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I just realized that we had no Gollum thread! which is a terrible thingm, cuz Gollum is so cool smile

I was reading my Gollum book last night which was written by andy serkis, and it had a web adress for his website, and i looked at it, and i htought i'd post hte link here


I couldn't find anywhere to put it stick out tongue and now we have a thread devoted to Gollum ( THis is dedicated to you anaritearbintha- i think thats spelled right stick out tongue )

yes precious he finds it a good idea
Smeagol has the precious thread stick out tongue

smile Smegol is one of my fav chars. I cant believe no one has made a thread about him! smile

that is interesting i think he was one of the best characters though hes not my fave
thanx for the site pip foot

I love him too. big grin And I actually made a thread about him last month I believe. But it died so fast. sad Few people loves Smeagol/Gollum enough. sad

everyone should love smeagol hes just so tortured not to


OMG Phoe!!! Nice sig!! eek! big grin big grin love

lol, I well enjoy Gollun/Smeagol, just reming myself of me...a stupid little crator...

Discos - "whats tators precious......whats tators huh?

boil them mash them stick them in a stew

that is an exalent sig phoe! i love it

I liked it how it explained in the prologue of FOTR when Galanriel explains "even the smallest of us, can make a difference"

Discos - sort of turned out to be Gollum so Nyah! (Kit rip-off)

I love your new sig Phoe smile smile

ah, I also find it interesting. when did you make that one

About five mins before I posted it! wink

Schizo Freak
Gollum/Smeagol is my one true love!!!!! lol ok not really but i love him!! he is soooo cute!!(in an adorable kind of way, like puppy cute.) we must keep him alive!!!!! (the thread i mean)

yeah, doesnt get enough appreciation, except at the sony ericson awards...

I have to seriously admit this was a awesome character from Tolkien, a minipulative creature who has ensnared the ring of power to his body and feeds for it!!

I will keep the thread alive! Yesss...yesss....we will....yesss precious...yes
Yay! Someone else has a gollum sig!

Schizo Freak
hey whatis everyone's favorite gollum experience? (movie or book)

when he is talking to himself! That's the best

Happy Dance this is my first post yall! o yea.... well anyway... i looove gollum! hes so funny!!! rolling on floor laughingHappy Dance this is my first post yall! o yea.... well anyway... i looove gollum! hes so funny!!! rolling on floor laughing

lol sry bout the double thing

Quite alright. smile

O so you forgive simmi!

She didn't do anything major to tick me off.

laughing out loud Pfft.

Laugh all you will little one.

Little? How am I little?

Isn't that the general size of your brain? Oh my mistake, 'tiny one'.

hehehe ok .. how about no more fighting... we call it even ( don't ask how ..just belive me )

I asked Kit bazzillion times but e he doesn't wanna

How about we take this fight somewhere else, I don't think the Gollum fans would appreciate it.


Somewhere in the future when you're already fossilized.

A.D. Skinner
laughing out loud


A.D. Skinner
Wow ! What a mouth on this one !!!! Not the greatest of spellers, but what a mouth !

ok .. not everyone is the best speller... aka me ...

She tends to have a very dirty mouth when she is angry...which is quite often...

Gollum really is a special character, who was portrayed in the films excellently!

Indeed! Serkis couldn't be more dedicated! Bashing himself against rocks....which brings me to my next topic..

Rick Porras as Gollum. smile

His schizo attack in TTT. big grin Even Steven Spielberg and James Cameron were very impressed with that scene. big grin big grin

yes. I love all the parts with golum talking to himself (i would say skitsofrenic, but i cant spell it smile )

My fav Gollum bit is when he's discussing his plans with his reflection in the water. The way it was done was simply superb and even slightly chilling...

Yeah, same here. That part is very cool. I also like the part whenever Frodo first calls him Smeagol.

i love that scene cuz the whole shadow passing over his eyes thing they did that was great
but my favorite gollum scene would be when hes planing to take the hobbits to shelob at the end of TT best scene in my oppinion

I really love how PJ / Andy did the whole bipolar scenes.....plotting together....fighting each other....

