Hi I dont really know how these things work

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Hi I really dont know how these things work but a friend recommended me to this site and I thought I might as well try it! My name is Desiree' and I am 16 years old and I love to talk about almost anything......... I hope that maybe some of you guys here can help me with these message boards!

you'll be able to work it out soon enough yes

Well thanx!

Doesn't take long to figure it out. Think of it as posting sticky notes on the refrigerator, where other people can come and respond to what you said erm

bad description, I know

Hey smile Welcome and have fun

yes spear, we aaaaaaaall post on the fridge yes

Mr Parker
well you've come to the right place to talk about whatever. smile

Agent Elrond
Have a fun time here smile

Welcome to Humanity's greatest product of insanity - The KMC forums!!!!!

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