Hurricane Killers

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Because of recent events here in the south, dealing with those damned hurricanes is very problematic. So I decided to create a story about the near future, when a type of bomb is created that once dropped in the eye of the hurricane disrupts it, and it is gone. The story will center on the two pilots and their struggle as the hurricane killers. Of course they have to fly through the hurricane, gathering info on it, and determining the amount of the strength of the bomb that will be necessary. Once they've survived that, they fly straight into the eye, and drop bomb, and get the heck out of there before the thing blows. That's the basics, the story or stories will include more detail. But I just thought I would throw this out there and see if it got any intrest.

interest is here my friend. looks cool!

Hey, that's enough for me. Of course, I'm going to do a little research on the hurricanes, to keep my facts straight, then I'll get going on this pretty hard, Its something I'm particularly proud, if you think of it as an anime, or japanese animation, then it will seem even better, because that is what i was thinking it should look like.

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.