They were awesome!

i loved the eye scene where they went all shadowy......

how they did that no-one knows lol

PJ says he was amazed and asked how it was done...and the guys said....we dont know

eye go shadowy? confused

isnt it (slow) smeagol

*eyes eyes eyes*

what...what did yo ucall me

Ohhhh those big blue eyes that just went like , ".........."

yeah they went ".........."

big grin

a little bit @ ~~~~~~~ @

More like O------O

No, I think it was actually more like, @ ~~~~~~~ @ stick out tongue

No actually it's (O) 00 (O)

Okay, whatever...(O) ^ (O)

You forget the 00....those are the for Frog nose....

laughing okay, did I do this right now? (O) 00 (O)

There we go. big grin

first of......bitchin avator Kit!

also, I prefered him in the films, I didnt laugh at him in the book but seeing him in person in the films made it amusing!

how about (.Y.) oh no wait thats eowyn....erm....(~) oo (~)

hehe, cheeky, seriously though....I would give Eowyn a 8/10 on the "schwing-omator"

Discos - but not on this pic

lol aww i would give her an eight on there.....tired out look totaly in!


just a reminder ,this tis a gollum thread smile hee hee

my mistake, I always go oof topic.

anyways, I really don't like the images of Gollum from FOTR, look all pathetic and tacky than the other 2 films, perhaps seeing as he wasnt a key character they wouldnt chuck a load of money to the digital effects or whatnot at that point?

yay. But i read Serkis's gollum book and he said they really wanted gollum to be a mystery till TT. THey kinda were keeping him in the shadows, he was in Fellowhip to tease us and get us excited about TT smile at least thats what it was meant for stick out tongue

awesome, his eyes looked bigger in FOTR for some reason

Schizo Freak
i thought i heard PJ say that Gollum wasnt really done w/ all the effects in the fellowship....hmmmm a mystery.....

yeah thats what I bassically said, didnt need to spend heaps of money for him looking up through a stone in Moria....or the Prologue for that matter

lol. I really like Serkis's book. It goes really in depth about making gollum and all the work that went into it! A really great deal for 1o bucks smile

Opps, i am sounding like a salespersone. perhaps thats cuz i spent SOOOOOOOO much time in the bookstore. THe clerks all know me know. whenever i come they show me all the new LOTR stuff they've gotten in smile and i just walk in, go sit in the corner by the LOTR shelves and read. I even re-organized their shelves by my fave LOTR books, ones i have, ones i HAVE to have immeadiatly, and so on, and they left em that way. no one bothers asking me for help anymore, I just sit in my little haven and read smile smile

The Gollum you see in the Moria and the prologue was actually their first stage Gollum and they wanted to use, and THEN they casted Andy and then they redesigned Gollum to fit Andy's standards.

My brother told me to look out for the difference between Gollum and Smeagols eyes. apparently Gollums eyes are smaller and Smeagols are bigger.

Yeah Smeagol guys are more innocent and kinda like a kid trying to do the right thing, and Gollum has more of a vicious cunning eyes that's trying to just be dead evil.

Schizo Freak
wow i didnt know that!! awesome!!

Hum...if something different would have happened with Faramir, what would have eventually happened with Smeagol?

What is Andy Serkis' book called?

Schizo Freak
NO U MUSN'T DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*gives CPR*

EWWW Gollum saliva!!!!

Schizo Freak
where have they gone preciousssss?? where have they gone??

i shall take care of us....we dont need them!!!! i look after us now!!!!!

I think it's called Gollum: how we made movie magic

Yea, Andy says that Smegol was more like his son, and Gollum was like his father stick out tongue lol

so was it not serkis's voice in FOTR in the prologue?

you know in FoTR (movie) obviously lol....anyway the Gollum that appears when the enter the back passage to Moria looks nothing like the one in TTT and RoTK, and neither at the beggining of FoTR when Galadriel is talking about the ring and it shows Gollum.

anybody else notice or is it just me?

