Does any1 here think that the 1st was way better than the other 2 ?

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hey all im new 2 day stick out tongue
just wonderin does any1 think that they ruined the last 2 films ?
The first 1 in my opinion was ALOT better than the first 1!
I mean wat a crap endin 2 the last 1 they aint got rid of the matrix but theres some kind of happy meduim!! I mean come on lol
hmz anyways wat u think?

Mr Zero
everyone with eyes thinks that.*

*only with better spelling


look down a little ways and there's another thread on this.

mc pee pants
it is very hard to come up with a good sequel... or 2 at that. at the top of my head, i can only name two trilogies that were progressively better: LOTR and the original star wars movies. reloaded and revolutions had so much hype that when it came down to it, they never really made it up to the standards of the matrix. the ending i came to understand after some readin in this forums. there is no one certain answer if neo is indeed dead or alive... it is up to you to make up your own d@mn mind... but the ending quite served its purpose; to wrap up the story.

First was the Best...that's all I gots to say! Nuff said!

No, I don't.....I love them all equally!!! Stop bashing Rev and Reloaded!!! mad mad mad mad

we'd not have to bash them if they were as good as the first one, they set their own bar far to high to be able to reach

Sequals are made for the fans anyway. So the fans will allways love them while the retarded critics will bash it. Its a horrible process...

what has this forum come to, when it is mostly people that hate the movies that show up?!

this has been thought of, debated, and killed countless times already. The Ending for Revolutions was the perfect, and truly only, ending that would have any sense and morality.

wow sry all diddn't no sad

Mr Zero
dont apologise - Im interested to see the people who LIKE the 2&3rd movies come out of the woodwork.


Samurai Guy
The first was really the only good one out of these. The other two had their moments, but not many.

The Neo vs. 1,000,000 Smiths was pretty interesting, but that does not make up for the pointless sex/rave scene.

But, in a nutshell, the original was way better.

nice 1 happy

mc pee pants
yeah, the sex/rave/orgy scene was so un-necessary. i have never found a purpose for that scene. they shoulda ended with morpheus' speech introducing snoop dogg for a rap song, "b!tch please 22"...

Yeah, the point of the sex/rave scene was to show the spirit and humanity aspect of Zion and to celebrate human life as they knew it, but I don't think it was done the best way, and probably could've been left out.

I am a huge fan of the sequels, i loved them as much, if not more, than the original. As for the Rave scene, it showed a sort of juxtaposition between the hedonism of mankind and the pure love of Neo and Trinity, and sets an undertone for the rest of the the movies. and although i coulda done without seeing Keanu Reeves butt, it was tasteful, more or less...

more like it was purrrdeful Jedi love

mc pee pants

NO, i dont think the first one was the was simply the start of the story

i think the rave/sex scene was to make up for the obvious lack of stuff to put in the movie and was completly unnecisary (i so spelt that wrong)

I kind of liked it; not because I'm a horny teenagerHappy Dance , but because its shows the human side of things. It was symbolic, and not meant to be looked upon with such a critical eye.

shut it pee pants miffed

Everyone thinks the first was much better than the latter two.

and im one of them, the first one was well thought up and directed really good, the last two were kind of running on low battery, the third one with that whole boring gimp's vs. morpheus and trinity fight was a filler imo, and so was the techno orgy/sex scene in the second

it was mostly because the experience from the first film was amazing and when i saw the second and third it didnt come out satisfying for it being the follow-up to the first

its kind of like xmen, where as the first one was really good, and its follow-up was equally amazing in a new way

the rave scene didnt really look symbolic to me, first of all it was so damn long, i understand them having a need to show the whole damn thing, and i understand these two having need to show dry humping and keanu's ass though lol

And Neo's arse is not sufficiently shapely.

lol, indeed

mc pee pants
i'm sorry... i'm just not interested in 40 year old man-@ss greenpeepants

reloaded was actually my fave... except for the "obvious" burly brawl cg.

Apparently you haven't met me or read my posts...but nice attempt at an all-incompassing statement, except next time, try and make it true...

with the first movie i left thinking "wow, that was cool" and went and saw it again at the movies. it left you wondering. then the second two i left the movies thinking "hmmmm, whatever." there like low fat rice cakes after a hamburger, your never gonna be as satisfied, nomatter how much you have

tabby explained it perfectly

hmm, maybe not.....but i like to kick some so watch it raver

mc pee pants
i am SO shaking in my space boots...

its actually "little space boots"

get it right!!

