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i slayed buffy
are u photogenic???
what is the worst foto u have ever had takin ov u????

This one photo that was taken of me when I was not ready. My eyes were wide open and I looked as if I saw a vampire. laughing

i slayed buffy
hehehehe to be honest i dont really hav n e bad fotos ov me

Ace of Spades
When I was 7 and my sister took my picture with my pants down embarrasment

i slayed buffy
even the 1 were im asleep isnt 2 bad

photo Haha Ive got a pic of you now. laughing

laughing that has to be an embarassing photo.

Ace of Spades
embarrasment my hair is messed up though

No I took a pic of buffy because she dosnt have any bad ones but now she does. evil face

i slayed buffy
dregh the guy from argentina has a pic ov me and a pic ov me and georgie on his wall in his room laughing i find that so hilarious

Yes, I come across better in photos than in real life - except for the little identity pic for my campus card! Those little identity photos are so unflattering!

Ace of Spades
oh ok then that fine lol coz my hair is a mess stick out tongue

i slayed buffy
my frend took a foto ov me hugging a self tan bottle lol

lol. laughing

any pic's im drunk

i slayed buffy
my dear friend shhhhh i dont use self tan ok wink


i slayed buffy
i woz crakin up wen dregh told me he woz printin those pix

Ace of Spades
very odd laughing

hey this is funny Happy Dance hehe big grin so cute


that's if im lucky

i slayed buffy
hey acey in my avatar is me and my m8 just to get bak on the photo topic btw im the taller 1 if u go to the member pix thingie there is another 1 ov me 2

Ace of Spades
smile looks cute

i slayed buffy
u just registered 2day hello there then and thanx

Ace of Spades
embarrasment I'm new yes

wont to hug me? hehe I love to hug people big grin

i slayed buffy
*huggels* u r a guy ay?

Ace of Spades
yes I'm a guy lol laughing

i slayed buffy
oh good coz u called me cute i just wanted to make sure lol

Ace of Spades
laughing haha embarrasment I'm sorry do I sound like a girl? lol

Well kind of because boys dont usually say cute.

i slayed buffy
yeah they do all da guys on kmc call me "cute" or "hot" na i woz just fkin with ya no worries

Ace of Spades
laughing but she is stick out tongue

I know that but why dont you just say she is hot. wink

i slayed buffy
embarrasment hehe

Ace of Spades
roll eyes (sarcastic) laughing

i slayed buffy
i dont care wot ya cal me

i slayed buffy
na leatherr im not ur ho

I was just joking.

Ace of Spades
laughing slap him eek! hahah

i slayed buffy
i noooooo im just playin along

NNOOO! You cant hold me down ace. laughing

i slayed buffy
hehe laughing out loud

Ace of Spades
cool *holds you down * now slap him eek! laughing

* trys to get away *

i slayed buffy
now now boys

Im going to punch you ace. laughing

Ace of Spades
eek! *slaps you * laughing haha

i slayed buffy
*kisses both to shut them up*

* calms down * laughing

Ace of Spades

doesn't work stick out tongue

i slayed buffy
y not

Oh you want some. Bring it on ace.boxing

Ace of Spades
hah i don't know laughing

*hugs* hehe its better big grin

* punches ace in the stomache and runs * stick out tongue

Ace of Spades
eek! *slaps you * hehe your my slapping person laughing

Ok buffy smack this dude.

Ace of Spades
hey sad confused

*kicks you* stick out tongue

i slayed buffy
ok im gona go sleepies boys its 11.45pm and im tierd good nite sleep

* punches you in the face and knocks you out *

Good night. wink

Ace of Spades
blink so now I'm going to bed too? laughing

yep. laughing

i slayed buffy
il leave u to fight wot r u fiting bout n e ways

He tryed to hold me down to get slapped. but anyways good night babe. wink

Ace of Spades
eek! I slap random people lol laughing

i slayed buffy
nitey nite and i wil come tomoro and read the rest ov wot happined in this thred

Ok. * throws ace off the brooklyn bridge * laughing

Ace of Spades
eek! I can fly laughing

i slayed buffy
my arms and feet r cold

* takes buffy to a fire place and lights it up *

Ace of Spades
*hugs* better? laughing big grin

bunny <<<<<< look what I found out what to do big grin

i slayed buffy

Ace of Spades
blink thought u where tired big grin

Ace of Spades

Ace of Spades
oops embarrasment i did the wrong thing

i slayed buffy
yes i wil leave as i please lol

Yeah if she wants to stay then let her. smile

Ace of Spades
I'm going to bed now hehe I'm sleepy lol its 12.06 pm here laughing

hehe the bunny is cute bunny

bunnies are sad and scary.shoot the bunnie

Hey spookey.hi2

hey leather whats with the i slayed buffy........sounds up her self

Whats up and buffy was just tired. wink

im tired......

I havnt slept 1 second the whole night.



wow...nice green thingy

lol laughing

well me and the sexy david bids you all goodbye short and sweet

Ace of Spades
don't hurt the bunny stick out tongue

I have no idea when I had a bad photo. I think ALL of them were bad. big grin

all my fotos are bad ... cause im bad looking yes

i dont have any bad photos either.

Ace of Spades
lucky you big grin

embarrasment i look so bad in all of mine

you have to take photos when u look th best

Ace of Spades
embarrasment i never look good


nor do i

i slayed buffy
fuk u! jks im not up my self am i?????

awww my acey alwys looks good........thats why i love him

well im too much of a lady to reply but keep flirting with acey and you wil just find out what i really think of you........jk

I'm not photogenic, I don't like having my pic taken.

Well THAT was modest.

I can't smile for photos, it looks so fake erm

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