Dead characters?

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Schizo Freak
Hey guys vote on the characters that you miss the most or you think died for a good reason. ok well thnx!

sad I really missed Boromir sad

I'm the first one! I feel special


i always wonder what would've happened if boromir would have lived

If you guys really know me, I think you know who I voted for. wink


Lord Soth
Theoden, he was one of my favorite characters

I voted Boromirbig grin I missed him the mostsad But Witch King is always in my mind lolwink

Gollum had the most productive death by far! someone had to die the destroy the ring because it was too powerful for anyone to drop it in... maybe if it slipped and went flying in, but I think Gollum had the most productive death after the most useless life, he seriously needed to die at some point, and I don't miss him...

Boromir!!!!!! *sobs* "My king..."


poor Haldir! no-one cares about him but me!

WITCH KING! awgr!!! But I also miss Boromir a lot sad no

Boromir: I just respect his bravery and determination - he was suffering during the quest, and yet, he still made the right choice in the end. He saved Merry and Pippin, taking his own life in the process...

But also, I think the death of Denethor is very sad. Despite his cruel words and doings, they weren't all from his own mind. He was influenced - I just think it is the most tragic thing when you think that one child is not worth loving.

i miss boromir the most...he died protecting the hobbits which WAS a good reason...if the two stupid little hairy things had only ran..intead of tried to kill some orcs...and just got caught

and haldir didnt deserve to die...he wasnt even supposed to be there sad

and also gollum....he NEEDED to die


*is very VERY angry now*


This dress is also lovely - I want some Eowyn dresses!!!

Wooops, huge image - sorrysmile

councilofelrond-pix cant be hotlinked wink its forbidden...

AND, I've just posted it in the wrong thread - oh my goodnes, I think I have finally lost it COMPLETELY! I'm sorry, I'll go back to the mental home...

*slaps wrists* ....sorry, Exasad

well sorry...but they were stupid at that moment.......werent they confused someone just died to save you run (and jump!) into your captures arms.......

plus they are little

they are heairy :P

Nooooo! Only hairy in the right places - I LOVE their hairy little feet and their mop of...lovely...shiny...curls...*goes into her own fantasy world of Merry and PIp* *sighs*

lol yes big grin as lovely as it may be...its still hair stick out tongue which makes em hairy

Hmph!stick out tongue


big grin ok then.....those insanely clever unhairy smooth as a babys bottom that has just been waxed and shaved by the finest craftsmen in the land hobbits laughing out loud

That's bettersmile Although, I like them being hairy - just not TOO


those incredibly cunning hobbits who got a dgree in cunnung and are now head proffesor of cunning at oxford univerity of cunning shaven by an idiot with a rather aggresive electrical razor until they are not too hairy but just right for camellia

LOL! Heeheehee! I missed Blackadder yesterdaysad

big grinbig grin i have em all on i know basically every line lol stick out tonguestick out tongue

lol... wasnt there an other thread about that stick out tongue

yes lol there was but blackadder spreads wide out over the lands big grinbig grinbig grinbig grin

Witcy!!!! BUt i also miss boromir. He died saving Pippin, which makes him rock 2ce as much smile

Haldir, Rest in Peace...

in the book i really missed Theoden. he was such a good king.

in the movie.. i miss Haldir. sad

Yeah, Boromir death was sad, but at least he died fightin. sad

I'm betting with most people who think about the books more than the movies it's because in the books he's not really dead, so it's hard to think of it that way. For me at least.

haldir is the most missed person for me i thought he ws the coolest lol

ARE YOU SERIOUS!!?? i just ordered like 5 books, da hobbit,all 3 LoTr and the silmarillion..i think haldir was great does he live in the books? big grin

Yup. Otherwise I would've voted for him. And you quoted moi! YAY! I feel kinda...special now... big grin

The only reason I'm upset it because they killed him off in the film. He wasnt supposed to die!

Although, I never really thought about Haldir when I read the books, it was only when I watched the film that I thought he was a really good character. in the books, I preferred Glorfindel

lol, when you get there tell them I will be along shortly,

anyways I am still the utter bit confused of when Elrond and Galandrial are saying that the quest will claim frodos live....and yet it doesnt!

Boromir - pretty much because he died with honor after being struck as the guy who tried to steal the ring!

Discos - and not because he is so "human" lol

I voted for witchy!!! * dances in a circle for witchy!!* - cuz he is just soooo awsome !!

one problem with the list tho - the dead army isn't there *crys*

mmm....the dead army cant be counted as "dead" characters, they are much alive as they are dead....

Discos - gets confused and doesnt care

true .. but they are called the "dead army" and they do "dissapear" in rotk .. basically dieing .. right?

