New moderator on the horizon

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The Omega
Hey, all of you.

Some of the old-timers have noticed my absence as of late. I have written to Raz and told him, we need a new moderator in here. I simply don't have the time anymore to moderate.

I'm still around, but will be so when I have the time.

I've suggested JediHDM.


cry The End of the Goderator Era..

You will Still be my Fav mod Omega happy even if your not confused

Anyways sorry to hear that things didnt work out sad

bye bye.. even though i rarely come to the matrix forum anymore i spent many a hours here way back when

As did I. All the best, Omega. JediHDM can succeed you, but not replace you...

The Omega

Don't worry anyone smile
Things are ok - I'd just rather this esteemed forum has a moderator who has the TIME... The Matrix Forum deserves that! big grin

Darth Sauron
Why not just kidnap all the members of the matrix forum...and plug them into some kind of software where they think there is a moderator around all the time yes

WHAT?!? whoa, wait a minute? jedi? as a mod? but... but...

nothing. he is actually the best candidate.

um...i'm not sure if that is the best idea...i am flattered, of course, but i don't think i would give the unbiased, patient voice of reason i should to be a moderator. again, thank you for the suggestion, but i think someone else should mod this forum.

The Omega> *sigh* Im so jelous of you, you have a life cry

Sauron> that certainly would be an "interesting" propisition Llaughing out loudL

JediHDM> i think you would be a good moderator. You are intelligent and responsilbe and there aint that many of us to keep in line lol. Trust me, i have been a moderator on other forums and i have managed to maintain some of my sanity, and that is saying something laughing Plus, you have been a loyal member to this forum, ok fair enough you have spend time away from here but you always come back.

Take it from me, I think you would be the perfect canditate

korri for president!!!!!!! ...i mean mod

oh hell

Omega, you are a great Goderator, but like you say you have no more time to mod this forum, so it's really responsible of you to ask for a new mod.
jedi it's the perfect choice. i hope he accepts

The Ones
dont mean to be pushy but can i be the new mod? i have loads of time on my hands and spend most of it here

does EVERYONE think i would be a good mod?!

The Ones
depends, a few months ago you pissed me off, i cant remember how

Silver Stardust

MC Mike
Bye Omega. sad

Hello JediHDM! fear

Everyone make sure your posts are 5x as long with long words and ver little smilies! eek!

ok...Omega makes MUCH longer posts than i do...

its not about the length of your posts messed

it how you mean itnaughty

urm...yeah messed

okay no expression

Shape Shifter
okay *takes out paper and makes starts making list of new rulez*

1). Don't make short pointless posts.
2). Don't use ANY smilies at all.
3). Don't argue with JediHDM.
4). If you should break any of the above rules may God have mercy on your soul (if Jedi doesn't demand your soul as part payment for your insolence) because none of us will help you (we're all afraid of Jedi see?).

Jk, i think Jedi would make a good mod (even more reason to argue with him big grin)


Agent Elrond
shadowy_blue made some long ones in the LotR Forum

anyway, it's said to se u leave as our Moderator, but I understand that that we all can't live on KMC, we do have a life off the internet. Not to add anymore praise, but Jedi would make a good mod. He does know alot, and can be very helpful to the newbies.

yeah really helpful to newbies roll eyes (sarcastic)

im just kiddin Jedi lover you xx droolio

Shape Shifter
dear god it looks like u sat on that smiley or something, Korri

I think I should be the mod here evil face

In all seriousness thought, Omega, you will be missed, don't be to much of a stranger around here and the GDF, it would be a crime to take away your great thought provoking posts. It's not very often you find such a good looking woman with such a powerful mind (especially a blonde! smile)

You will be missed, and you were a damn fine mod.

Agent Elrond
*goes back to Nov 5, a glorious day, and a day of hardships. So many newbie threads, so many closed. what a stressful day that must have been. Thanks for keeping us safe from newbies and for newbies. Those were good times*

Shape Shifter
November 5, Huh?

lil bitchiness
*seconds BF's self nomination*laughing out loud

Just kidding all, The Omega, what can i say...Im so sorry you're leaving the mod team! You are such an awesome mod! I picked up few tips from you as well stick out tongue

You will be missed! I hope to see you arround GDF more though! You are one of those rare people that i see eye to eye on contravertial topics! big grin

Good luck!

yup she will be missed sad

wow...BF as the mod of the Matrix forum...wouldn't THAT be something to see?! roll eyes (sarcastic)

You know you'd love it.

Stormy Day
When you get demoded does your avy go back to being small?

Agent Elrond
The Matrix forum is dying, we don't need BF to kill it further.

@Stormy, only if u want to change it. It remains large if u get demodded

Stormy Day
GO BF!Down with da hatters rock

Oh ok

The Alpha
Ain't you already a Global Moderator? stick out tongue

Um, Omega? Whilst you're recommending Jedi as moderator of this forum, care to put in a good word for your old governator as mod of the JB forum naughty?

Stormy Day
Backfire,doesnt need to be made the Mod of the Matrix Forum he just walks in here whenever he wants and starts closing threads no expression

JediHDM true...

The Alpha
And the reason is that he is a global moderator...

There is a joke in there somewhere. big grin

Gasp! This forum is now mod-less!

In that case ... LET THE CHAOS BEGIN!

LMAO!! stick out tongue

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