What is it like in your mind?

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Yes, I am a wierd person and I always ask people things like that. What is it really like in your mind though. Is it dark or light? Scary or peaceful? Or is it just something you plain wished you never had.....I would have to say, I have a dark scary mind at times.

i have a dark, emotional, negative, suicidal mind!

Mine is like that to sometimes....but it does give me a lot of poetry idea though.

Gravity Kills
It is a place I don't recomend that you visit. It is full of things that make little to no sence, Dead things, Creepy people, and lots of eyes to watch your every move.

My mind is the cranial equivalent of Death Valley yes

Sounds kind of like my boyfriend's mind. He always thinks there are people watching him and judging him. He can see them laughing and pointing at him in his mind. I told him he should talk to someone about it but he says he is okay. I guess my boyfriend's mind falls under the catagory as creepy.

mine's like a damn lezbo orgy. God i wish i could get all these naked chicks out of my head for 5 minutes...they're clouding my train of thought.

woah!....that one was a brunette!

and she just kissed the blond chick!!!!
man it's cool to be me! smokin'

this topic reminded me of that chris angel guy...that magician who can touch your finger and its like he reads your mind or sumthing

I am a Sock
I can't understand my mind. My opinion of it changes everyday

Well Link...looks like we got something in common cept guys are in my head.

I suffer from Paranoid Schizophrenia, that means that I see and hear things that arent there...I see beautiful girls(always beautiful) mutilated, I see mutilated babies, too. when I meet a person , I cannot tell if he/she is real or a product of my imagination. I tried to kill myself 6 times, I suffer from depression too. my girlfriend died when I was 14 and I see her sometimes or I dream about her, but in my case are nightmares. I was planing to kill myself 2 days ago.

so I think my mind is a happy place with cockies and milk for everyone

One wierd thing about me....that I never really talk about. People say ghost do not exist....if they have never seen them why do they think they aren't real? I think that only a selected few can see them.....and the one weird thing is. I was spending time at my great grandmother's in Kentucky and this little girl came over and asked if she wanted to play with her and her dog. I said yes and I got a ball and we let the dog play fetch. Then she left and I told my grandmother that I played with this little girl and her dog. You see, she was looking at a photo album that belonged to her mom. The scary thing is..........the little girl in the picture looked like the little girl I had seen that day, and so did the dog. I asked my Great Grandmother what the little girls name was. She told me and that is what freaked me out. SHe had the same name as the girl I was playing with....

I see dead girls all the time, and is not as awesome as some might think... dont know why some think it is, is the most disgusting feeling you can ever experience, and is all in my head sad

The creepy thing about me is....when these ghosts I see touch me...I feel nothing but cold. It feels like all the warmth within my body was snatched away.

woah that very poetic in a sense...

Come to mention it......since I have been talking about all this...I feel like writing a poem...but I have to go for a while, Lunch awaits me.

what do I say to you
I am lost
Forever to wander
unoon smile
stick out tongue

My mind is weird at school if a teacher asks me a question i think but it's like my brian is all foggy then i get a brain cramp if i think to hard.
But i usually think about Jesse McCartney.

is anyone here? Maybe Jesse?

Jesse.....dunno who that is

my mind is void of thought

My mind is just all messed up...it can be this way, then it can be that way.

Gravity Kills
I built this perfect little hellhole. It seems to be the perfect place for me

how the hell sould I know!

Tari Ringeril
Speaking of minds....I need to use it really quick xD

My mind is light, peaceful, fluffy, and sometimes cynical erm

Gravity Kills

yea laughing out loud it's a word I use to describe the daydreaming part of my mind embarrasment

Tari Ringeril
Daydreaming...I do that a lot *looks around for R@ven*

Gravity Kills
It is not that often I here Fluffy to describe thought.

My mind is pretty dark and cynical (being as I suffer from depression, no surprise there)...

laughing out loud you know all the good stuff like sunshine and lollipops stick out tongue

Gravity Kills
I would not get that from your sig and avvy.

the lepricans tell me to burn things

me too ninja

laughing out loud I'm pretty good at acting like I'm not a dark and depressed person...too many people got scared of me.

But there is a happy little part of my mind where I like to daydream and am a hopeless romantic yes

I can't tell what's in my mind because the voices in my head mean I can't concentrate too well.

My mind is a constant struggle between Good and Evil.

But in the end WE SHALL CONQUER!!!!!!!! evil face

Tari Ringeril
I still dunno if I should just chose one category to place my mind under.... no expression

Rabid Tiger
well, my mind is full of cheezecake and smurfs right now. it changes every like five minutes, and kmc is in my mind to.

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