What's your favourite book? [merged]

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best work? why why not?

i think that it was good, but not the best... sirius shouldnt die!

I agree with meandyoutoo. If anybody should die it should be Draco Malfoy. Although I can't bring myself to wish that on any1! That's just the way stories like this go. Well g2j! Buh-Byez!


i thought the book was good in many ways but i was disappointed about this:
-barely an quidditch- I mean come on you can't ban quidditch from harry....that is my favorite part of all books and I am disapointed no quidditch .
-SIRIUS BLACK DYING- Jeez JKR why in the name of god would you do that- that is like the only person he has left in his life what have u been ???
-DADA teacher- Sucha *****.
-Ministry interferring with EVERYTHING!!!!!- getting rid of hagrid,dumbledore, and that hag teacher
I guess this all has to happen for the book to move forward. Also I would have liked to see Cho and harry go out bc Cho is prolly really hott....HAHAH o well
So hopefully the next book will be full of Quidditch and i will once be satisfied again


What do yall think is the best book out of the 5
i liked the 3rd tha best but i wanna noe wut yall think


Also for futher chat if ne 1 has a aim or aol s n post it minez luvablqt17

big grin

I liked the fourth book the best! I can't explain why....It's the best though!

the 4th was close but i liked the itnro of Moony And Padfoot

That was...uh...sure....I still like the fourth better! C'mon! It's amazing! Better than the 5th book too. What about the huge twist at the end of the fourth?! Big deal..the rat escapes and Sirius has to hide...But Moody isn't actually moody! Wow. That was amazing! Voldemort comes back, someone is framing Harry! The suspense! The action! The horror! hahaha....it's the best.
I did like the third though. I wish Harry became and animagus in that book.....But I guess it will have to wait.

lol ya i did wish harry had becum an animagus it wuld have been cool and yes i did think that the 4th was amazing i just like moody and padfoots caracters i almost cried when u noe who died i guess there tied for 1st
so 3+4 then 5th then 2nd then 1st i think she is anamazing author and i almost got in troubvle in school cuz i was re readn her books when we were sposed to be readn sumthin else
i hope it doesnt take too long for her to write anothr book wink wut do yall think will happen in the 6th r 7th book
and wut do ya think about the prophecy
cool Happy Dance

The prophecy was an awesome idea..I just can't believe how many there were! Row 97?! There has to be like 200000000000 prophecies!
My line up for favourites is: 4th, 5th, 3rd, 1st and then 2nd. I really hate the second book..especially Lockhart...grrr....
Go check out some rumors! Search for harry Potter 6 rumors on www.google.ca i love google smile and i found some good sites there stick out tongue

lol i luv it 2 itz awesome

ok i cant believe sirius died and i also thiink draco shouldve snuffed it rite then but u noe i ain the author ait so u noe but still it gets a A

Who sed it failed?!
It might be worse that some of the other ones..(not 2 me smile) but no reason to fail it!

It's tha balm


uh.. kay.. hate the book, juss coz Sirius' dead!! well.. dats no.1 reason, knowing dat there would be hardly Fred n George in the next book.. kay, maybe there r some of them, since they're outta Hogwarts, n even if there quit a lot of them at the beginning of the book (at the diagon alley) but the movie wouldnt put much of them.. *sighs*
n dat would mean, no more Weasleys' tricks at school.. how 'fun' is dat?! mad

I wouldnt give fail the book, tho. Harry's growin up is really good there.. I mean, I can naw finally relate to him (rather than being all heroic all the time. )

n love to see more of Ginny..Weasleys r not over yet in Griffyndor Quidditch! *yayy*

my order of favourites: 5th, 3rd, 4th, 1st, 2nd. the 2nd was a bit... meh.

My favorite was book #3..b/c its when Moody, Lupin, and Sirius all came into play and the truth about what happened with the whole petigrew stuff.

mad Book five reigned supreme! It really into how Harry felt about his life, and I imagined that he would be mad. And It's about time he got over Cho. mad

Happy Dance Happy Dance Happy Dance Happy Dance Happy Dance

LOL...yeah...The fifth was good...And the twist in Book 3 was amazingly crazy...But the fourth was just...just....TOO DAMN GOOD! lol...*tear* I think I'm the only one who thinks so....:frown:

no it ws like really good i think it and tha3rd r tha best
5th wuz like less action more begining


i liked the 4th and 5th books the best, but i can't beleive Sirius died!!!!!! He better come back in the 6th book

