what is NRLTD ????

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can anyone tell me what NRLTD is ?

when i went to start up my pc this morning , i typed in my password and a messege popped up saying :

NRLTD is missing
please hit any key to continue .

when i hit any key the same messege would appear . i shut it down and turned it back off 3 times before it acted as its supossed to do .

if anyone knows please tell me so if it happens again , i know what im dealing with here .

sorry shellie, I looked around but can't find NRLTD messed

think it normally means "No one Really Likes To Die"

thanx hun for trying . no one i know knows what im talking about . its fine now . it was just wierd . was gonna try to figure out what it was about .

perhaps it's a program that didn't fully load? I mean, it started up normally after a few tries, so it can't be a file that's corrupted

maybe some virus? confused

Reborn Again
Restore your computer back to an earlier time to nagate the effects of this virus. It is a virus.

how do i do that ?

I doubt it's a virus, I looked it up in an up-to-date database...


start -> programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore
there you follow the instructions

thanks yers.

cheerio no expression

I think you mean NTLDR (New Technology Loader or NT Loader). NTLDR is a boot loader and controls computer initialization. If it is missing, is a hint that your MBR (master boot record) was modified. Use the instalation CD to restore it or a boot floppy.

oh well, if it's the wrong word; I can't help big grin

You are just brilliant notworthy

And did the reestore work shellie?

confused embarrasment

tis true, is there anything you don't know embarrasment

just a quick note to say thanks to all who tried to help me .

turns out i had 16 "bugs" in my computer . after cleaning it up , it has been working fine .

again , thanx a bunch guys . smile

HA i knew it is virus smartass


im burlyman
Modified MBR? Then that would either have to be manual or a virus... huh

But you got it fixed so woo! stick out tongue

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