Wohoo I Finally Did It!!!!

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I finally watched all three movies in a row...Ok,well,not quite yet...It's still on the scene Return of the King....err....but still....I have been trying to find the time to sit on my bum for nine hours and watch TV,lol....

Does anyone even remember me anymore?I haven't been on in so long,lol...

If not...oh well....*Tigs self*

yes we remember...

I watched all three at the movies in a marathon...

I never wanted to sit down again!!!

Yay,I'm remembered....Most likely as the Billy fangirl....but hey,that's ok....Did I mention that I'm typing this while crying because it is the Grey Havens scene? lol/sob....

the scene where Gandalf explains death to pippin is the one that gets me... i don't know why...

that and faramirs suicide mission...

A LOT of scenes get me...The Grey Havens is the worst...The Parting of Merry and Pippin I'm pretty bad at too,lol...There are seven scenes I think where I get either really sad or cry,lol.When Pippin cries,I cry,lol.

espescially in the first one when he's crying about Gandalf Falling.

Yes!OMG I got sad during that,lol...First,when I heard Frodo scream: GAAAAAAANNNNDAAAAAAAAAALF


And second,when I saw Pip crying...*sob* lol

how true

I noticed I cried to much at the movies there. stick out tongue

I nevr watched them in a row - I not even have TTT or ROTK on DVD! mad

it came out on May 25th, then I did the marathon on Sunday 30 May

it took 2 chinese's and a pizza,

I dont think I will manage the EE Marathon so lightly, it will take a while

hehe i dont my marathon on the 26th stick out tongue

wilsons gal
i have seen all three over two days.............it was fun..........left me wanting aragorn.even more

ach, not another "there a babe" gal stick out tongue

I started it about 9am and finished in the evening

All day yesterday I was watching DVDs.. FotR, TTT, RotK.. *Troy* happy
About the same time as Discos^^ from 8 am stick out tongue

I only got to watch 2 yesterday

av watched "The Devils Own" so far today, am away to watch Waterworld and then The Long Good Friday

Discos - *cough* am going offtopic

Agent Elrond
I watched all theee several times in a row. It's fun. Time passes real fast.

I am watching Troy later today...

Harry Potter and the POA later than Troy

Both compliments of my friends at Kazaa

just found out I am watching Troy later today as well smile

I'll be doing an EE marathon when the EE comes out too,lol.

Get set for ten hours of fun...lol...

The Innkeeper
Today i watched

Matrix Reloaded
Matrix revolutions

Sunday i watched
Godfather 2
Godfather 3

Froday i watched Rocky 1 2 and 3

on saturday morning i watched rocky 4 and 5

am i sad of what!!

just sad laughing


I can't wait for my ten hours of fun! lol

o god i did this with my best friend and i had bags under my eyes for the ill longest tyme after wacko

Agent Elrond
No, now if u watched LotR, then that's a different story

So, in other words, I'm sad? embarrasment

ah sauron thats the way, I tend to watch 3-4 (sometimes 5) movies a day

I could not watch all 3 Godfathers in the same day again, they are too long and I dont really like them for some reason....

Agent Elrond
No, I should of said "in addition to". Watching all the Matrix, LotR, Godfather and Rocky is a little too much

i have not yet been able to have the best marathon yet but i watched all of the origanl star wars when i was bout 12 ... think i statred watching them at 10 at nite and they finished bout 3/4 clock in morning

Nazgul lord
i went and saw the movie marathon with all three of them and it went for 9 hours.

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