BOPRecruit 16
it's hard to say which hp book is the best. i like cos because it had a lot of dark mystery. poa introduced the marauders. gof might be the best before the ootp existed. harry had to face a lot of challenges in life: fighting with a friend, the triwizard tournament, death eaters, and people out to get him. i could never really, or took the time, to think which character i could most relate to, until i read the fifth book. i haven't finished. from what i read so far of book 5, all those frustrating moments harry has and things he does to get it off his mind, i can relate. besides ron's fear of spiders. ~lol~ only i'm not as much a sissy as he. ^.~

battosai yuriko

i love all the books, in order :
3rd - cuz of moony. he rules over all characters. luv him
4th n 5th - cuz there so intense, and the 5th is so....dark. everyones so angry and the 4th is just dam good
1st - cuz i love the intro (i know it off by heart, the first page n a bit neway.) and it was the first.
2nd - was alrite, but it just wasnt as good as the others. i agree with frootlooplucy, it was ... meh

rowling said she wasnt gonna bring him bak from tha dead but i think there will be sum kind of communication between him and harry by tha way from a previous post its tha 3rd and 4th i like tha best

Woo hoo! Go us big grinbig grinbig grinbig grin
rolling on floor laughing


my favorite book of harry potter in a tie between hp3 and hp4...in the 3rd one he meets sirius...and the 4th one has a lot of cool stuff going on

I loved book #4! The dark ending is really cool and there is a lot of really cool stuff going on

Umm... Prisoner of Azkaban... I just love that book and also its the one where Sirius is first really introduced I mean he is mentioned before but only very briefly

BOPRecruit 16
GoF b/c of all the challenges real or not that harry had to face, like fighting with ron. also, the whole moody mystery.

im undecided between 3, 4 and 5... 3 because it had so many twists and surprises (sirius being innocent, wormtail being scabbers etc) 4 coz it was so exciting with the trwizard tournament, and coz Voldie came back, and 5 coz its the most recent and still fresh and exciting, but also coz it was really good. you all bored to death now? good goodsmile

yeah..it's hard decide JK is such a talented writer

my favourite is the 5th i just loved it sooooo much but i also really liked the 3rd cause it was real good 2.

i liked the 4th and 5th its a shame u cant vote 4 2 i meen anywayz
i want hermione and draco 2 be together, o and i liked the 5th book cause it went into detail and though it was more confusing i found it more enjoyable even though i cried when sirus died confused embarrasment no

yeah i was sad for harry when siruis died....but I think latter on he will still be able to talk to him becuase of what Luna said about talking to her mom behind the veil and stuff

i no but that was his only family left i mean sure rons faimly r probably his faimly 2 but i tjink harry neede sirus there i wounder if in the next book he goes into a state of depression.

thats true...he did end the hp5 pretty depressed...but he was happy every came to see him after the train...yeah he really needed sirius sad embarrasment

I sed 4 cos thats wen all the cool stuff starts to happen

The best book is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It's the most interesting and thrilling book of all. big grin I like also Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. big grin

raven guardia
my fav Hp book is Harry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban...I also really like number four (goblet of fire) and number 5 (order of the phoenix). I like three because it don't have any slow parts, and it is very interesting to find out the truth about scabbers, and sirius black.

*- - -*
3 is mine as well

i like 5 the best, but closely followed by 3. i just thought all of the mind reading stuff was interesting, and the order stuff, and like a lot of stuff. and i liked how it seemed like harry was finally not a little kid anymore. but i really liked the 3rd one too. because it was all about sirius, james and lupin and they're awesome

the prisoner of azkaban is DEFFINETLY my all time favourite of the series. you learn a lot and the story moves quickly...it's the kinda plot where you have to go back and read it again to get the full story. i love itsmile plus sirius is first mentionedwink

YES. Same for me. Definitely Prisoner Of Azkaban. It's when they introduced the Marauders =) I felt sooo... different! =)

Prisoner, gogogogo Happy Dance =)

raven guardia
well, it seems like the thrid is most popular....I hope the movie is as good as the book.

Rachel Riddle
i liked the 5th one best! i mean, when you've read the 5th especially the first and the 2nd sound naive from the perpective of harry...

my order is:

5, 3, 4, 1, 2 =)

raven guardia
yeah, my order goes like this

3,5,4,2,1 smile

my goes....


The fifth book is definitely the best !But it sucked when Sirius died!

