Questions that need Answers...

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I have many Questions; Questions that need answers:

1. In Reloaded, what is it that Ballard gives neo when he notifies him of the Oracle?

2. Do all of the previouse ones look like Neo?

3. How does an image of Trinity falling apear on the Architects T.V. screens?

4. How can the humans find peace with the machines that killed so many of there people? If peace is possible, how so? smokin'

those are very difficult

1. A message from the oracle
2. no
3.because he can see anywhere in the matrix that he wants to
4. Because most of the people are going to stay inside the matrix and not know that the matrix even for Zion...they're just happy to be alive and they've wanted peace all along...if you want something and get it, you dont complain.

Neo Baggins
That is like a floppy type disk that they could put into the harddrive and when he jacks in, he goes into that program and that program was specificly for him to go to the Oracle.

Neo Baggins
2. Probably not, because Neo was born to be himself and he became The One by himself. The Previous "One's" probably looked like any other persone in the world.

3. Because that is what is happening/going to happen/happened, and since that he is practically the ruler of the Matrix then he can see what is going on with all the people who are currently jacked in. That is most likely the reason why he has all of the TV's and each and every one of the TV's are very small.

4. Well, The Machines (from my point of View) were somewhat defeated and it was like a type of thing where they surrender but in a way, it was Neo, he was the one who suffered himself for Zion, he did that to kill of Agent Smith and make a "Truse" against the Machines.

Peace with the Machines is made possible because they've seen what Neo could do and they wanted to see what he could have been fighting for. Just as they think that he could defeat Agents, they just quit and were made friendly after the things that Agent Smith(s) were making them do, such as going after Zion and killing all the Citizens.

Does this answer your quesions?

Neo_baggins, sorry, but Real was more correct in his answers.

1) It was a message from the Oracle.
2) No, everyone in the Matrix is different, and the machines don't specifically design humans to look a certain way, it is still random.
3) The screen shows Trinity falling because Trinity is falling. The Architect, as the Oracle pointed out, cannot see past any choices, therefore he cannot see the future.
4) The humans can find peace because the humans are the reason for the enslavement in the first place. The humans are the variable in the equation, the machines are constant. The machines do what needs to be done to ensure their survival. But what they do is going to be the same everytime they do it. The humans understand that, and that is how they can accept peace.

Here is another Question:

Is the Matrix only Made up of cities? On the Architects screens he showed images from Africa and Asia and India. Is there and Africa program in the Matrix?

The Matrix has City, the only city. Then there is geography around that, such as the Mountains Neo has to fly from to save Morpheus and the Keymaker.

The the entire Matrix program, which consists of thousands of humans jacked in only contains a single city?

i think what superfly is trying to say is... are there programs in the matrix universe that makes it look like you're in africa or asia or europe... because if there is only one "city program" in the matrix, then all the copper tops will appear in one crammed city.

It is a vast city...If what the City in Matrix Online is any indication of the size of City in the Matrix movies, (and we can only assume it is) then the size of City is about half the size of Texas. This would be a few European Countries, probably about the size of France and Germany together. As you can tell, this is a massive city, and could house many, many, many more people than are in it. The people aren't cramped. Plus, if there is geographic features around the city, technically, there could be vast landforms similar to Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas.

Agent Elrond
kind of as n00b question but why did Morpheus fear the highway? I have some ideas, but I doubt they're right

I always thought he feared the highway because lots of people in cars = lots of agents in cars.

yup...pretty much...if you have that many people clustered in one place, driving 1 ton vehicles, it is basically a death trap.

so you're saying the matrix is basically made up of one city and a bunch of mountains and rivers?


The machines are so single minded!!!

so, does this mean the city you're trying to go to will look like the city you're trying to get out of since there is only one city. and since there is only one city, naturally there will only be one nationality in the matrix. and since there is only one nationality in the matrix, you're saying that africans, asians and the likes are non- existent in the matrix.

Its obvious there is more than one nationality in the matrix and you're looking at it the wrong way, they don't know any better, you only know whats in front of you or what you know to be true, the matrix is a completely different world, the people are born into it, if there is only one city and they are brought up with only one city, they don't question it, they simply hold it as truth.

I hope i explained that well, if not, meh.

manchichirtchit> no, that is not what i am saying. Just like in real life, there are areas in the city where different minorities live. There is little china, etc, which we see in the movies.

So why does the Archetect show people from Africa and Asia and India in order to get Neo to feel sypathetic?

*sigh* ok, there may be people that live outside of the city, however, there is one main city. If there are aboriginal peoples living in the plains, etc, ok, but i am saying that there is one city in the virtual world where people live.

I jsut cannot grasp the idea that the Matrix exists as a single city. It can't be that difficult for the machines to create the Matrix as a world.

i know what you're saying. you hold true what you are told. like a curtain pulled over your eyes. you take "truth" for granted not knowing that there is something deeper behind it. 99% of the matrix population do... but the 1%... well, they kick matrix a$$, more or less.

Jedi> wouldn't people know something's up when there is only one city existing? we knew the world that existed before the machines took over. my thought is that, for better "acceptance" of the program, they would program the matrix as the world we once lived in... hence the different continents, countries and cities.

Does that mean that there are African and Asian and Indian Agents as well...

i would think agents would look exactly alike. same program, same shell, different host...

I'm changing the subject now:

I noticed something in Matrix Reloaded. In the scene where Neo fights all those programs with swords and stuff, there are a whole buch of statues around. It seems that all of the statues are of the same person. Who is it?

Agent Elrond
^don't know, I wouldn't be suprised if they held some meaning.

that is a good question...i did not pay attention to the statues except to laugh when they got destroyed...ok, so maybe i didn't laugh, but i didn't look very closely at them. I was actually paying a lot of attention to the mural on the wall...that is interesting. i would have to go back and watch the movie, and i am sad to say, i left my dvds at home when i came to college...sad

Awwww no expression

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