One Piece
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Has anyone heard of One Piece?? Its like my favorite manga in the world!!

Yuki Eiri
ok any one like gravitation?
Yuki Eiri
i have oh oh pick me! nami rules! muhahahaha im nami! no not really
I have read 373 chapters of the manga and own all the episodes(210) and movies(5) available in the united states.... I quess you could say that I am very addicted. >.<;
Tony Tony Chopper, Zoron & Sanji are at the top of my lovable list but the rest of the kaizoku are not far behind ^^
*runs off to jump off the side of cloud piea just to catch the octopus ballon*
i have seen alot of epiosodes and raed the manga i am sad about the anime of one piece
yeh im diein 2 c the mvin
jnr hiphop
I've only heard of this one. I was told that it's good. Well, you know, most of the time when someone starts a thread on an anime, it's because they like it. LoL.
Loopy rules that show
Gotta love it

really i thinks the blond guy rules all.....
Sanji is cool but ya gotta love loopy,
lol.....i never understood that guy.......
lol it all goodo
hey people I am a one peice fan to just now seen this thread. I would have to say Lufie he is the coolest.
jnr hiphop
Can someone tell me what it's all about?
about the treasure or something?
i can't rember.....
yeh the treasure is called one piece
lol but why is it called one piece:?"\
riku harada
because when the king of pirates died, he told everyone that he left all his treasure in 'one piece'
lol thats stupid ...but i respect
omg why is the guy strechy?(i forgot his name...

riku harada
luffy? he ate a gum gum berry.
VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE one pice so much I can sing the whole themesong by heart
i love Zolo,Luffy,Nami,Sanjie,OOsaf,and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Shanks.
Yeah they are all cool lol gotta love them all
oh i love this show,it's made by the people who made dragonball,luffy rocks,but sanji is my fave character,i love the whole devil's fruit power thing,most kooleo
i hate luffy sorry guys but hes not royal like the blode guy omg god i keep forgetting his name!!!(note to self:never say blond again)
riku harada
Originally posted by Alexis_88
i hate luffy sorry guys but hes not royal like the blode guy omg god i keep forgetting his name!!!(note to self:never say blond again)
my fave guy from one piece is zolo
im with Riku-chan there
and umm i know im newb here but mayb you should consider talking more about the actual show instead of random blatherings of
riku harada
Ulrichs*babe*91, love the sig. i have all of those pics.
thanks for agreeing with me. zolo is really cool. i mean, how many guys can hold and fight with a sword in their mouth???
They should do a crossover of One Peice versus Naruto.
It's a known fact pirates can't stand ninja!
riku harada
my friend brought up a point at school:
what type of pirate wears a straw hat, a tank top, shorts and sandals? i mean he looks like a hill billy!!!
Originally posted by sanshain-eien
my friend brought up a point at school:
what type of pirate wears a straw hat, a tank top, shorts and sandals? i mean he looks like a hill billy!!!
And trust Spelljammer, rednecks are more likely to be ninja, not pirates..
strange but ya got a point... dont care either way.. you guys watching at ten on cn every night
one piece.. love the manga in shonen jump absolute great of the manga world... but hate the anime..... crappy american voices strike again
Lia Fail
I like the manga, and the japanese version of the anime, I dont really like the american version. I wanna see the movies though
there are movies??
dude did you make that sig
its so awesome
Originally posted by Ulrichs*babe*91
dude did you make that sig
its so awesome
your welcome
did anyone see thursdays episode
yes um one peice is ok but INUYASHA ROCKS! pirates sux no affense but if you like one peice you need to go to and at least give em a try i got hooked!
ahhhh!inuyasha is better!ahhhh!inuyasha is better! email me if you wanna now bout
[email protected]!
wow that is the gayest thing i have ever seen
i probably know more about inu than her anyway
what happened this week
Originally posted by Ulrichs*babe*91
what happened this week like on the show or what? If it is the show then I could tell you I watch it every saterday night.
yeah the show i missed it
stupid soccer
The buggy and alvita caught lufie and were aqbout to chop his head off. also alvita ate a cursed fruit and she is beautiful now.
Originally posted by KIKYO_SUCKS101
yes um one peice is ok but INUYASHA ROCKS! pirates sux no affense but if you like one peice you need to go to and at least give em a try i got hooked!
Sorry seriously don't state your opinions as fact......
Cuase IMO Inuyasha is horrible and overrated...
Anyway I am a fan of One Piece.... Anybody who has only seen the dub (Dub is horrible) Should go out and read the manga, or watch the original..... If you don't you're missing out on alot.
Zoro and Sanji own...
Originally posted by Ulrichs*babe*91
scary very scary.
dude Whos better
Zolo Luffy
Sanji Nami
Zolo Nami
Zolo Sanji
Luffy Nami
Luffy Sanji
Originally posted by Ulrichs*babe*91
dude Whos better
Zolo Luffy
Sanji Nami
Zolo Nami
Zolo Sanji
Luffy Nami
Luffy Sanji
his names zoro
Yea, you're right it is.... -_-
i thought it was Roranora Zolo
No your right the dub calls him Roronoa Zolo but his name (in the manga and original) is Zoro..... Still don't know why 4-kids changed his name
i just think sanji the cook is f u c k i n g awesome man