So picky...

mc pee pants

no expression

The first was the best. There aren't too many people that would say otherwise.

Again, i disagree. I think that each is wonderful, and i would not put one above another, except perhaps i would put the last two above Matrix.

Jedi got it in one

how? please explain to me me how the second and third were better than the first?

All three are equally awesome. For those of you who did not like the last two, you have to dig depper below the surface of the action and look at the philosophy behind the movie. If you want answers read Like a Splinter in your Mind: The Philosophy Behind the Matrix Trilogy by Matt Lawrence.

theres nothing wrong with the philosophy, its the acting, some of the script and direction i had problems with

I can maybe agree with some of the acting was worse such as Niobe and some of the other secondary Zion fighters, but the script, philosophy and direction of the last two were just as good as the first.

to be honest the only actor i thought came out of the sequels with any credibility was hugo weaving, he played smith so well, i loved the character, as for the others? there was little if no chemistry between reeves and moss, fishbourne was a spectator for reloaded and had only a little more in revolutions, niobe wasn't bad, she did what was asked of her and theres nothing wrong with that. In Reloaded and Revolutions the direction wasn't bad, it just seemed to be missing something.

Reborn Again
The 1st was much better than the only two. The 1st was original, then it just started getting boring, and eventually I didn't care who lived or died.

I did not think there was anything wrong with the acting...the directing, maybe, but thats because Joel Silver wouldn't get off his butt and do anything...(can i tell i don't like Joel silver much?)

anywho, I liked the last two because they did not follow what was expected. I liked having to understand what was what and why this happened. It broadened my horizens and made me a better person. I understand more about my world because i understand their world. If you put into the movie more than just the 9 hours to watch it, then you will appreciate them much more, and i liked the 2nd and 3rd movie so much, perhaps because i grew around them and had such a wonderful community to talk about them in (aka Killer Movies Forum).

jedi i agree with most of your point, there the kind of movies that have an effect on youm i was the same, i just don't believe a brilliant idea and philosophy can excuse bad filmaking.

btw the actors i didn't like were reeves and moss mostly, partly because they had no chemistry, but also i believe they were capable of better.

no expression die



Well I think that the latter two installments were a flop, not least through spending so much time in Zion and outside the Matrix.

what would you know your evil no expression

I mean, Zion is difficult to sit through

no expression get a grip.

mc pee pants
zion was essential to revolutions. that's where the revolutions actually take place. to cut it out and assume they're at war is ridiculous. and the thought of agent smith being in the screen for two whole hours is just argh since he took over everybody's shell in the matrix, he'll be the only one there.

zion is neccessary yes, but they made a mess of it, they really did.

mc pee pants
let's do a little imagining. let's say we shrunk those sentinels -- yes, all of them-- to the size of a lab rat. and then we unleash them in your house. "made a mess" is an understatement.

yeah, i expected the second two movies to be good, they sure went against the grain on that one

funny, but im sure you know i meant creatively

the reason i like the first one the best, is cuz neo is too god like in reloaded and revolutions. i liked it when he actually had to crazy karate stuff and shoot people then when he flies around and makes weapons float towards him to use. the first one had a lot of realism. i mean, stuff that wasnt too crazy taht u think, "oh my god, that's so fake," but stuff that's still crazy cool and makes u wanna watch it a million times over and over.

*sigh* what's the point's not like i'm going to change your minds...besides, asking you to think about a movie must be such blasphemy...argh...i can't stand it here anymore... mad

yeah, hate to realise we know the same thing at the end of the part two and three as we did at the end of part one. Neo is their saviour. didn't need to spend so much money making two more movies, how bout helping world hunger or something good instead of telling people what they already know?

cuz its fun to watch neo kick some serious ass. i mean, without fighting, if u just wanted to get the "point" across, u could prolly do it in a 30 min tv show, but ppl want action and everyone loves the action of the matrix!

yeah, we love it for a certain extent, watching a overly long fight scene involving Neo and a million Agent Smiths is too much.

oh and as for your sig, Travis Barker is tons better than Tre

I like all three flims.