I suppose, good argument here,

They wern't actually dead, just cursed

true.. but they kinda "died " in the end .. u know!

ah good point, so yes they should have a spot in the poll but since 60mins has been passed since the thread started (long time ago lol), we cant do squat about it

Lord Soth
Why is everyone picking Boromir? He died by his own fault for trying to take the ring! What about poor Theoden?!?!

uuhh...he died not because of trying to take the Ring. He died because of saving Merry and Pippin as best as he could. A noble and a very heroic act. He redeemed himself and still considered as a hero to his end. Why wouldn't we vote for him?

While Theoden's death is heart-wrenching indeed, Boromir's death and the character itself just hold more candles in our hearts. wink

Theodens death wasnt very special, he was assembling a line for the mamikul and the witchking came crashing down on him, the horse suffered more than Theoden.

I agree the one swift wosh would have been ultimate pain, I say he at least broke boke his legs twice over

Lady Bri
Why have only 3 people voted for Theoden! That was so sad, when he died.

It was more sad when Boromir died!! When Sean Bean could no longer play a current-time existing Boromir! *sobs*

*sobs* Haldir!!!!!!! no0o0o0o0o0o0o0

Lord Soth
No, he died because he was guilty about trying to take the ring. Even though that wasn't the direct cause, it was a factor.

I still think poor Theoden's death was much sadder, because he was so calm at the end, it was really sad.... crybaby

sorry Lord Soth but I dont actually see what you're getting at, even if he didnt try and take the ring I am sure the same outcome would have came - him protecting the hobbits.

The ring had squat to do with it

You said it, it wasn't the cause, and it wasn't a factor either. Let's say Boromir never tried to take the Ring from Frodo, Boromir will still go and protect Merry and Pippin from the enemies, and that will be the cause of his death. And that definitely has got nothing to do with the Ring. I get what you are saying that he was guilty and so he wanted to redeem himself, therefore, he have to save Merry and Pip, but I don't think so, he saved Merry and Pippin not because he's guilty and not because he wanted to redeem himself, but because he's a good man and truly cared for the Hobbits. smile

i miss boromir the most. he was cool. but so was haldir and theoden...o well i still voted for boromir!

Lord Soth
You and Discos have agood point and all, but I still think Theoden's death was the saddest

I didn't really like Boromir,I don't know why,or maybe I do....I voted for Smeagol/Gollum,he was a funny character,obviously not deserving,but I missed him because he was funny,or maybe I should have voted for Theoden.....Thinking about it now,I wouldn't want Smeagol to come back,what was I thinking.....?Oh well,I should've voted for Theoden...I better stop typing before I overthink this even more.

Wait,maybe I should've voted for Boromir,that post above really makes me think....Considering I am a Pippin-freak,and all.....err.....

Oh,whatever,I should've voted for Boromir,even though Theoden's death was the saddest...I mean who would want to have their father die in their arms after protecting him by sneaking into war and killing the Witch King of Agmar.....MUST STOP TYPING*holds hand back*

Mayeb I should've voted for Denethor because well his life was tragic, the way he died in the books was better though, bruning to a crisp on his Steward chair. smile

Don't you mean uncle? lol smile

I been meaning to ask a question about Boromir death. Did Frodo ever found out that he died defending Merry and Pippin?

Couldn't vote for two, but I voted for Theoden... he died fighting for mankind and for his Eowyn... but Boromir was very brave, like a male Joan of Arc, getting up and fighting after being shot so many times!

I voted for the witch king
Favourite character!!!!
Witchy rulezzzz

yes he did, remember in the movie when they are captured by Faramir and his men Faramir explains his brother had died

Discos - not entirely sure if he knew he died defending the other 2 hobbits

Yes you are very correct. I remenber Sam telling Faramir how Boromir tried to take the ring from Frodo. What makes me puzzle is if Frodo was told by anyone that Boromir redeem himself before his death.

he would have been told after the war of the ring, knowing him he would have asked ulimited questions to Gandalf and whatnot

Inwë Nólatári
Theoden's death was so sad, even though everyone thinks Boromir was sad..he was sort of evil...if he haden't died, that would have just been one more person who wanted the ring...
HEY SCHIZO!!!!this is Soth's sister!!!!

I loved/hated that scene where Haldir died. I loved it because it captivated me, and I stared at it the whole time, but I hated it because it was so sad! sad The music and the visuals were both equally disheartening and made the scene so dramatic. Phoenix, I care about him too! Even 5 days after I've seen it, 3 days after I saw it last, I'm still thinking about it. So sad... sad

Mine to, especially in the book. They made him wimpy in the movie rather. sad

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