Rachel Riddle
of cuz!!!!

but jkr had to do, what she had to do....

you could say it was fate, although i don't believe in that! it was logical, that he died!


love u sirius

thankyou for liking the fifth one the best people. at first i thought i was the only one. my order is

I dunno ..... Either 3 0r 5.......hmph

Mine is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

I also think Order of Phoenix is best; but Prisoner of Azkaban is very close to OoP.
o_O wink
Edited: Azkaban instead of Askaban roll eyes (sarcastic)

My faves gotta be No.3: Prisoner of Azkaban although the fifth book comes close second... It sucked when Sirius died sad

Rachel Riddle
ok , i'm pretty sure this has been asked yet, but still, how did ginny opened the chamber of secrets?
she's no parselmouth and not related to slytherin! and i doubt, she was really posessed by voldemort, cuz he was just a memory...

she really was possessed by voldemort. he used her to open the chamber

raven guardia
yeah, poor harry.....I feel bad for him.......it seems he can never get ahead in life, his parents die, he lives with his wicked aunt and uncle, then he almost gets expelled, siruis dies. the list goes on and on.

raven guardia
yeah, lucuis malfoy who is a deather, slipped tom riddles diary into ginnys culdron at diagon alley, when they where in the book store. then ginny flet the diary becomeing more and more powerful so she tried to get rid of it, but you see the power of the diary possesed her, which caused her to open the chamber of secrects.

My personal favorite would have to be the thrid one. I still havent read the last book to lazy ill finish it sooner or later

5 easy question

raven guardia
3,4,5........you really should book five it is so cool!


raven guardia
yeah...........lets kill her and emma


I liked 4, 3 & 5 (in order)

*sniffles* you sig gets me every time RIP Kurt we all love you *crys* lol

I liked 3rd, 4th and 5th in that order smile

me the same as u hellokittyjedi ^^^

I liked the third one. It was really amazing the hippogriff

3/5 (i put them both on the 1stz place, i loved the 3rd but the 5th wqas really different...)

i dunno which 1 i like best. prolly 3 or 4... i liked 5 but it kinda draged a bit *bites tongue* and 1 n 2 rokd... geez, tough question. my brain hurts. *goes to sleep*

In order from best to not the best:
Ron is my guy ppl so back off!


i like 3*4*5 in that order

4th, 5th ( cos sirus died) 3,1,2

dont mess with emma! wink
3, 5

5 definately! In my opinion the first 2 sucked.
(No offence to anyone who likes them or anything)

erm...excuse me, MEI, did u say u liked the 5th because sirius died??
*panic attack* did u?

big grin

hehe, he'll always live in my heart...i mean... my bed, no wait, i mean....erm.....yeh, my heart *mutters to self* that'll do....

The Alpha

The Alpha
:O sorry for the spelling mistake in the first book's name

the firt one was great i wasnt a big fan of the second one the tird one was wicked the forth one was exclent but the fith was my favorate probabley bcoz of the waight

raven guardia
I love number 3 and 4 the most!!!!

three and five are definately my faves....its so hard to choose!...and...isn't the first book called the Sorcerers (sp?) Stone?

The fifth one is my fav.... loved them all tho happy

defintely the 3rd, but directly after this the 5th. they were so... different, of course every book is diefferent, but i think in the fifth the whole action is different, and in the 3rd, too. not that much like in the 5th, but...

raven guardia
yes....and in england they call it the philospheres stone.

well, i guess you learn something new every day!

PoA - book 3

The best book is deffenatly the Fourth GoF cause there is so much action i.e. The Triwizard Tournament the death of Cedric and the return of Voldy. The others don't come close to the Fourth! Granted I havent started the third book yet but if it is to come close to the Fourth it will need to be jam packed full of happenings and goins on (action) Happy Dance

it should be called philosophers stone evrywhere coz its a myth, so should hv the same name!!! has n e 1 read the Alchemists Cat by Robin Jarvis? coz thats about the philosophers stone as well.... at first i was a bit miffed that JK has actually used it in her book, coz its a big thing and u dont really assosiate it with a kids thing. its hard-core stuff... im ok now tho... roll eyes (sarcastic)

and... haha, no1s voted 4 the first 2 yet!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

The Globet of Fire goes for my choise!!! that book is filled with adventure, lots of chalenges and EMOTION! I love how Harry deals with the situations!

raven guardia
yes the GOF is really good!....but its hard for me to chose between 3 and 4 I love them both so much.

hmmm, still no vote 4 1 or 2...