I am sure most would agree with this. And I am sure they have in all of the other threads like this.

i'm sure you knew that there were 5 previous "ones" before Neo right? And I'm sure you knew that the matrix had been reloaded 5 times before?

did we need to know this? no, not really, the first movie told us what the other two did, and added in the things like that. at the end of the third movie did the end have Neo saving everyone, yes. at the end of the first movie did is tell us that neo was everyones saviour? yes. same message with two extra movies

Well you must've totally missed the point of the ending of Revolutions. Neo did not save everyone, he only saved Zion. Billions of people are still trapped in the matrix, and to quote Morpheus, " as long as the matrix exists, the human race will never be free".

that is an excellent point, and i couldn't have said it better myself...the whole premise behind TxO is that you can either fight to save those still in the Matrix, or fight to kill those still in the Matrix, so that the Machines can not harm the humans.

Jackie Malfoy
The other two was boring and pointless the first one is the best and to me a classic!I can watch it over and over again and not get bored of it.I also know all the lines by heart.
"My name is Nemo"

"Find them and destroy them"

And those are my favorite lines of the first movie which I give four stars!GO MATRICKS AND GO MR SMITH!JM Happy Dance

eek! eek! eek! eek! laughing laughing laughing laughing

That's the funnies thing I've ever seen!!!!!

and he spelled matrix wrong. wow, nemo in the matricks. sounds like a matricks 4 to me. i can see it know, "Finding The Matricks!" i'd go see it.

"nemo, you are the one. swim nemo swim."

"Mr. Fish"
"My Names, Nemo!"

sorry, i love when ppl mess up

no expression ok

so he saved Zion and helped them move on to save hunanity, big whoop, what i said comes around and ends in the same way, Neo saves the day, game over. and bollocks to Morpheous saying "we can never save humanity," the Architect also said neo couldn't save trinity but he did, f*ck off that, two unnecesary movies are still Revolutions and Reloaded

no expression say that again i wasnt listening

Backtracking are we?

Exactly my thoughts.


no i wasn't back tracking, i was pointing out no matter what bogus spin you put on it, the second two still end with the same message, making them pointless

Once again, they weren't the same message. The message at the end of the first was Neo was the first one and was the savior of humanity. The message of the second two was he wasn't the only one and that he wasn't the savior of all humanity, he just saved Zion and created a temporary peace.

roll eyes (sarcastic)

The first one was the best. However, the other two were great films for the avergae sci-fi fan. All 3 had great plots, action, and suspense. Special effects were top of the line and the whole storyline was incredible. Makes you really think.

And to think, not one of them got nominated for best Special effects in the Academy Awards!!! That alone shows you how much against the Matrix people were.

and either way, they end with peace which will end with mankinds saving. what a load of bollocks, we all know it dosn't matter what happens, it still works out. in the first movie, neo gets shot by smith, then gets back up and wins. then in the second one the architect says that he cant save trinity, but he does that. **** what were told by the bogus second movies, it still happens, if they went on to make another three movies neo would come back get told he couldn't do something, do it and save the day. and those three movies would be as pointless as the last two

except you are mistaking plot for plot holes. For instance, the Architect tells Neo that he cannot save Trinity because he needs Neo to reload the Matrix. Acting like he knows the future, and giving Neo one logical choice is a very logical move for a computer. Except the computer doesn't understand emotion, doesn't understand the utter randomness that is inherent in humanity. So of course he is wrong. Plus, Neo got shot by Smith in the Matrix, and he doesn't die because everything clicks in his subconscience like peices of a jigsaw puzzle. He understands, by being shot, and by hearing Trinity say "I love you" that he is the One, that what the Oracle said would happen, happened, that, whether he believes in it or not, destiny has it's grasp on him, and it is not going to let go. As for Neo coming back, no. Neo is alive, yes, but in what form. He will not walk into Zion again. He will not walk through the Matrix again. However, he can, perhaps, travel through the Matrix, and in the programming of all the Machines.

Doesn't anyone spell around here?

why, is this supposed to be a spelling bee?

what do you mean, doesn't anyone spell around here? i see that i misspelled pieces, which i didn't catch, but honestly, i try to spell correctly all the time.

