Which is Best US Soap???

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Okay, these are the US Soaps. Which do you think is best??

Personally, I can't STAND Passions. It is soooooo annoying to see Luis and Sheridan, who have been apart for 5 years!!

And General Hospital has just gone down. It is now, Sonny's Hospital, which is so annoying.

Don't get me started on All My Children. This stupid Baby Switch story has got to be the Stupidest thing this show has ever done.

Bold and the Beautiful .. . who talks about it anymore?? The Forresters arent' even alive cuz they've got this stupid Moron family. Dumb.

Can't understand Days Of Our Lives. . . It's just too confusing. Everyone's alive, they're trapped on an island, yet someone, Roman carried Marlena to the Island?? I just don't care anymore.

I live in australiabig grinbig grinbig grinbig grin

Friends. Its a soap, not a comedy.

Passions is truly awful. Terrible special effects, laughable storylines, appalling acting. What's really disturbing is the fact this show made it onto the air in the first place and that some people, somewhere, must take it seriously. It sucks it an incredibly bad way. sick sick sick

As for the others - either they don't get them here, or I don't watch them. I used to watch Bold & the Beautiful, but have given up.

I totally agree with you. Passions is a JOKE.
Sheridan will NEVER get her baby back. And she will NEVER be with LUis becuz the writers are sooo stupid.

umm friends is NOT a soap...it is comedy....sit-COM

Nope, its a soap in disguise as a comedy.

ok thats a dumb reason

And if they can't think of a vaguely credible storyline... well, that's okay, let's just bring in the mystic Blue Mist, or the fake Charity, or a living doll that always talks about himself in the third person. Mmm, yes.

I don't think anyone really gives a hoot about Luis and Sheridan anymore, anyway. In my opinion, they, all the other characters and the writers should be strangled immediately.

Maybe, but I view it as more of a soap opera with all the drama of their relationships and them switching partners so often. Its set up like a sit-com but it made it big because of its drama. Therefore I don't view it as a comedy even though it does have some comedy. Its just my opinion.

now i get'cha wink

i watch days of our lives . ihave for 16 years . however , if it doesnt start making since & soon thats gonna free up an hour during the day that i could be doing somethingelse . i watched passions in the begining but its so stupid . i cant stand it . i only tried it out becuase my favorite soap , another world , used to come on in that time slot . i miss another world but all good thing must come to an end .

Totally agreed!!
I mean, Evil Chairity, Chairity posessed by the pendant, stupid!! How much more do they want us to take!!!
I'm glad she's getting off the show!!

Stupid Luis and Sheridan is dumb. I could care less if they get back together. THey will never get their baby back, so who cares??

Anotonio is getting off the show!! WHoo! (but I still won't watch it)
If he says, "My Wife" one more time, I'll scream.

shake zula
where's irish spring?

um, isn't that a European soap opera?? Sorry, these are Americans.

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