Is Astrology of ANY use ?

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I mean, how can the alignment of the planets or the influence of the constellations have ANY effect on what we do as individual insects on this little ball floating in the void ?

I think that Astrology is just another kind of religious cult with all of the nonsense that is attached to religious cults...don't you ?

it is not a cult.
it is fun eek!

and stars are telling the truth ninja

somtimes it can be fun, and sometimes it can be true

*btw clovie, i like your sig*

Yeh...OK Emma and Clovie...I would not argue with THAT...BUT...

When it is true is that not just co-incidence ?

Some people won't go across the threshold until they have consulted their stars...That makes me think that they are afraid of what the stars can do to them.

How can the movements of the stars and the constellations billions of light-years away from us have any effect on what we do as individuals on this little planet.

Fun...maybe...but real ? I can't see how.

tx emma.

no.. i mean it is FUN in the first place.
it may be true, but don't have to erm
and i think that asking stars about stuff is just not totally sane confused
(and i don't mean to insult anyone)

I have been wondering at those glowing and scrolling and bouncing lines so I thought I would try to do it too...

Yahoooooooo this is fun....

Can't make it work !

Why can't I make it looks easy ?

and in the end you're putting the same word with /
and it look like eg:

Yeh Clovie...I did that and it didn't work !

I have been using forum code-tags for a long time now and yet I cannot get them to work here.

I just put the tag word inside square brackets and close off the bit of text I want to muck about with with a slash before the code word - as you no avail ! VERY puzzled sad

i could not possibly believe in such a thing.
there is no existing rational explanation, to back all those daily horoscopes (and others in this matter) up.
all of the possible resemblances are merely coincideces.'s anyone's choice to believe in it

let me try
it is working

i have no idea why isn't it working for you sad

Yup, it's fun.....but shouldn't be taken too seriously.

The Omega

Now that's pretty !

So far so good...

But it STILL won't scroll or bounce or upsize !

Hi "The omega".....

Sorry for getting sidetracked with that vB codes thing....

I found the Barnum effect very interesting and can see how that would be incorporated in the fortune-telling, ( for that is what it is ), of Astrology.

I have studied the work of Astrologers for many years and agree that they are skilled readers of human behavior and of human habits and because of this they are very good at making the Astrological reading seem to suit the individual and feel personal to that individual too.

But, as you say, all of these readings can fit - to a degree - all of us if we read them and want them to be true to our condition.

Having said all this I am sure that many people who are attracted to Astrology do wait until parts of the forecast comes true and then this just feeds their need for the forecast in weeks or months to come even if most of the forecast did not actually come true.

I suppose, like palmistry and bump-reading and tarot and tea-leaves and general fortune telling, the actual reading is incidental to the event itself.

"Cross my palm with silver" they say.... and maybe that is what it is all about: Money !

Hooray...I got the glow AND the bounce to work


Humerous article on Astrology.

Astrology as we use it or praise it in modern civilization is Bullshit. However, ancient civilizations used astrology and star signs to mark births and important happenings. The Aztec's Believed people born on certain star dates from previous marks in their history would shadow people's persona born on the same dates. This is more or less an early horroscope system. I think this fact has some lagitamcy to it. I mean alot of gemeni's reflect other gemeni's the same for all other signs. For the most part though as in daily horroscopes and shit i think is just that BUllshit.

Darth Revan
All your friends are laughing behind your back

Astrology is very interesting to study and understand but you shouldn't take it seriously.

and Backfire i like the link laughing out loud

Silver Stardust
I think that astrology is really interesting. I started reading about it and stuff last year, and I have to say, some of the things that are said about my sign (Aquarius) is so much like me it's uncanny.

OK then Stardust....Let's have a bit of fun with this:

I don't know your starsign but I betcha that much of this stuff is SPOT ON with your personality....

Here goes:

You are a sensitive person who cares for others and who hates to see strong people abuse weak people !

Sometimes you feel rather inadequte when life throws you a curve-ball !

You only have few real friends but often you wish that you could open up more to your best friend !

You think that people are cruel to you and you feel that nobody can feel your particular pain !

You wonder if you will ever be clever enough or confident enough to get past all of the hurdles at school without making a fool of yourself !

Now...your future:

I see by looking in my crystal ball that you will soon get over the problem that you have with boys and that you will soon find another one that will treat you as you feel you should be treated.

The relatives that you at present feel are not listening to you will come around and that row you had will soon be forgotten and put where it should the past.

Silver Stardust
I said my starsign, Aquarius. Now let me show you some stuff that's said about Aquarians, and I'll tell you how accurate they are for me.

"Modest, unobtrusive, and often rather quiet or shy, you are a person who is content to be in the background or to serve as an assistant, in the supporting role rather than in the lead. You are quite humble in your own assessment of yourself and you have a very strong perfectionistic attitude, with a tendency to be overly self-critical. No matter how well you do something, you always see the flaws in it and how it could be improved. Often you will simply refuse to attempt something because you feel you cannot meet your own high standards"

Far too true. I am a very quiet and shy person, and am an utter perfectionist...and I'm certainly never happy unless I think something's perfect.

