Similarities and Differences

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What do you think are the biggest similarities and differences between the books and the films?

Or even small ones... wink It doesn't have to be huge things, like Tom Bombadil!

I started re-reading The Lord of the Rings Trilogy for the who-knows-how-many time, and I noticed that PJ has actually used A LOT of dilogue straight from the book... go PJ!

BIG difference: Faramir

what about him in particular?

Oh, and of course, Shelob's lair - different film to the 'part' in the book (TTT >>> ROTK), Sam doesn't leave in the book and Frodo gets stung in the back of the neck in the book instead....still thought the scene was brilliantly done though!!!

Faramir: kinder and forgiving in the books, not so influenced, comments on how he would not even dare to take the Ring. Whereas, in the film, less forgiving/understanding - takes him a LONG time to realise that the Ring cannot help Gondor.

In the film, he is a lot more like Boromir than in the book -- he is nearly as corrupted by the Ring's power

I thought Frodo was a biggie... In the books, he knows loads abut the Elves, he's in his fifties, he can look after himself... In the movies he falls down a lot and you just wanna pick him up and cuddle him! big grin

LOL! YES! I'd forgotten about that!!!

I thought it was good that they left in the elvish whilst in Shelob's Lair though! (You know, the Elbereth verse)

I never read the books in school...but i happened upon the movie one day while channel surfing....Now I am hooked on the movies...

Most times the differences are detail and how well the producer can put your imagination on the screen. Happy Dance beer

Have to go - Sunday Roast! Byebye! *waves*

big grin me too soon... tho veggie, so its more like Sunday Ready Meal! laughing out loud

I think the biggest difference is having the Elves come to Helms Deep instead of maybe a dozen to Minas Tirith, and I actually favor the movie version of that(except the fact that Haldir dies). Because it shows that the elves are more connected to Men then what really shows.

Faramir was portrayed a bit differently but not much, in the TTT: EE I wish they left the part in where Boromir announces the claim over Osgiliath, that showed more of Faramir's inner character, I think.

Tom Bombadil as the Witch King, that rocks rock

BIGGIE -- No Sackville-Bagginses!

I really missed the beginning that was in the books, more of the friendship of Merry and Frodo, the day after Bilbo leaves, the Old Gaffer, the Conspiracy of Sam, Merry, and Pippen. I also missed the conversation of Frodo and Gildor and along with the Old Forrest, i really missed the Barrow Downs!!!!!! That would have been the best to see!!!!!

I also think that there is a significant differance in Legolas, nothing so outright that i can put my finger on but I he gives off a diff. ora in the books than in the movie.....

And of course the expantion of Arwen and Eowyn, neither one I disagree w/. I enjoied both story lines being expanded.

Hhmm...these are just a few:

Aragorn -- he was ready to assume the Kingship from the get-go. Anduril gets reforged before he leave Rivendell, and he carries it during the rest of the tale.

Boromir -- we see more of his good side in the movie(s).

Arwen -- she doesn't really appear at all in the tale, except at the scene in Rivendell, at the end, and in the appendices. In the movie however he took Glorfindel's role and horse. I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet. stick out tongue

Gamling -- in the books, he is Gamling the Old, in charge of the garrison at Helm's Deep, and died there. In the movie he became Theoden's first and second Marshal. I can't believe he came out as more important than Eomer in the movie.

Faramir -- much more noble and truehearted in the books, though I understand and actually liked his changes in the movie. No complaints here.

Denethor -- sort of. He isn't completely gone in grief and madness when he is 1st seen in the book, but he does get there. And in the book, his madness has mostly got to do with the Palantir, in the movie however, we didn't see him having the palantir, though we probably will in the EE.

The Ents---in the book, they already knew what was going on, they already knew that the trees near Isengard are being hacked down and destroyed, they did had the Ent Moot to decide what exactly are they gonna do, when are they gonna assault, etc. In the movie however, they didn't had any clue whatever happened to those trees, they had the Ent Moot to decide whether or not they are going to fight or not. It even took Pippin to trick Treebeard to go southwards to pass through Isengard so that Treebeard could see those destroyed trees.

Legolas ----uuhhh, in the book, he's more low-profile, he's a great warrior but not too over the top. Legolas in the movie shoots arrows like a machine gun and never seems to miss, they made him alot better for the movie in the point of view of the others. I still like him better in the book.

Prince Imrahil was left out of ROTK:TE. he brought the Army Of The Silver Swan from Dol Amroth, in the South of Gondor to the aid of Minas Tirith and the retaking of Osgiliath.

Gimli was portrayed very comical throughout the movie, though there was some seriousness in him when they were passing through Moria and The Paths of the Dead, in the book he has many more moments of being grave or serious but his character turned out great in the end anyway, so it wasnt so bad in the end.

uuhhh, I know this is Exa's favorite..LOL...laughing But the dead in the books are grey, not green. big grin

In the book, the Hobbits went first to Cricket Hollow and they had Fatty Bolger with them. I also liked that fellow, I kept on wondering at the rest of the tale what if he went along with the 4 Hobbits and never went back home, would he be one of the Fellowship too and be one of the heroes at the end. At the movie however, he was completely ditched out.

Farmer Maggot invited Frodo, Sam and Pippin for tea after Maggot sent a black rider off his land.

Those are all I could think of at the moment. big grin

Do you actually know anyone who's read the books at school? I'm not sure if that would be a good or a bad thing, because some teachers have a way of making good books bad, but to have to read LotR would be great!

I think everyone has already gotten most of the changes I cared about, so I won't bother saying them again. big grin

Yes there were FotR: EE

Oh..I just realized this..I meant Crickhollow in my first post. Not Cricket Hollow. laughing

I haven't seen it yet.... sad

Didn'y have enough money... Big bro said he'd get me the Box set for chrimbo tho! big grin

Muwahahah the EE's are excellent.

Indeed, i love the documentaries, u learn so much

Cannot spell today!!

well, my best friend is back from uni in a month, and she just got the EE's so she said she'd lend them to me! big grin

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