No, I started going to a forum where everyone talks like they're writing an essay for some reason, so when i come here, i see the place is loaded with minor not correct stuff that burns my eyes like fire after going to that other one.

u guys r all just saying whats the point, neo saves the day in the end of all movies. but, thats how every friggin move is!! the hero saves the day. hey! star wars has 6 movies and in each one, the hero saves the day in the end, yet more keep coming. its just the way it goes!!

but i like the first one, cuz the fight scenes r more realistic. the first one has more or the actors or stunt doubles on wires and stuff, and 2 and 3 theirs way too much computer animation that it looks fake. like in the burly brawl, for half the time, neo looks like a videogame character. i dunno, i love all three movies, but original will always kick ass

we all love the matrix, but youd have to be blind to miss the huge plot holes. using the "we'll leave it to the audience to draw their own conclusions" excuse is good if u have intentionally done it, which admitedly they did sometimes, but the two sequels did have plot holes, obviously huge ones at that. and the writing direction and acting were poorer in the sequels (the only exception being hugo weaving).

not ever good guy wins, look at braveheart, he got ****ed over

laughing out loud

He did win in a sense because he started what would lead to the freedom of his people, in way very similar to what Neo did now that I think of it. big grin

hid did lose, in a very "off with his head" kinda way

could you please iterate the "obvious plot holes" for me?

for revolutions read this:

hes got a couple of things wronmg but imo is generally right.

as for what i said earlier, my apologies, by sequels i meant revolutions, i actually thought reloaded was pretty decent, but still nowhere near the quality of the firsty movie

I stopped reading it after the first couple of lines. You can think it isn't that good of film and don't like it, but in no way shape or form is it even close to being one of the worst movies of all time. When he started saying that, that just proved to me he did not get it one bit. It looks like he is confusing a big dissapointment with a horrible movie, because he had an ewok crossed out also on the page and metioned " forget Lucas", which I take it as he is a prequel basher and thought they were horrible. Again just shows he has no f'n clue what he is talking about, the prequels aren't as good as ANH or ESB, but in no way are they close to being a horrible movie. ON top of that, he has never watched the Animatrix, cause if he did he would've known why the Kid was shown as a hero in Revolutions, and he was complaining about them cheering that the war is over. They're miles down below where the machines are and they have no way to jack into the matrix to see what has changed. But when you have been constantly fighting the machines for 100 years, in their mind, and along comes a guy who is promised to stop the war and save humankind, wouldn't you think that when thousands of sentinels suddenly stop attacking and go away, when Neo is said to be going to the Machine city, would mean the war was over?

yeah the guy went a bit overboard, some stuff was ridiculous, but some of his points i thought were very valid, i have the animatrix, but thats no excuse to just stick him(the kid) in the movie, cos a lot of people havent bought it, so there sayin to themselves who the f**k is this kid? using a game and the animatrix to further the story was a bad idea period, they should have left them as seperate threads, not tried to intertwine them with the movie. your right about the war thing, but it still doesnt make revolutions anywhere near as good as the original.

basically this thread should die a horrible death no expression

i agree

Wow...What happened to this place? I remember back in the day when threads were...Half intelligent.

Yes! I loved the first two Matrix movies. I hated the second two. It was such a great premise, and they ruined it.

1st is classic. 2nd is hmm...commercial roll eyes (sarcastic)

i feel loved eek!

I missed the fourth? Or are you counting the Animatrix?

yeah, thats what i thought...i am assuming that he/she is counting the Animatrix, otherwise, i am totally confused...

alien I like all of the matrix trilogy their is nothing wrong with all of them except trinity dying near the end.

this thread sucks *kills it by smashing it with a giant sledgehammer*

way to tell anyone who hadn't seen them all the ending

the movie has been out for a year now, if they haven't seen it by now, i would hope that they aren't here.

The first one was undoubtfully the best of the three films or should i say two. I think alot of people forget that reloaded and revolutions are the same movie, which is why they dont like the third that much. I liked all of them. The character development in the film is some of the best you can get in any movies. The acting is appropriate. the dialogue is amazing, even if at times they elaborate on things a little to long or not enough. the action is balanced in the best possible way. each film takes on it's own style. for me it is the character development and content that make these movies a favorite for me. The first is defenantly the best though, but then again when it comes to sequals it is near impossible to find a sequal that is better than the original. reloaded and revolutions as a single movie do rival the original matrix though, it is when you break reloaded and revolutions into two movies, when it seems to be lacking.

