Is there anybody who didn't like Lord of the Rings:Return of the King
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Hey, I have read alot of discussion and also commented on the Return of the King. I just wanna see if they are people who actually did not like it.
Please, if your just going to say angry comments about this topic, then this isnt the place for you. But if you could actually dicuss in adult manner, Welcome. So no "Screw you, it rocks."
Personally, I enjoyed the movie but afterwords, i realized its not that good. It's fun to watch the battle sceans, but the filler i couldn't bear watching. Its not because I only like battle scenes, I just thought the were done poorly.
But hey, thats my personal opinion.
steely balls
the movie is great but it's not as good as every one said it was, people were like worshiping it, and i was expecting like the greatest movie ever but i just got another really good movie. When every one hypes it up i tend to expect alot but people just didn't shut up and i really had to see it but it turned out to be better than the first 2. But not the best movie i ever saw.
Yes exactly, I saw it before the hype machine started. It was good, but like you said worshiping it. I just felt ive already seen it, because of the first two movies. Its the same for all trilogies. Each movie might have something different but in the end, the third has nothing really special.
steely balls
exactly but it's still a damn good trilogy
True. It is better than alot of the movies today. I wont mention because people well tell me to go somewhere the sun does not shine.
Lord Soth
Screw you, the movie rocks
Just kidding. Seriously though, how can you so casualy dismiss the Lord of the Rings, one of the most ardurous and ambitious undertakings in cinematic history? I see no evidence of the story dragging in places where there is no action, it's a constantly flowing story to me. Are there any specific examples that you have?
Tired Hiker
I love Return Of The King, I saw it three times and totally thoght it was the best movie, then I went and saw Master And Commander and I thought it was way better.
Well, it might the most ardurous and ambitious project but hey, waterworld was also. I havn't read the books so I went into the movies with a clear head and i feel that the third one wasnt special at all. The fellowship of the ring i felt was alot better. The battle scenes were the same as The Two Towers but with alot more people. but it was still the same technology, so nothing new.
The answer your question about the story. There was a story but what i mean about Filler, it wasnt good. I felt that Legolas character was horrible. ex. " A diversion" line. I felt no feeling for any of them, I didnt care if they died, lived, or anything. And that the emotion between the character was fake. Thats what I felt.
Lord of the Rings as a trilogy was good. Return of the King i felt was the worst of trilogy because there was nothing new about it. Same thing over and over.
Tired Hiker
Master and Commander was bomb.
Master and Commander rocked. I loved how there were two ships actually firing at each other. It was a breath of fresh air that there was little Cgi used and that sounds and visuals were from actual boats that was made for the film. Great movie
i have to disagree with the return of the king being so great...
1. the actually movie is pretty much based of most of the second part of the book... i mean your almost an hour into the movie and frodo and samwise are finally fighting the damn spider...
2. they really ****ed up the part about frodo telling samwise to leave... i read the book and that never happened, not to say it should cause it is the movie, but the books version was ten times better than that shit!
3. the hobbits are displayed so horrible... in the finaly of the book you realize that the hobbit are strong valient creatures, in the movie they completely move away from that whole idea and never focus on the behaviors of the hobbits. which is pretty much the book gets at.
4. what about bags-end and the ex-white wizard (dont remember how to speel the name?) once again another classic lack of closure for a character. even in the second movie they dont tell you shit about what happens to him... they should have put something!
5. they could have talked more about the eagles...because if you didnt read the books (like most my friends who saw it) you whould ask the question at the end of the movie: "what the **** is up with the eagles?"
6. when frodo and samwise change into the orc clothing in the book makes sense... in the movie why both of them did... maybe jackson looking for a cheap laugh?
7. the whole Liv Tyler thing...boring....
8. i would have reall liked to see the mouth of surmon... which was gone, jsut like how the last battle scene in the movie was ADDED! jsut for the suspence factor too... wasteful!
