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Anyone play any? I am waiting for the Matrix online and Middle earth online(in 2005).

Anyone play any? If you do we should find the same server and play.

anyone heard of World of Warcraft? I heard of all the warcraft games and played them for a little while but never really got into them.

I'm actually in the World of Warcraft Beta test. It's a great game. Gonna be fun come launch.

Other then that, I've played a few MMOG's. Everquest, Lineage, Lineage 2, FFXI, and Planetside.

Agent Elrond
I'm hoping to get EQ 2, WoW, TMO, LotR, FF XI and my brother wants Dark Age of Camelot. I think the monthly bills are going to be quite high, lol

You jsut need one, man. Anymore then that is a waste. They're too time consuming to try and play numerous ones.

middle earth as in?

Agent Elrond
OK, so dump EQ 2, and WoW. My brother will play thoses, me thinks. Now it's down to FFXI, LotR or Matrix. damn, hard choice.

The Matrix Online should be out sometime in 2004 if I remember correctly. LOTR Online wont be out till sometime in 2005...So If I were you just pick up TMO play it for a good 5 months maybe or until LOTR comes out then pick that up. That is what I am planning on doing.

heh... like backfire was saying , its unwise to play more than 1.. usually buying a MMo means you will be playing it for at least a year or dedicating yourself to some length of time (if you truely are the type to 'get your moneys worth'). I have seen people juggle 2 at the most.. but 3 and up is really more than anyone can handle and its truely not worth anyones time to do that.

hmmm.... I currently play Lineage 2... I played FFXI, but I dont know if I'll be playing TMO... Everquest 2 looks very nice though.

Agent Elrond
Well, I have FF XI, so all other online games are on hold. If they were free, then there is a 10% chance I might get another, but there is no way I'm paying 30 bucks a month for two games

What is Lineage 2 about?

Lineage 2 is nothing but what is called "the grind". You kill kill kill in order to get to the highest level you can before you go insane. I wouldn't suggest that game for someone who isn't already really into MMOG's. If you're looking for a beginner one, I'd suggest you wait for World of Warcraft. It's easy to grasp and it's very fun.

go to , you dont have to listen to other peoples opinions because the game burned them (in beta might i add). if you dont like it by your own choosing then so be it.

However I wouldnt recommend it for first time MMoG'ers

The game didn't burn me, it just bored me. As I said, it sounds as if this would be his first MMOG. Therefore, he probably wants a simpler and broader game than L2.

Also, don't listen to that site, the game isn't nearly as fun or as cool as the site makes it seem. Here's the game in a nutshell...

See a monster, click monster with mouse. Watch character run over to that monster and hit it with his sword untill monster dies. Then you loot the monster. Repeat this about 4 times.

Then, you're character must sit down for a minute. You can spend this time doing nothing but staring at your computer waiting for his health to go back up.

You repeat this cycle untill about lvl 40 or 50, in which you can go on sieges with a clan to try and take castles. That's right, the game doesn't get fun or unique untill around lvl 40+.

If this is what you want in a MMOG, then by all means, pick it up.

yeah I took a look at some screenshots and those castle sieges looked fun.. i wondered what they were all about

Yes, the castle sieges look neat, however, it takes quite a hefty system to run them without major slowdown.

heh... TMO.. I honestly dont know how they're going to do the exp system... I mean can you 'set up camp' on the corner and 'pull' agents? how does that whole idea work?

if you really want good review on MMO you should probably check or something, or for a more in-depth view : for World of Warcraft for lineage for matrix and also for games like EQ2 , Starwars galaxy, etc.

check each sites forums if you can... for problems specifically. I'd say if you dont like the problems they deal with, dont get the game. I'm fine with lineage, its just that everyone sits there and bitches about the farmers instead of actually grouping together to take them out and grief them. ((generalized in-game statement))

Well that would be all well and good, but it takes quite a bit of time to form a group in a game, and then find a farmer and kill them. It would be easier if the game was good enough to where they weren't a problem.

me and my friend griefed a chinese farmer the other day lol (we were both below 20) we went to to the swearasaurus section and picked up a few nasty mandarin phrases to smack talk them. we basically kept stealing thier mobs and wasting thier time while getting much needed exp. then after a half hour they tried to train 10 mobs on us (unsuccessfully).

Well that's great if that's your kind of thing. But some people just want to lvl in peace without worrying about some high lvl guy killing everything in sight, and then killing you for trying to "take his mobs".

Yeah.. you gotta pick an instanced pvp mmo or one that has a strict pvp server then... I kinda dig the chaotic thing smile

Yeah. Also I watch my friends play from time to time, and there seems to be a huge amount of downtime when soloing. He kills 4 monsters and has to sit down for about a minute to regain his MP.

He was also telling me how there aren't any MP potions yet, so he has to do this.

Have any of u ever played Kings of Chaos?

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