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Dark princess
HI I was bored so ya are you a virgin

"virgin" roll eyes (sarcastic)

get bent

spelled virgin, change while you can


wow, 3 corrections before anyony knew what was going on

i have 4 duaghters . does that answer your question ?

nope embarrasment


define "sorta" messed

btw, niiiice sig shel

Dark princess
Shellie how old are you?

Dark princess
Sorta =have it but not


WOW, yea im still a virgin! wink angel

what do mean by 'sorta'

thanx snipe . link made it for me .

im 30 D p .

30 is fine yes

yep, still a virgin angel

Gravity Kills
Me, nope

Darth Revan


strange, i know your vote, cuz only 1 number changed stick out tongue

what you laughing at big grin


Dark princess
I'm not

good for you

hahahaha laughing

ok no expression

I'm still a virgin big grin

Keanu is mine no expression


*hugs back*

^sig drool

In case anyone's wondering...yea, I'm a virgin thumb up

I was a virgin until I was 27, had a few good years of sex, got someone pregnant, and she aborted my baby, so now I am a virgin again!!!

be careful kids!! always wear protection, and especially never never never have sex with a pyschotic, crackwhore, stripper ****!!! confused

ok, wait... you can have sex with her (EVERYONE ELSE HAS!!!!!!!!) just don't ever ever ever tell her you love her!!! sad mad

(because I DO, dammit! leave her alone!!!) eek! cool Happy Dance

let that be clear to all


big grin


whats sorta mean lol? stick out tongue

Darth Revan
man whore stick out tongue

get bent
i am

btw , what the hell does sorta mean ? roll eyes (sarcastic)

dunno, i figure it means almost, like you're not inexperienced, but you haven't had sex yet... you've done other things

tested equipment but havent played the entire feild then .

yea wink

Dark princess

understood .

Dark princess

Royal Knight

snipe did you ever answer the question ? i didnt notice or did i over look it ?

virgin till death.


probably like secodn base A.K.A. jsut the chest or something like that.

when i had sex with my first girlfriend i was 16 and we got tested for diseases. we were both clean.

if kids are gona do this go get tested.

before i bang a chick i have myself get tested and her tested because i dont want her or myself to get aids or hiv.

awww crap! I didn't read the question...i thought we were in the illegal drug thread. Son of a b**tch. Well for the record i'm not a virgin...and yes...drugs are my friend yes

Dude your 19 You are still a kid. So dont call us kids. roll eyes (sarcastic)

19 is actually adult angel.

why dont you call the police and ask if 18 and older is adult age.

You are one year over the age limit. YOu barely have any experience to you. Don't be a moron and realize that half of the population of the world is older than you and in there eyes, your a kid.

for a kid yourself you have a big mouth.

maybe you should try and grow up and not bash on people.

it'll cause you trouble

oy... peeps, CHILL!

lta.. that's you, eh?

I guess that means your still a child roll eyes (sarcastic)

Personally what makes you think I would take "advice" from a THUG that screwed my dead mother?

im the thug that killed your mother. i didnt screw her.

you spelled Tramp wrong in your sig happy

whps. thanx wink

you're welcome happy

Thats personal information no

I've done a few things, but no insertion, and I WON'T be doin insertion for a LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG TIME!

loverly no expression

Isn't it all?

Unless I get fleshlight! laughing laughing laughing


going down on chicks ain't too shabby! big grin

Daisy Duke


no am i am not

Hell ya! big grin

I'm still a virgin. I'm a wait till your married kinda person.

Can i ask a question...and i don't want to upset anyone with this...but what's the point in waiting until you're married?

What if they're like really bad at performing? do those people ever take the time to consider what a bad sex life does to a marriage?

Just wondering...

By marriage most people think the other will tell everything, and you don't have to worry about being left over bad sexual performance, and you could learn together I suppose. roll eyes (sarcastic)

That's admirable in my books thumb up

Daisy Duke

There are books you know yes

But seriously a doctor told me this once, if both partners wait till marriage, their sex life will be richer, and last longer. This was at a school assembly about chastity till marriage yes

You know, not all people's values and morals come from the Bible stick out tongue

Daisy Duke
i know

mine dont

Linkalicious there's no real proof then.

Experience is the best teacher. I read a book on flying planes...doesn't mean I'm a pilot.

I know this, i learned more from my 2nd partner than I ever learned from my first. And i learned even more from my 3rd partner than i did from my 1st and 2nd combined. Some people are just better at it than others...and i even broke out the hand cuffs on girl #1 evil face

Cushy Tushy?
i'm a virgin

i aint

Some people don't wanna go down the path of not knowing who or what no expression their partner has been with I suppose erm

Don't get me wrong, I'm not preaching "Chastity is the only way to go!" here, just for me personally, if it happens that I'm a virgin till marriage, I'm all for it, if not, what can you do happy

Plus I don't plan on marrying till at least 30, so there is very very very very.......

........very little hope whistle

And the handcuff thing Link, you lost your virginity with handcuffs invovled eek!
Very daring stick out tongue

Well put Irene, and I've officially decided to not bother with trying to have drunken sex, so I'll just do whatever, and if I wait until marriage, then that's what I do I guess.