9. jackson doesnt do too well with the timeline of the movie. if your not familiar with the books you cod hve easly thought that this journey took palce over a matter of months...not four years.
10. last but not least i dont know if this was because of the theatre screen i saw it at or what, but in the end when they are awarding the hobbits the graphics looked really chopy. not a good note to end the movie on.
these are jsut my opinions... dont get me wrong ROTK is a great movie, and jackson did an amazing job with the trilogy. but compared to the other 2 movies three was the farthest from the original book and the teh graphics didnt seem as pushed to perfection as the other movies. for action i def would give it to 3, the fight scenes were def a trip.
I completly forgot about the eagles, I remember being like that. What the hell were they, and where did they come from.
The graphics were the same as the other ones i feel. and the romance in that movie, come on, porno has better romance. Jackson should of taken the whole thing out.
I started getting bored by the end. Thats not to say its a bad film but it might be a victim of it's own success, I had a feeling of "I've seen all this before in the other two films" I was like "Just throw the f***** thing in the lava!" I enjoyed the Last Samurai and Lost in Translation more.
ME!!! I couldn't stand Lord of the Rings. Overall, it was a waste of 10 hours of my life (actually more sense I watched some on DVD w/ friends too).
Actually, I'll give a few reasons as well.
First of all, there was 6 endings. SIX!
1. On the rocks
2. On the bed
3. The ceremony
4. The wedding
5. Bilbo and the ship
6. Sam and his family
That occupied the last 30 minutes of the movie. WHAT A BORE! All they needed was the seen on the rocks and the bed and the rest of the scenes could have been saved for the real LOTR freaks that want to watch it on the uncut DVD. Sure the fanatics liked those extra scenes, but it was torture for somebody who is not a big fan.
Then I have to agree with the eagle thing. It was so random for those who don't follow. I remember sitting there and thinking "WHAT THE F*CK!?! Where'd they come from!?!"
The war ending with the ghosts was retarded as well. It didn't show them up close killing the orcs, it just showed a green fog with images of men in it flowing through the battle and it was over just like that. Didn't Gandolf even say that he doesn't really help because its the battle of man or humans or something like that? I don't know if dead men would count in that case.
I remember seeing one scene in ROTK when I actually thought something really cool and different was going to happen. That was the scene when those dragons (sorry I don't know their names) were flying around and Gandolf rode his horse towards them. He lifted his staff and I thought finally something cool from the almighty wizard. And what does he do? He shines a f*cking flashlight at them through his staff and it scared them away. RETARDED!
And finally, this part isn't too bad, but the scene when Legolas was fighting off those giant elephants. I'm just curious who else thought that looked a little too much like Star Wars. The scene was more bright when LOTR is at its best when the lighting is dark.
Exactly, people who never read the books thought that they seen everything before. (wel not everybody but a few i know)
This is funny, some people justify Return of the King to be the greatest of all time or really good is because Peter Jackson brought thier vision of the movie true. THey said, " when i read the books thats what i saw." Excuse me people but thats not a reason for a movie being good. Jurassic Park brought dinosaurs to life, why isnt that labelled as the greates movie of all time.
Well, I preferred the first two. Mind you, that is the same with the books as well.
Why couldnt Gandalf just have booked one of those big eagles to take Frodo to mount Doom in the first place?
Hahaha, because that would be way to easy.
Also, why wasn't there any guards at the entrance of Mount Doom. You think if that eye guy was such a powerful bad guy he would realized that the only thing that can kill him is the ring going into the lava?? So what does he do, leaves no guard at the door of the only thing stopping him.
Like the humans could not hold of the Orcs for 10 years because arnt the orcs just bred out of the ground??
the book defines everthing a whole lot better, and it all makes sense. but what the movie did was that bits and pieces from the book and throw them together giving to a hell of alot of confusion. what really pissed me off was that i watched the first two movie...yeah they were awesome. then i started te third and i was excited, but then they ****ing destroy the story in the book and they start ****ing around with the timeline. what sucks is that is the last installment, so no matter how i look at it im always gonna remember the last hour of the third movie and remember what i didnt like. just sucks that they couldnt go through all this ****ing up i nthe second.
oh yeah...still a good movie!