raven guardia
I got mad in book4 when moody turned draco into a ferret! mad

I definitly like 3 the best, then probably 4, then 5, 1, and 2... the whole second one bugs me, they're all good...

raven guardia
I like 3&4 then 5,2,1

The 5th was my fav so far but the 3rd book is right up there

I liked the 5th the most

i say Goblet, that bk. was cool


hiya Ying big grin

big grin

The Alpha
haw! miffed:

i didnt find anything "BEST" in the 3rd one

Sesy Allerdyce
my fave is the 5th book, thats great sirius is soooo sweet in it (*sob sob* poor sirius sad ) but i like the 3rd and 4th books too

The Alpha
yaw! smile 5th was good because it was different than other stupid four books. big grin

The Alpha
but it was annoying as well (bcoz of Harry's anger)

The 3rd books the best for me... PoA

i voted the 3rd..

What is your favorite HP book? Mine is either PoA or GoF!
Happy Dance Happy Dance Happy Dance Happy Dance Happy Dance

i think PoA then GoF. i don't like OotP...

Amy Black
"Prisoner of Azkaban" is the favourite of all my friends who has read the HP books. It's my favourite, too. "Order of the Phoenix" would be my favourite but the dark ending makes me feel depressed. It's cool with the Black House, Sirius and Lupin, but I love happy end.

which harry potter is your favourite book?
mynes def the third! luv siruis, and my copy is hard cover and it's perfect size and everything! i could marry it.

I agree, the 3rd one is the best.

3rd! definitely

Amy Black
I think the "Prisoner of Azkaban" is the best. There is Lupin in it, and he's my favourite!!! clap

"Goblet of Fire" is more involved than any of the previous books. That's my pick. "Prisoner of Azkaban" is second, and "Order of the Phoenix" is third. I think that the 6th book will be the best one yet.

AZKABAN DEFINITLY!!(s/p) im reading it now for like the 100th time! reading

PoA (3rd) definitely thumb up It totally rules smokin'

naturally mine is the third book closedeyes

Why does everybody pick the 3rd book? Goblet of Fire has a more intricate plot, and Voldemort comes back, making for the best chapter out of all the Harry Potter books. The scene in the Shrieking Shack with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Sirius, Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Snape is very good, though.

i think people pick the third book because it's got sirius in it and most people love sirius the best! also, i just find it more interesting, like in the first second fourth and fith book there are a few chapters that are just boring, but in the third theres none (that i can remember) and the thing ppl dont like tha 4th is coz cedric dies and the 5th (a total tradgety) sirius dies. i dunno why everyone is looking forward to the 6th, i mean i cant wait but i dont think itll b the best coz theres no sirius and half the book will be about harry dwelling on his death.

I liked the third one.

Sirius doesn't make the damn books, and he will be back, anyway. Not alive, just back.

The 6th will be the best one so far because the 2nd war is satrting, and it will make for some great reading.

Do you know address of Emma Watson?
If yes,please tell me... confused

depends what kind of address e-mail or web if you wanted to literally write her a letter and send it to the fan club iam sure ive seen a fan club address i ll see if i can find it for you


soz got know idea mate try emma watson uk community they may have it but i dont know wether they will forward e-mail to emma i doubt they ll post her personal e-mail coz shed get bombarded


if i find out more i'll let you know

every1 iluvs that third ones!

in love...
blink why does everyone like the third book? I personally think the fourth is the best of all..!! happy i can read it over and over again and not get bored at all reading shifty

book 5.

read the rules

my fav. books in order is: PoA, OotP, CoS, GoF, then TPS (TSS) last. i did like the fifth book a lot and i never liked the 4th one all that much. big grin

poa gof ootp

SOOOOO PoA i love that book, in the trird movie, sirius dosnt look right. ive seen pics. he has a moustashe and snape is supposed to have one. and the dementors are supposed to have no visible faces, and they do. they totally ruineed it!! i saw in my *~**imagination**~* ( sparkly word ) that sirius would be cute or something you know. miserable but cute. buttt nooooooooo. ok im done.. im getting off subject

4th one was my favorite!



does anyone understand why its not just philosophers stone in america too?

4,5,2,1,3...the fourth one rocks, its so ful of action and i dont know its such a fun book...so many important thing happen there, its FUNyes

philospher is how british residences speak...they dont say sorcerer lie the u.s.a. does.

I think 3 is the best not because of sirius but because of the patronus and lupin and dementors and the adv of h/hr in the past smileand more
