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What do you fear the most?
A.) Death
B.) Loneliness
C.) Eterninty in hell
D.) Never finding 'that special someone"
E.) Death of a loved one

It's multiple choice.

B) Loneliness

Paralysis from the neck down.

E.) Death of a loved one

Not mentioned there, blindness, being mute or deaf

E most of all
B a bit too

I think E is linked to B.

E or c.

could be to D as well

Yesterdays Gone
E and B

R.) Centipeads

y.being in a contract with Don King in some way

I would have to say B and E

In this consumer-world my greatest fear would be POVERTY !

Of course I would not be able to enjoy any of the riches that I might have if I was a quadriplegic....That too !

I have often watched Christopher Reeve as he tries to catch his breath in order to speak and then I always seem to see an old film of his on the telly shortly afterwards. ( Especially Superman movies ! ).

THAT....gives me the shivers, as Christopher Reeve was my hero !


probably all of them in a way apart from 'c'

e. death of a loved one

sad ...

of the choices, E the most. then C

I'd have to say B and D yes

E. and I am afraid aof the dark too....

not existing smile

x.bush being in the white house for four more years

I guess it would be C.

...I FEAR... nothing really, my faith is in jesus... hell would be scary though

umm, lemme think, YEAH!

fever red
Disembowelment or impalement- so, actually, I fear a car accident! How does faith in God mitigate that? I'm supposed to be all humble-with-the-acceptance if he's decided that's how I go? No, sorry, I'll be howling, whining, cursing, and generally expressing my displeasure for the whole, like, ninety-plus minutes of it...
Yes, once its over, I'll have forgotten the pain- but that doesn't make the fear of it even remotely close to being negated.
Admit it- everybody hopes it's quick.
We all fear death who have seen it- even hospital deaths are ugly, grinding experiences.
And I've seen people treated with therapies that destroy their minds and memories- but at the same time, the process of dying seems to have evolved their understanding of life. So what are they like in heaven, then- does the pain get erased, and the enlightenment with it? Can you hold onto the lesson when the memory of how you learned it is gone? Do you become something you never once were in life- a synthesis of all your best moments? But is that even possible if you leave behind your worst? Would I know my friends in heaven, or would they, their incarnations there, be more like the distilled "products" of my friends' lives?
Maybe you should fear heaven a little, too. You may be lost in translation, or at least, your self-image, your concept of yourself.. Who says your idea about who you are has any relevance or correspondence to God's? Fear is natural, that's why faith is challenging.


hello mane.

All of those things are kind of scary. But the thing that scares me the most is when I am surfing late at night and all alone in the dark. Then out of the corners of my eyes, I swear that I see something and there is nothing there...

fever red
Good point- fear of the unknown, right? Of the moment when something dreadful and outside of our understanding manifests itself?
Or, is it more prosaic than that- are you saying your fear is limited to what you reasonably could expect to encounter out there? That would be scary enough, too! But you, know, reading your post reminds me that I've had my most intense fear in similar events- something glimpsed, suggested- and always in those isolated situations. It's at first instinctive, but it also makes me think, afterwards, something, in fact anything, even something deadly which I have NEVER seen or heard of, COULD have been there, or could be here in a moment- I don't know that there isn't something metaphysical and malevolent present everywhere...


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