I was a fan of the original Hobbit cartoon movie (1977), and also The
Lord of the Rings cartoon movie (1978). I always wonder what it would be like to see this with live actors. When I heard PJ was goin to do it I was very skeptical, but when I first saw the first scenes of the Fellowship of the ring I was amaze by the beauty it posess. I was delighted to see Tolkien work transform into a movie. I continue to have that feeling in The Two Towers and Return of the King.
So far I've seen that many of you don't find the Return of the King very fascinating. Well, that is your opinion, and I won't be explaining why I liked so much. You didn't like it? Fine! Just don't call it a "waste of time" "overrated" "too much hype" because honestly PJ work his back in order to get this project done! Nearly 7 years of his life were spend working on this film, so that it could provide fans of a new generation the works of Tolkien! You don't like the film? Then don't bother to watch it! Nobody is forcing you to go see it!!
I am not saying he didnt work to make these films. I understand that the films was alot of work. He worked 7 years, so would any director who was making 3 movies. They would probably work around 7 years for three movies
Just because he worked, doesnt mean we cant say it was too much hype. And as overrated, we have every right to say that. If this was another director with another movie, everybody who would love Lord of the Rings and didnt like that movie, they would say that same thing.
i totally argee. the hype with this movie was jsut as bad as the matrix... and the same conclusion
Lord Soth
Augh, I have to agree with you there.....Legolas was terrible. I mean, sure he could kick ass, but he has no clue how to f**king talk. Terrible character (my sister hates me for thinking this, but really, she only likes him cuz he's eye candy)
Yah it was horrible, a mime could be better.
Gandalf was good, Aragon (misspelled i know) was good, Gimli had nothing at all going for him.
they always forget teh short bastards....
i agree with the elephant scene, although it was still pretty cool. but it did lose the LOTR feel and picked up a star crap one.
i don't see how they can make it better, It done for!!! Well it was the best movie since titanic!!! or like 5 years!! End of desscion and it was much less overhyped then matrix. I was overhyped and still loved it, many people were overhyped and came out happy, so if it can do that
means its good.
Moving to LOTR forum.
why was this moved here??? I loved that movie and all you are dissing it. Thats gonna make some people here mad
I don't think moving this thread here was a good idea.
I'm already feeling kinda angry. Look: Fans come here. I'm going to ignore this though, cuz I don't want to get on the bad side of a mod. But...ERG. *tries to control self*
There is already a thread for those that didn't like ROTK in this forum. It died a long time ago,bringing this one here, is like a repetitive topic.
yes. Dont dis ROTK or anything LOTR related in this forum!!!!!!1 THis is for teh fans ro LOTR, not the haters. and if a mod doesnt close this soon i'm gonna get really mad
not a smart move
some one please delete or move this before i have a break down *trys to control anger. takes deep breathes*
I gtg. keep yelling at this thread
Everyone can think whatever they want about RotK, but I don't think this is really a good place to talk about how you don't like it unless your whole point is to make a lot of people really mad.
It was in some other place, Movie Discussion, I think, but a mod moved it. And made us mad. *takes deep breath* I hope I don't get on the bad side of the mod...
Do not try and set limits about who this place is for. So long as the comments are fairly and sensibly stated, people can criticise the movie if they so wish. Do not be so hostile.
Ushgarak> Yes, it was very wrong to have said something like "set limits on who this place is for". There has been 3 threads that can be consider a place to criticize ROTK. Here is what I found:
Maybe not the first link but the other two are places where ppl can express their opinions on why they didn't like ROTK. This is just another repetitive thread don't you think?