One thing that really bugs me is how people say Keeanu didn't show any emotion in his face and didnt' act that good in the sequels for that reason, yet a lot of people say Christian Bale played the part awesome in Equilibrium where he showed no emotion and just had a stone face throughout the first half of the movie. While I agree Bale's performance was good, Keeanu's wasn't any worse, he played Neo perfectly, but because so many people have something against him, they of course thought it was horrible.

mc pee pants
can you imagine will smith playing neo ugh sick

yeah, or Val Kilmer as Morpheus? He's a good actor, but I just cannot see him playing Morpheus. And what about Sean Connery? I think he would've been cool, but I don't think he would've fit the movie that well.

i actually like keanu, but come on, he aint the most articulate actor.

anyway, he did a decent job in the matrix, because the character suited him, except for the "you could have just asked" line to seraph, very bill and ted

mc pee pants
i think sean could've pulled off the architect. "i created the matrixsssshhhh.."

okay maybe not...

and val kilmer as morpheus? did they actually consider him or are you making a "worst cae possible" scene..?

No, they actually considered him for Morpheus, as hard as it is to believe. Here's one site where it says that:
And do a search for it and you'll see may other sites also confirmed that. The same thing with Connery, he said he didn't do it because he didn't understand the film. Can you believe he also was up for Gandalf in LOTR?

Everyone knows the second was better than the first. We all spent the first 45 minutes of the movie bearing with Neo to see if he was the one... not much action there, only training. The second had a lot more action and of epic proportions. The thousand agents fighting Neo scene was hot!!! I was sweating in my seat.

You might think it was better, but far from everyone thinks that.

matrix 2 and 3 suck. thats my opinion. number 2 had the most annoying loooooong car chase in history, and number 3 was just an excuse for effects.

hear hear

droolio they need serious help if they are

you say long and annoying. I say ambitious, and near perfectly executed action. Let me guess, you think 2 fast and 2 furious is the king of car chase films? By the way, film number three isnt a single film, it is the second half of reloaded.

Wrong. A lot think the first is better, as do I. Although, I am not a huge Matrix fan. I thought the first one was awesome. The second was very entertaining and third was entertaining with a very weak ending. I still enjoyed the sequels, most fans hated them because they were hyping them too much...I enjoyed them, even though the ending of the third is pretty bad.

"Everyone knows the second was better than the first. We all spent the first 45 minutes of the movie bearing with Neo to see if he was the one... not much action there, only training. The second had a lot more action and of epic proportions. The thousand agents fighting Neo scene was hot!!! I was sweating in my seat."

I love the first i jus watched it again i dont lik the others really.

no expression k bye

The ending in revolutions was really the only possible ending. you should have known it was going to end that way. There was really only two other possible endings, which werent as plausible as the ending we got.

k bye

mc pee pants
oh, sh!t... i just can't picture val as morph. who was connery suppose to play in the matrix? and gandalf? the voice doesn't match the character.

I was guessing Connery was up for either the Architect or the head of the counsel, can't think of what his name is right now.

k no expression

Councilor Hamann? or the woman? who was the leader, anyway?

pretty sure it was Hamann.

The first film was new- original, trod new ground. The sequels did not- but overcomplicated and certainly overexplained films.
It should have been less action in 2- with a progressive build up culminating in a 3rd part full of action and an ending worthy of an epic. The cycle of destroying Zion is stopped and the machines are crushed. An ending with absolute finality was required after the massive build ups.
Consider Lucas not killing Vader in ROTJ, the emporer living on, but a truce was accepted and everyone lived happily ever after. How cheated would you have felt then? This is not much different.
My ending-
Neo enters the machine city, with Trinity helping he uses all that skill and power to take on the core.Meanwhile the last great offensive is launched - where that moaning commander whose name escapes me organises massive lines of attack with the bots they have left , coupled with strategic placements of EMPs.
The life support systems are carefully sheilded as at a coordinated time all hell is let loose. As Neo wins his battle in the heart of the machine city- losing his life in the process, Zion destroys every last sentinel and the battle of all battles is won. None of this Smith thing again, that would be shortened to an intense kick ass fight where Neo canes him.
But it is concluded and no-one feels cheated.
For all we know when the wachowskis feel like making another buck- part 4 is landed on our lap- Matrix Recycled.


Y-chromo kid
C'mon, were you really so easily satisfied? The first was beautiful, the sequels needed more work, rewrites, care and attention than they were given. I'm afraid I could smell the strong, displeasing odour of a cash-in

Quite right!

But according to one Star Wars spin-off, a truce was eventually made with the Empire - the difference was that there was no longer a Sith order.

Edited to add: I think the proper term is "Regurgitated," not Recycled stick out tongue

I like the first more because all of it made sense.

i hate you no expression

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