The Matrix Online
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Any of you plan on getting it? It is a MMORPG set to come out in November. If you are going to play it jump down to the Computer and video games Forum.
We are thinking about setting up a KMC clan maybe on a certin server.
The crew for the Matrix Forum's MxO clan was established last November/December. JediHDM would have more details.
My HD wiped and I lost everybody's emails and everything, so Jedi if you read this, please PM me some stuff
Cool can you send me the info to? Ill definetly join it. Did any of you get into the Beta?
Koz-man> ...uh...hehe...about that...i wiped my hd, too...i think i sill have everyones emails, online, but...i lost all the messages...hehe...
I'd also be interested in joining the clan, I'll definately be buying the game.
so oyu guys are making alliances before the game has been released? I mean really...that is a damn good idea. finally fanatics of the matrix as enthralled as i. I was going to buy this game,but that whole sex change situation has made me leary. I dont want to customize a guy and have turn out that i was playing a chik the whole time.
just a bad joke.
Mark my words, it will be bad, and it will fail miserably.
thats what you said about Reloaded...and, no.
It will all depend on the gameplay. If it is as revolutionary as they claim then they might have somthing. For just looking at screen shots though, it doesnt look to be to impressive. The idea of an ever changing story that is updated every week, which has numerous paths and ways to play the game and experience the story. seems like a great idea. Especially the fact that there are stories within stories that have endings and new beginnings, that seems overwhelmingly amazing. The wide eray of moves, abilities, weapons and secrets that are rewarded with excellent play, along with the no load process, and the ability to join alliances and play both sides in a world that is the size of an actual city. Well this all seems like a no lose situation, it all seems to be an impact in the gamming world. However, if the gameplay sucks, al these pretty perks will mean jack shit.
These are the only posts on this forum in 2 days
Silver Stardust
That's sad....this poor, poor forum....cry
I'm planning on getting Matrix Online
i received an email stating that the release date was moved back *again* to the beginning of the year...
I was thinking of getting it. Adn I would if you wouldn't have to pay a monthly fee, but you are so I will get Middle-earth Online insted.
But the MO is going to be good you can go anywhere you want. But I don't know if you can only do quests adn fight bad guys to lvl up, like it MEO you can make weapons and by a house, even get marries (A bit too far, but If there is a hot chick then...).
Navaer mellyn nin.
i am afraid they are gonna keep pusking this game back...
thats gay
they pushed it back again...beginning of February now...
Lil Seraph
We'll they can keep pushin the crap, till i'm dead. The thought of having to pay a monthly fee, makes the Matrix Online everso appealing... if all those special features in the game are as good as they seem i might think of playing it at someones house but i would not pay a monthly fee, thats as stupid as playing the sims online. Also if they keep saying that the graphics are as revolutionary as the ones from Enter the Matrix i think i'll let them just keep their useless microsoft-like game for themselves.
Jackie Malfoy
It was pretty cool but then my stupid computer did not work and it finally did just a couple of days ago and I losed it.
IF anyone have the link to it.Please let me know so I can go on it again.
Thanks!As far as I remember it was a very good site.It was cool too!Got to go find it and join it.I never did join it through.Sad as it seens.JM I really should!
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