Discos: It was Andy's voice in the FOTR movie, just the voice, not the whole movements and appearance, it wasn't a motion capture stuff, they just decided to do that in TTT and ROTK. smile

Thorondor: I suggest you read the previous pages, those things were discussed there. smile

I liked the Gollum in the movie. I didn't really get the Gollum in the book, although he was one of my favorite characters in the Hobbit. Reading the fellowship disappointed me at first because I kept waiting for Gollum to show up. Ah

I just wanted to beat the crap outta Gollum in the Return of the King, I didn't so much mind him in Two Towers, I guess because it was mostly Smeagol.

Yeah, they really did their best to make us hate Gollum in ROTK. Guess they did their job. big grin

I liked him the best in TTT, smile maybe because it's his film debut (wow stick out tongue ) and Smeagol had to have a great impression to the audience. big grin Guess they did their job awesomely again. big grin I don't want to spoil my Gollum fun but I thought he kinda lost his magic in ROTK. sad But that's just me. sad

But I remember in my theater, when Gollum was going wild in Mt. Doom and Sam hit him with a rock, my whole theater bursted out laughing. laughing And whenever Frodo and Sam punches him. stick out tongue

for how much I love Gollum I couldn't help laughing when he was on Frodo's back in mount doom.

I couldn't help smiling when he had this 'woot!' look on his face when he held up the Ring.

that part was great stick out tongue when he was holding the ring and falling into hte fire smile i loved his expression stick out tongue


i also seen that pic

Discos - ...grr....@sig

they did a great job in that scene though and no deadly vapors killed Andy so i guess it was ok

i love the whole gullum vs smeagol thing like him fighting with himself its soo cute... hes my fave character out of all......mostly a tie with sam cus frodo just lies there all the time he never actually fights did anyone else notice that???

Great pic gollum gal!

yeah. nice pic smile

yes very good pic gal

@discos - Mwuahahahah stick out tongue

I like yours too Thorondor...even though it's not of gollum...


asna they rungs is naaasssstyyyy asn its plasy with his brain!

not hid liver
or hearyt
or kiney
NOhis brains!

big grin form...I ment from


Sorry,I forgot to quote but...Thank you for the book title.

welcome smile

Schizo Freak
ha ha i just remembered the MTV movie awards from last year!!! lol loved gollum/andy's acceptance speech!!! did any of yall see it??? if not it is hidden on the two towers extended dvd!!!!!

where on hte dvd?

Really?? Ahhhh I hate it when DVDs hide things I dunno where to look no But I did see that anyway it was great big grin I was laughing so much laughing

it was so funny i was jumping for joy when i learnd i have it forever on my DVD and i watched it like 10 times in a row

Where where?? Where is it ahhhhhhhhh eek! lol!!

Schizo Freak
ok if you are wanting to see the gollum/andy mtv movie awards acceptance speech put the second movie disc into the player and go to scene selections, go to the last available scenes and keep pressing down till you see something on the botom of the screen appear hit enter and enjoy!!! there are hidden things on the fellowship EE DVD too by going to the same thing...except it is the council spoof mtv did w/ jack black.....still very funny. i think that is where they hide them all the time at least the lotr ones.... yup so enjoy!!

or you could just ask me and ill give you it lol.

Oh my god thanks Schizo Freak! I never have a clue where any of the hidden things are! I've lent my friend TTT EE so I can't look at that one yet (they've had it longer than I have, I lent it to someone else too sad) but I shall look at the FOTR EE one big grin THANK YOU!!! big grin

i shall have to look stick out tongue

me to *runs out to watch it again and again*

Schizo Freak
hey no prob guys....yea i never knew there was even things hidden on dvd's until i found out on www.ejwsites.net. very informative site..... ROCK ON GOLLUM LOVERZ!!!!!!!

Schizo Freak
ok i c how it is u left to whatch it again but never came back...YOU HAVE ABANDONED GOLLUM!!!!!!!!!!!

