Flash Hulk Cartoon!

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Hey guys, since I've been a big Hulk fan all my life, I decided to create a short Flash movie in honor of good ol' green skin. Check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks!

since im not allowed to post URLs, just go to enterjakesworld.com/video/hulk.html (adding the "www" to it, of course)

Great short film!

Are you planning on doing more short films of any kind?

You bet I am. That was my first attempt at Flash animation. Im in the process of making my second one. And since 90% of the things I draw look comic-book-like, i was going to try another super hero movie. (either a character i made up or another tribute)

Hmmm....I was thinking about doing a Spiderman or Superman one...

Asian Hulk
If there is Spiderman new animated series.What about the Hulk new animated series?

id love to see a new hulk animated series!

IS there a new hulk animated series?? When? What channel?

dude that was ill,crank out more

That was great, and your first try? Nuckin' futs!

Glad to have you on the aboard the board. Oy.

For my next animation, instead of doing it on a known super-hero, I decided to create my own. It's going to be a pink furry bunny named Kit McFury.

I know it sounds lame, but trust me, its gonna kick ass! (I hope)

Asian Hulk
You are right.this is the Hulk new animted series

check out my bunny animation:


(adding the www to the address)

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.