It was opened in Movie Discussion and none of those other threads were in any way still extant so no I do not. Considering how many pro-Lotr threads that have been opened up over time I think it is a bit bloody rich to complain.
I do not want to see any more talk abouit how this place is 'only' for people who liked the films. That is NOT so- it is for people who want to talk about them, good or bad. If that makes some angry- I suggest you do not let that out on the threads because that can be considred flaming. The thread was sensibly worded, it was relevant, and all similar threads are long dead.
If you do not like this thread- ignore it. But do not think you have the wherewithall to try and dispose of it.
Keep this on-topic now- further complaints about this thread are not welcome.
Like Ush said this is a LOTR forum. Its to talk about LOTR whether you like the movie or not and that is why it was moved here. Deal with it. Remember bashing is not allowed.
I liked the books so much that the movies were just not as good, I wouldn't go so far as to say that I didn't like them, but I just like the books so much more that I read them instead of watching the movies over and over like some people...
that's basically all I can say un-bashingly
I thought the movies progressed and got better after each one, and my least favorite I'd have to say was FotR simply because it was absolutely choppy, (to my opinion) and I think the worst moment of FotR was Galadriel's transformation, (it was a bit overdone) and Boromir's horn....( that a horn?) .
But I think RotK definately made up for both FotR and it's own.
shadow link
AS IF IT WAS AS HYPED AS THE MATRIX AND HAD SAME CONCLUSION HOW DARE U SAY THAT. matrrix was hyped heaps and didnt meat expectations whereas rotk had a bit of hype (maybe same as last 2 combined but not as much as reloaded) and people were deffinately satisfied, as if its -NOT THAT GOOD- ITS THE BEST MOVIE EVER -I MEAN HELL WHAT MORE DO U WANT
big gay kirk
In my opinion, FOTR was quite good, TT was ok, and most of ROTK was boring. There wa stoo much emphasis on the battles and effects, and not enough on the important bits... Scouring of the Shire is probably THE most important part of the book! Cutting it out made the whole thing a nonsense. I actually fell asleep in ROTK, which is not something I do often. Best film of this year so far I think is Touching the Void... no battles, no big FX, no big budget, but gripping in a way that ROTK was not...
I thought FotR was the weakest one because it was really choppy.
Well in my opinion FotR was absolutely brilliant, TTT was absolutely brilliant and RotK was absolutely brilliant!!!!! FotR is just a classic as obviously it was the first one, TTT is brilliant although my least favourite(which no way means i dont like it, just last in my favourite order) and RotK was just a great finish!! The best of all three
the first time i went to fotr my friend asked me to go with him(i didn't know anything about the story)
i went with him and 2 hours later i was amazed.It was brilliant!!!
The same goes for TTT and ROTK
love lotr .. not much to say
If we didn't, why would we be here?
Here's my input on this:
When anything, even a film, is so well liked and received by a majority of people, it is inevitable that the self-perceived social malcontent will animatedly dislike it for that reason alone.
This movie is being raved about everywhere, by critics and the mass population (a rare thing) and you're always hearing about it. I think that is why some people who didn't like it that much thinks it's not as good as they expected, thus, they thinks it's overrated. But for me and many others who loved the movie, we do not think it is overrated but that it is instead getting the attention that it rightly deserves. If this movie was hyped less than it is now, I would call that extreme underrating.
But anyway, all that really matters is what you think of it. You obviously didn't like the movies as much as millions of others, and millions of others obviously liked them better than you. It doesn't matter to millions of others if you liked them or not, so it shouldn't matter to you that they did and you didn't.
kiy fotr kicked ass....choppy...well you would have too make it choppy....who is going to go sit for four hours for fotr...
people would have for rotk or TTT because they loved fotr.....
for fotr there wwas no 'build up' to make people who hadnt read the books go to see it
the only bits i dislike in the movie are the battle scenes...don't like blood.......and the fact the had missed out the killing of saurman by grima wormtongue.....