"You are a freedom-loving, strong-willed, and independent-minded individual, and you insist upon living your own life as you see fit, even if that means ignoring convention and tradition. In personal relationships you cannot be owned or possessed, and while you are willing to share yourself with another, you do not always adjust easily to the emotional give and take of a close relationship. Though intellectually open, you can be enormously stubborn, opinionated, and inflexible on a one-to-one level. You have strong convictions and feelings about fairness and equality, and you try to live by your ideals, but your ideals about how people SHOULD treat one another don't always take into account human weaknesses, differences, and needs. You probably dislike sentimentality and traditional gender roles and "games".

Again, very true. I am very independently-minded person, and as anyone who knows me knows, I don't give a damn about what's considered "conventional". I wouldn't know too much about the relationship things because I've never really been in one before. I am a very intellectually-minded and open-minded person, but as anyone who's ever had an argument with me knows, I will NEVER step down if I think I'm right, unless you can prove me wrong. I have very strong feelings about fairness and equality, though I do realize that I am a bit idealistic in that area. And I think that the whole "traditional gender roles" are crap.

The things that you said...well, the first three are accurate (even though the first two could easily apply to anyone), but the rest are way off the mark.

Silver Stardust.......

The point is that what I said in my "reading" was deliberately couched to apply to almost everybody !

( It doesn't matter what starsign you really are although some Astrologists will keep a fixed set of patterns for certain starsigns ! ).

When you said....

I say that I was just pointing out to you how even the most particular and specific points can apply to just about anybody and normally the person who is receiving the reading NEEDS for it to be accurate and will pick out the ones that clicked and ignore the ones that didn't.

As has been already pointed out: The skilled Astrologist will do this thing far better than I did off the top of my head and with practice and skill they can get almost all of their points to click with their victim.

I say "victim" because although many Astrological readings will be good news and the warnings about bad news are never too heavy the person who is getting the reading is usually paying for it in one way or another.

Cross my palm with silver moi-dearie and I will tell your fortune according to the stars.

My horoscope said that today would be a day of learning.......don't we all learn something new each day? blink

lil bitchiness
I like astrology happy I think its fun...people shouldnt take everyting so seriously....

The Omega

I'm Sagittarian, half man, half horse. Licence to shit in the street.

lil bitchiness
The Omega, you know us Aquariuses are just....awesome. cool

stick out tongue

Silver Stardust
laughing out loud True, but oddly enough both descriptions manage to fit me blink

I'm not saying that I necessarily take it seriously, just that I think it's a lot of fun and I find it to be very interesting. I like to break out my tarot cards when I get bored yes

Damn straight, lil!!!

lil bitchiness
What can i say, I was bon on 12th feb, daryl on 10th of feb, Ashton Kutcher on 7th of feb and you on 2nd of feb. cool man Aquariuses rock!

Congrats, you have something in common with someone who plays a retarded guy on a crappy show. I use the word "play" lightly, seeing as I believe that's really how he is.

lil bitchiness
Its a joke , sheesh huh

If we are already on the point, i also share birthday with Abraham Lincoln, that wasnt exactly the point of my post.

I share my birthday with Frank Oz! We are both Gemini and we both love the power of imagination! Air signs rule!

The voice of Yoda and I speak the same wisdom.....stick out tongue

Agent Elrond
congrats. my b-day was the same day Hitler and Stalin signed their non-agression pact. Something tells me I'm either doing to backstab someone, or someone will BS me.

Astrology may be fun to look at, but it shouldn't control ur life, by that I mean u should worry about it. If someone reads that they are going to have a bad day, their mind in conditioned to look for the bad and they will have a bad day.

Hey actually astrology isn't all about your sun sign. There are other things like rising sign and aspects between the planets that somehow affect you. A natal chart can tell you all the positions of the planets in the sky at the time you were born, and it tells you more accurate stuff about you. You can get a free one done easily by googling it.

I'm just a beginner at this astrology stuff, but it's really pretty interesting!! Just thought I'd say this!!!

Entertainment purposes only.....

Well if many of you haven't realized, without might aswell throw away your cell phones. tha fact that objects outside of our atmostphere will orbit our planet is an early discovery from astronomy. thats why they want to research in outer space, since there is hope of discovering pretty much anything helpfull to us on earth .

It doesn't hurt to learn more about something. astronomy is a broad subject, many people study positions of distant planets just for fun or extra knowledge. though it seems like nothing good can come out of it, does that really matter? and who knows maybe something good WILL come out of it.

Astronomy is just as important as medicine. medicine is just more direct in helping people live longer/better. and by "any use", i assume you mean help humans in any way there is.

Man! Papaumau is being gone too long.

Anyways, as I said before Horoscopes are fun, but shouldn't be taken seriously. Sure there is a mythology behind them and it works as story telling. But aside from that it can be argue that Astrology proves that our ancestors were indeed star gazers. Which links to that belief that humans have always had a curiosity for the unknown. In this case space what lies in all those distant places of the Universe.

Astrology is about as usefull as a clump of dirt is to a person when they need to take a shower.

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