Has anyone gone to family counseling?

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Gravity Kills
I hate it...I sit at a round table and have a lady talk to me like I was four years old...

Question: "your mother did that to you, how did that make you feel?"
Answer: "Like Crap"
Question: "how do you really feel?"

It is a never ending cycle of questions. They get payed for that? mad

Apparently so erm

Are you kidding me, they actually ask that? sick

sounds horrible. confused

there was a psycologist in my school and talking with him looked exacly the same stick out tongue

i never went to family counseling before, but seems very stressful yes

Gravity Kills
What is the point of counseling?

To have a person pretend to listen to what you are saying, but at the same time, is thinking about what to do with the money you are handing over.

So just don't bother doing it anymore erm

Gravity Kills
I tried not going, so now we have the session at my home.

it doesnt actually resolve anything does it? its just a few suggestions and it wouldnt even stick to your mind

Gravity Kills
That is the same opinion that I have. There is no point to it.

why r you going there anyway?
some1 ordered you to?

you just feel like you've accomplished something after you walk out that door, but really haven't. Just left your problem to the counselor, but deep within you that problem that you face can only be resolved by you.

Wow those were my words blink

Gravity Kills
My dad set the thing up after I was kicked out of my house, by my mother. I wanted see what really happens at these sessions so I went to one and I thought that was good enough for me, but I guess my mom did not think the same thing,

Gravity Kills
dragonpisces, that is true.

poor ya sad
they can't make you go there again...
at least ithink so... confused

i NEED family councelling...but no i havnt gone!!!!
we have a skool councerlor/phycologet @ skool too....and shes so gay!!! i say wats wrong an shes like 'would u like me 2 call ur parents and tell them how ur feelin??' an im like 'no.' an shes like 'i really think it would b best if i did!" an im like 'i dont want them to know!' i think she just likes 2 feel important!

counseling sucks!!
but dude, dont complain too much, you always can pretend and play along ...

yeah thts what i do stick out tongue

Gravity Kills
laughing o'wait you are being honest, At the moment all I do is sit there and make fun of the lady that comes to talk to me and my family.

let me tell you , you're lucky, 'cause that's a picnic for me...
each time I go to my counselor , he always give new pills, or he change the pills I'm taking for another one and... is the same bull shit over and over again

I was a peer counselor and the whole idea is built around time and the patient to solve and figure out thier own problems.... that is the only way to cure someone. They must figure out on thier own what thier problem is we can just walk in there and say your a drunk and you need to stop drinking but we know there is something deeper. sad

Gravity Kills
^ that makes sence.

Rabid Tiger
my bro gots some problems, like mental or something, andif i were to explain it, it would take up like fifty pages, so yes my family went to counseling to learn how to deal with him sad

i did go to family counciling for a wile but it never worked. so when i turned 18 i moved out.

the only people i keep in touch with in my family are my bro and my sister.

me and my mother never saw eye to eye.

Rabid Tiger
that sucks

Gravity Kills
that does suck,Hit"Em"Up

if i can describe one word to fit my mother i'd say whore.

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