Schizo Freak
Gollum Rocks! he really really Rocks! Gollum Rocks He really really rock!!!

nooooooooo!!!! i would never abandon gollum *runs out and comes back with a big plate of uncooked fish* please gollum forgive me sad

wait i know *snaps fingers and a big screen TV apears* now we can watch gollums scenes without having to leave big grin

Schizo Freak
lol u have been forgiven... i know cuz they told me so! :-)

I love Gollum! My mum thinks I am weird for loving such a nasty creature but who cares, I love Gollum! and his "My Precious"!

Schizo Freak
i always tell people i think he's hot and then they think im crazy and look at me weird but hey he is hot and i am crazy! lol

proud to be weird...heehee!

Schizo Freak


Schizo Freak
i would love some popcorn! butter and salt please!!


Schizo Freak
that is too cool!! did you stop to talk to him???

yes but i didn't say anything out loud stick out tongue my friends don't know im an obsessant smile

Schizo Freak
what did u say to him?!?!?

Schizo Freak
hey guys just thought i would ask ya somethin.....

What is your favorite Gollum/Smeagol scene????

mine is when Sam catches him sneaking. When Sam says he's sorry for yelling at him and then he asks him what he was doing and G/S said, "Sneaking" that was too funny. oh and when he brings the rabbits to Frodo in TTT and he is laughing, that bit was great!

so tell yours!!!!!

i like in TTT when hes arguing with himself, when he temp gets rid of Gollum

Schizo Freak
i used to have that seen memorised and i used to say it at lunch all the time at school!!! and i still use lines from the movies in my everyday conversations! it is too much fun! after i say the lines i ask my friends who said it! (they are lotr fanatics also!)

Schizo Freak
so what are everyone elses favorite gollum/smeagol scenes????

"go away and never come back!" is my favorite gollum line.

Heh heh. Sam... he loves big golden chips and cooked fish... Yummm.
"Even YOU couldn't say no to THAT!"
"Oh, yes we could! Spoil nice fish..! Give it to us RAW and WRRRRRIGGLING! YOU keep nasty chips!"
"...You're hopeless..."

Schizo Freak
there has yet again been abandonment here....it is saddening..... lol just jokin!!!!

Inwë Nólatári
yes schizo ALWAYS does some lovly lines from the movie for us. LOTR ROCKS!!!!!!! YAY

Inwë Nólatári
I really like any time he's talking to gollum/smeagol it is so funny. I also love the "sneaking" part in ROTK.

I just love smeagol/gollum all together

Schizo Freak
yes they do rock and will live in our hearts


I love all the sceanes where gollum/smeagol are talking to each other. ALso love that line when smeagol says Up, up, up the stairs. He sounds so cute when he says it!

Oh, and that poem he says in The Two Towers...

"Cold be heart and hand and bone
Cold be travelers far from home
They do not see what lies ahead
When sun has failed and moon is dead"

I kinda like that one!

Schizo Freak
ok so does anyone know gollums last name?? does anyone know where he used to live before he was taken over by the ring???

no i dont think they mention his last name or much expet in the chapter in Fotr and thats mostly about after he got the ring and Gandalf tracking gollum down
maybe you should ask Exa

my fav line in the movies from gollum/smeagol is

"They do not see what lies ahead when sun has failed and moon is dead"
on another note i still haven't seen "Return of the King" i wasn't allowed to go, have to wait till it comes out on DVD. Boo Hoo sad. still haven't forgiven parents yet mad will when they eventually let me. in the mean time i'll just listen to everyone else talking about it. So far it sounds really good big grin


thought i'd post my gollum avatars here since i've no use for them...



Inwë Nólatári
more fav quotes/scenes.....

Smeagol-we'll lead them up to the winding stairs
Gollum-yes the stairs, and then?
S-up, up, up, up the stairs until we come to..... the tunnel
G-and when they go in, there's no coming out. She's always hungry, she always needs to feed. She must eat. All she gets is fithty orcses.
S- and them doesn't taste very nice does they precious?

Gollum-Naughty little fly, why does it cry? Caught in a web, soon you'll be ........eaten!

Schizo Freak
Thorondor- really so do u know how old he is?

Inwe-lol thats a good one the last part the fly and web thing! is that from rotk?