
Just asking. smile

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