Yeah but when I was watching it, it really seemed choppy but watching the EE really helped and I still love FotR but it isn't my favorite. The appearance of sauron made up for that.
When I first saw it in the theatre, I loved it. By the time I got to the car, I was disappointed with it. Now that it's a few months later, I really don't care for it. The scenes are great, but overall they missed so much from the books. I originally went to go see "The Fellowship of the Ring" to get pissed off. Though I can't say that the movies were that bad, I can say that they screwed up a lot of things. I love the special effects and costumes. They got most of the story right. They could have tried to be more accurate with them though. I would have definately changed Arwen's role. She got a handful of paragraph's in the books. Now she's a major character? There are a few other things I would have added and/or changed.
shadowy_blue, the reason i didnt like it has nothing to do with being popular, it was more that i felt ive seen it before, and it was quite boring.
But people do care if i didnt like it, or people wouldnt complain why this thread is in the Lord Of the Rings forum. They cant stand if people didnt love what they say is the greatest movie of all time.
btws, i take back everything i said on this thread before
i hate reading back my old, stupid posts
OK. Quite clear now. I'm not really mad at those people who didn't like it because they think it's boring or they didn't like the storyline or they're just not fans of fantasy. It's all personal preference. I can do nothing about it. Even if I order someone to kill you now, it wouldn't change the fact that you didn't like the movie for it's story and its impact on you. What pisses me off are those people that hates the movies just for the sake of hating it just so they could be unique because almost everyone like/love the movies. You know..those hypocrite people who tell others that the movie sucks but deep inside, they actually like it so very much they can't freakin' wait when it will come out on DVD.
I could say that I could. Like I said, it's all personal preference. For me, it is indeed the greatest movie of all time, but I do not expect everyone to view the movie as I do.
I can stand that not all people like it, what I can't stand are most of their ridiculous reasons (including "they changed this, and they removed that, blah, blah..", "it's not the same as the book", etc.).
i understand, its the same things about Quentin Terantino movies, they hate them because he is popular and labelled as a great director.
I also understand on where people didnt like the movie because of what Peter Jackson did/did not. But I cant stand people who think its the greatest movie of all time purely on the fact that it's what they visoned the story would be. That is no reason for a movie to be great, because they're is a crap load of other movies in that same category.
For Example, the Dune mini series made Dune's world come to life...but its not the greatest movie(s) of all time. Same with any war movie out there.
did anyone liked, the lord of the rings the return of the king i did i have the moive on dvd i. really liked it i will check back with you to see if someone saw my message, will im fixing to go now i talk to you later bye for now.
from: your friend missnikitia.
Thór Vór
yup have to agree with suro...terrible film
Agent Elrond
worst movie ever
i mean- it was just so---bad.
never catch me on a lotr forum liek people who liked the films do.
i don't even know why they made such a plotless no story worse acting movie in the first place...
Agent Elrond
I mean Hollywood made 3 sucky movies. Why?
In my opinion the film was plain evil, so full of symbolism and metaphors. And it was so rassistic!!
I really wonder how such a film can still be produced nowadays.
And now they make such a fuss about it and write books with like 1000 pages and invent languages and whatnot - hey, it's just a stupid movie!
ok, three now ... I hate movies where the producers think they have to add a second and a third one, theyre SO unnecessary! Probably theyl invent some precursor now to have a reason to make just another film
and there actually seem to be some real fans who spend half of their day discussing with others all those shallow characters and everything
pitiable creatures, they really have no life.
Really, I wonder why I ever came to this forum
Agent Elrond
*wonders y I'm here too*
I heard some Tolkien guy actually wanted to write a book verison
Agent Elrond
I heard that they want to make a prequel.
A book? Of this shallow bit of escapism for reality-distanced fantasyfanatics??
A Prequel?!?