I applaud that John, there's not many people who would turn down a quick sex romp if they had the chance nowadays erm

yah, sorry to go attacking you on that one. I just don't think that most people should feel that marriage is an obligation before they lose their virginity. I see virginity to be more or less one of those "1st person i fell in love with" type ordeals.

That way you can atleast look forward to dating in life...without thinking everyone you go for has to be "the one."

You won't know the one until they fulfill all aspects of your desires. Be it mental, emotional, or physical.

and i didn't lose them with handcuffs, but they got thrown into the mix about 2 months in. Too bad someone picked the lock on the door to walk in on us....that was embarassing. embarrasment


What's a quick sex romp, when you all could be drunk, and none of you have protection, or you wake up with an STD, personally it's even more drama then I deal with daily?

And you do whatever you choose, either way I'll applaud you, just as long as you keep your defenses up just incase of course.

And I've had my chances for a quick sex romp, but it just seemed foolish to have sex with the girl, in the environment, the situation, and that I just didn't want to because I didn't like her, and I could of on another situation...but it didn't seem fair for either of us in the environment, and I had no protection, and I wasn't playing "chance" with that.

It wasn't an attack laughing out loud

Marriage may not be an obligation, but some people see it as sweetening the deal. If you love someone enough to give well your body to them, then shouldn't they love you enough to want to spend time/life with you.

The thing is if you lose your virginity early in life, you'll never have it back, and because you may not be fully committed to the person it may be kind of a waste to go with.

Not all dating involves sex stick out tongue well mine doesnt anyways confused

And I personally believe in soulmates embarrasment so I think I'll know my one right away embarrasment

But again, everyone is free willed, they have power to decided, and I don't know what will happen to me, but I still applaud those who make their minds up to wait, even in todays sex driven world stick out tongue

stop those shifty eyes mister angel

this is the OTF.... sex talk should go like this:

SEX!! eek!

Speaking of Virginity.....did you guys read that article on that teen selling his virginity on the web? Check it out:

I have, and I think that is very disgusting yes

I just think that is something waaaay too weird! How can his parents allowed that?! messed

Oh I'm sorry, the one I read was a she confused
I think it's blatantly abusing a gift we have from God erm

Actually I posted the wrong person! My link is about a 19 year old guy. I agree is a little disturbing. no

I blame the media laughing out loud

Damn.And for the record,no.

at a catholic school assembly laughing out loud
they taught us why to wait to have sex yes

and why kama-sutra is wrong to them? laughing

So I'm guessing it was embarassing, and they told you a whole bunch of disguisting stuff to make you not have sex till your married then.

And told you your parents do it! laughing

she actually said it helps What the f**k?

LOL...this is my conspiracy.....AIDs and HIV are lies to make kids not have underage sex and to up the sellings of condoms!

Wow....she promoted the book....I expected them to just say be natural about it.... confused

It wasn't embarassing in the least, it was funny, the lady was great yes
She had personal experience, and she told us to make up our own minds, and not let people to pressure us into it, we should know when we're ready for it yes

By this age every child should know that What the f**k?


She said if your sex life is dying laughing out loud

Their the ones who say wait until marriage to, make up your minds! laughing out loud

Daisy Duke
laughing laughing laughing laughing
i hope your not serious no expression

He clearly said he was no expression

Holy Man
although you may not believe it but yes the force is a virgin

I'm a virgin till next Friday.

not hard to believe with the Crazy Christian thing on you stick out tongue

I thought you weren't one already stick out tongue

Holy Man
yeah i thought i'd just ad that on there stick out tongue, dang my hypocrisy mad

I meant no I havn't had sex, dammit.

laughing out loud thats what I thought

Linkalicious is virginity a gift from God?

sex becomes much less important once you have it a first time. Regardless of marriage or not.

As for soul mates....well I'm of the opinion that women and men searching for "soul mates" are the reason for the ridiculously high rate of divorces in this modern era. It used to be that your wife or husband was just someone that was good at sexually satisfying you while being able to put up with your meager chit chat day in and day out. Being able to eat together is the other criteria that is important in marriage because that's when most fights often the dinner table

Now adays, people look for this "soul mate" and then come to realize there's no such thing after they are let down by their "ideal mate" only to find comfort in the arms of another that would have never gotten the time of day because they were not the ideal "soul mate" to begin with.

Not to say that there isn't someone for everyone, but the idea of a "soul mate" is somewhat ridiculous when you sit down and think about it.

I mean what really is a soul mate?

You're born a virgin, once that's gone you'll never have it back.
And that's exactly it, would you like to be with someone who no longer enjoys sex with you or with whoever because of all their previous experiences?

That's the thing, the ones who are the ones you look for comfort are your soul mates, the ones who you dont have to change to be with. A soulmate doesnt have to be the perfect version of a man or woman, they dont have to be thin, gorgeous, brilliantly smart, but they are the perfect other half to you. The ones who also dont care about your flaws, they knowthey are there, but they realize thats what makes you you.

