"Simulacra and Simulation"
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The Wachowski brothers who wrote the Matrix, writting was maybe not based on, but heavily influenced by "Simulacra and Simulation,"
by French postmodern sociologist Jean Baudrillard, who argues that contemporary Western society is a culture of facades, replicas, counterfeit and imitation. Has any of you read this book? I'm planning on do it eventually, but time is short now....was wondering if you guys could tell me anything about it. has anyone read any other good books about the matrix? Have you guys heard of this book?
yes we have, it has been discussed before. That is the book that Neo puts his money in...in the First movie.
Oh shit is it? have any of you acutally read it? sorry if its a duplicate thread, still kind of new here...
I've read some...found the ebook some time ago (can't remember the site where I got it).
mc pee pants
can't go wrong with amazon.com
interesting subject....on another note....The Wachowski Brothers made Keanu read this book before reading the script of Reloaded/Revolutions....to understand some of the underlying meanings
Yeah i saw that in the newspaper a while ago, thats where i first heard about it, I guess i didnt know they put it in the movie....I was wanting to pick it up, just wondering if it was worth reading...
There were three books the Wachowski brothers made Keanu read before reading the script to the Original matrix; all were concerning the metaphysical, similar to Baudrillards "Simulacra and Simulation". I have read most of it, not all, as it is a very heavy read and i have not had much time. Reading Baudrillard, however, helped me to understand some of the underlying themes of the Matrix, and was very helpful, so i would definitely recommend it.
i love those books! what can i say im hooked
cool, thanks guys
You can DL it here if you need...
very worth the read. It hit hard.
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