Silly and moralless commercialism.
i can't even begin to wonder about those so called fans who name themselves after a character in the's really all about the money and the self respecting movie would ever do that...jeeeez
Thór Vór
*cough* merge *cough*
a prequel
probably when that bilbo guy gets the ring.
i bet they throw cameos in
gandalf and gollum probably
Thór Vór
yea and that dwarf from moria whos tomb gets smashed by the troll
bet he will be in it too
Agent Elrond
will that wixard be back? He's annoying
I think the whole movie itself was a rip off to Star Wars...
The names... omg they were SO stupid!! Just meaningless syllables, and the creators werent even creative enough to invent different ones, they're all the same, like Aragorn - Argenath ... or Sorron - Sarraman!!
And they're all so ugly, absolutely no linguistic feeling behind them or anything, just nearly unconnected sounds one after the other
And they couldnt even think of any proper ending, they just made everything explode and then let everybody sail away somewhere over the ocean...
By the way, I always wondered - where did this strange guy from the first scenes disappear to, the one who had the Ring? Why does he have the same name as the weird red eye in the third movie?
The special effects were also horrible... the horses in the battle looked so computeranimated!!! And those vampire-like bats the Dark Riders had
totally wrong proportions and all.
Did anybody notice that all the characters were copied from HP??
Agent Elrond
yeah. Almost anything is better than LotR
i heard frodo was based on meatloaf
Would have rescued us from another stupid hollywood blockbuster and solved a lot of problems.
I almost cringed at the looked as if the two hobbits were gonna that a subversive hint or what???
yeah-what was his name sour one? the sour one? why was he so sour?
no background info at all
and that big red eye- he really should put some cream on that thing
smoking and too much coffee will do that to you...
i think he was called sourpuss or i didn't know magneto was in it...
I cant believe people actually obsess about creatures of said Eagles
why did they make the films so long, you only had to wait longer for suicide calls!
This film to me was ok. But that is it. I felt like I was watching LOTR:TTT all over again except this one had ghosts and elephants in it. It was the same story line for both TTT and ROTK. A band of people gang up to fight off an overwhelmingly larger army. Then they are about to die but then reinforcements come and fight off the enemy army except in ROTK another wave of enemies and reinforcements came. Also there is one part that I don't understand. When the Witch King or something like that went into battle, I thought it was immortal. But that woman and Merry took it out like a *****. (In which she said a catch phrase that is so horrible that I am not going to say it here.) But overall the action was ok but it relied to much on the audience saying "Oooo look how big that is." or "Ooooo look how many people are in that army." The falling action was way to long also. Well overall it was an ok movie, not award worthy in my opinion. If there is anything I missed or misunderstood in this film then please reply and tell me. Overall I thought it was a 6.5/10.
the movie was great, but what i think got everybody to think it was super outstanding was it winning 11 oscars, which i think the trillogy deserved, i may have been a fraction overrated but just a fraction.
^^you two are a bit serious...aren't we???
*sits and stares at this thread* not going to comment to the ones who are dissing my favorite film (above all, MY FAVORITE TRILOGY) I want to say it short sweet and straight to the point, i loved ROTK, it has to be my favorite one out of all three, its just...amazing, the whole trilogy itself is amazing, rotk was exciting, breathtaking, emotional, brilliant, incredible and it totally deserved 11 awards, and all the awards its been getting! I could keep going on, but ill spare you having to read a long post, because my typing seems to run away with me when talking about rotk, and the trilogy
Definetly a amazing film...and trilogy!
yeah, this got quite old quite fast
i loved rotk and the other two it is sertain parts of rotk that i disliked ... not cuz they were crap just cuz they were grooss
rotk - good
5000 word essay - bad
essay? whats it with you and your noblest off-topic posts
but yeah it was a great film, but I did decide a while ago it wasn't the best film I have ever seen
I honestly have to say it was Forrest Gump, ask cheeky sauron
forrest gump???
attack of the killer tomatos was awesome!!!
i dontthink sauron liked it very much compared to the books
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