I mean obviously experience is always best, but I hate how nowadays people are looked down upon because they choose to wait till marriage.

i wanna know what the hell sorta means and who these 4 people are

more yes's then i thought then again this is a kinda young crowd.. figured wed have some people lying as well too though

oh and the poll: Nope

No, I'm not a virgin.

Well sorta could mean rounded second base, and almost made it home, but not quite stick out tongue

Back to the poll, the title is spelled wrong roll eyes (sarcastic)

That's not a gift. And especially for males...we don't change after our first's the same before and after.

And how does having previous experience make it so that they no longer enjoy sex? I fail to see that one entirely. If you love someone, then the act of sex should to express your feelings for someone. If you're only going to love one do you know that you'll never love someone else better?

As for your definition of a "soul mate" you just explained what a husband or wife is supposed to be. There is nothing special about that explanation except that they love the other person. Just like a husband should do for his wife. I can tell you that I feel EXACTLY that way about someone right now in my life, but that doesn't make them my soul mate. That just makes them the person I'm in love with...

I intend to stay a virgin until i'm "ready".
Personally, i believe that the one of the many distinctions between us humans and animals is our behaviour and in this case sexual behaviour. Animals go and mate with the next person they encounter.Us human have been blessed with the capabilty to choose, wait and decide with whom to have sex with. Also we understand sex as more than a way of reproducing.It seems so weird that even though we obviously have the tendancy to act like a "civilized" species, one controlled with our minds rather than physical factors, to make important choices,we still resort to the same manners as a mere animal does.

I cant change your mind about virgiity, or about the whole sex thing.

It's just that the more of it you have, the more mundane it becomes, nothing special nothing new. You just get used to it, and then no longer crave or desire it.

And actually my definition is not the same as a husband and wife. A husband or wife, unless they are your soulmate, shall comment on all your flaws and etc. But soulmates feel the smae way back. You love the person with your whole being, they feel the same way back. A it never changes, a simple husband and wife's feelings can change, the result would be divorce.

Now, I'm not capable of intelligent thought since school is over, so let's just say I give up and you win link happy

you both had really good points smile thumb up

I'd kind of agree with him. stick out tongue

i agree with silver on the vriginity being a gift from God and i agree with link on the soul mate idea

To each their own big grin
I have one view on the subject, Link has another happy

if you're with someone you really like, I can't see why it shouldn't stay special? every time is a new time, born from a new moment. even though you stay together for a long time, the relationship (hopefully) evolves, and you get to know your partner in a new way, creating new situations and experiences, etc.
besides, I don't think it's that easy to kill the sexual desire. it's just too much part of us.

Holy Man

I agree with naz embarrasment

I meant in the sense that you get used to it, and don't look as forwrd to it as originally, but fair point big grin

And does no one believe in soulmates then cry

Well, to a certain extent, I believe in it big grin

of course, the chances of meeting that person are slim to none

however, as a fatalist, I do think that some couples are destined to meet big grin

love good

I don't think that you (in most cases) will stop looking forward to sex as long as you're attracted to your partner. therefore, if sex is getting too boring, maybe it has more to do with your feelings than your drives, so to say wink

and no, I don't believe in soul mates, as in a partner destined to be your 'lost half'.

Some males actually do change. Not too generalize on all males of course. But losing your virginity is part of that old beliefs of when does a man become a man? Does the guy accept resposibility or does he goes to his friends and brags about nailing a girl? Certain males love to boasts about taking a woman's virginity but that does make them more man? Absolutely not! If a man really changes he keeps his privacy to himself and does not go around sharing intimacy with his buddies.

it is a strange thing actually that women's virginity has become something so mysterious and fascinating that some men are actually attracted to the pure fact that a woman's a virgin. in some countries taking a woman' virginity is considered a cure agains many deadly diceases, including aids. virginity has always been the woman's only 'weapon', what she needed to find a good husband and thus get along in life. without it she lost her status and her chances to get married.
I guess this may be one of the reasons that I don't like the idea of women staying virgin till the 'bitter end', or, well, marriage. it just echoes those old days, where virginity was something mysteious and powerfull. actually, the only kind of power the woman had.

I believe in choice, whether you choose to or not is all up to you, pressure from others around you shouldnt influence your choice, thats what bothers me most.

The ladies who think that giving up their virginity to someone will bring them closer and bond them together for ever, and in some cases save a dying relationship bother me most erm

true. it's your choice, noone else's. besides, giving up virginity as a kind of 'sacrifice' is wrong. it shouldn't be about wether or not you wanna stay a virgin, but wether or not you wanna have sex with this person.

I believe in soulmates, Irene...

And yeah, I'm a virgin...18 and haven't even had my first kiss yet.

Me and you Trin, we ain't nothing but mammals, so lets do it like they do on the discovery channel...naughty


laughing out loud

I loved that song, it came out when I was in 7th grade I think...

hug another one, yes!!
Soulmates brighten the world embarrasment

and dont worry about the kiss, it's not all that stick out tongue