i like this guy
does anyone know where to download One Piece manga. b/c i would really like to download it.
no idea but you should support the writers and buy it from a store
i watched this show for the first time last night, just b/c nothing else was on and I watched the show previous this and was waiting for the next show after.
Just b/c of it's time slot, i'll probably see it some more, but it didn't really interest me.
When I first saw that witch. I thought it was an old man with a woman's body.
Either way, it's plane disgusting to see.
And that witch has a strange way of letting out her emotions.
And that guy with the stretchy body has a funny voice that doesn't fit him.
And when I first saw the reindeer, I thought it was a boy, but then when it was saying its goodbyes to the witch, it sounded like a girl when arguing why it should go be a pirate with them. Especially the part where it said "Okkaaayyyyyy".
And I thought I heard the witch refer to it as "her" or "she". But I later found out that I was right in the beginning when I thought it was male, b/c it is a male.
is it comprehensible.....
the witch is infact a female
Originally posted by SharinganFire06
the witch is infact a female
i know this.
is it comprehensible.....
i can help wit ur question:
It may be stupid but it actually means he left everything he ever pilaged and every single treasure known to man.
I like Kingdom Hearts It's the best game ever.
Emperor Ashtar
I can't wait till they animate the CP9 fights, I'm dying to seee zoro's "Asura" animated. His technque has improved alot
Also, his technique's have changed, most likely due to the Sandai Kitetsu. I mean look at his Enbima Yonezu Oni Giri
Emperor Ashtar
Zoro is a beast
dj slade
Originally posted by missbloom19
Has anyone heard of One Piece?? Its like my favorite manga in the world!!

Who hasn't?
One Piece doesn't get enough pointless arguing in this forum, it is far better than Bleach and Naruto who get alot.
Disappointing this thread is barely touched.
Eneru actually you're the only other person I know from here that actually reads One Piece
Endless Mike is a fan of it as well.
Seriously though, it is a shame, One Piece is a really good manga.
It's badass as shit. And unique.
upcoming chapters should be good, seems like there gonna be some epic 1-on-1's
Anyone got any ideas on how Luffy's gonna take down Magellan? The problems really on how to hit him non-suicidally so I'm thinking either he's going to throw stuff at him, get some sort of protection or he's now immune to his poisons for pis win.
Or someone else'll take 'im....
Do I sense an uprising of One Piece fans?
As for Magellan, good question, however.
I find it likely that Blackbeard may actually kill him, or maybe that newly released guy who used to work in Impel Down.
I'm catching up slowly to this series. Hey TGE, I'm at your arc right now. You're pretty badass.

I know, aren't I? 131
I lose by a bastardisation of physics though
Sanji is better.
As is Trafalgar Law
Zoro is better than Sanji
EDIT: To Quncy's post, not Slaanesh's.
Originally posted by ThunderGodEneru
One Piece doesn't get enough pointless arguing in this forum, it is far better than Bleach and Naruto who get alot.
And they actually do stuff in One Piece.
Pretty much each and every single chapter in this latest Prison Break Arc has proven to be be more epic than the last ten or so chapters of Naruto AND Bleach COMBINED.
And with Blackbeard on the scene, badassery is about to ensue.
what the hell is wrong with Blackbeard??first..he wants to beat Luffy because he need to beat someone with a high bounty to become a that he is..why is he still after Luffy??
Originally posted by ThunderGodEneru
I know, aren't I? 131
I lose by a bastardisation of physics though're kind of an *******, too, though. I mean, slaughtering an entire island just for the hell of it...twice...

I think he's trying to set up a war between Dragon and the WG, by having a Shichibukai (himself) kill Dragons son (Luffy/Ace). And somehow he's gonna use this to become king of the pirates (remember, he said he had a plan for world conquest back when he was after Luffy)
Zoro is more badass, and obviously stronger.
I just like Sanji more.
lmao, it seems like grant morrison killed the mangaka and took his place. SERIOUSLY! this feel like the final crisis of one piece verse.
luffy/ivanka/crocodile/the final shichibukai/both head goalers/BLACK BEARD and his entire crew/strawhat crew and you have friggin white beard and monkey d DRAGON along with SHANKS, making their final approach on the prison. the world government is gonna get ASS RAPED!
oh hey, LUFFY VS BLACKBEARD next issue!!!
they are going to the marine HQ cuz ace is already on his way there..the big battle is at marine HQ..not the prison..
Originally posted by leonheartmm
lmao, it seems like grant morrison killed the mangaka and took his place. SERIOUSLY! this feel like the final crisis of one piece verse.
I disrespectfully disagree. This Prison Break Arc is actually GOOD.
Until this series, I had never seen someone get beaten until they were, for lack of a better word, beautiful...

Duval is one of the funniest characters!
****. Luffy's Hardcore. How many kids do you know that would have the guts to shove a zombie back into its own grave?

ahh finally luffy is close to lvl 1, do you thisnk that blackbeard and his crew will survive the poision?
of coz they's blackbeard..u can't just kill him like that..maybe that half dead doctor will do something about the poison..
Originally posted by XanatosForever
****. Luffy's Hardcore. How many kids do you know that would have the guts to shove a zombie back into its own grave?
ROFL he didnt know it was a zombie
Originally posted by Slaanesh
of coz they's blackbeard..u can't just kill him like that..maybe that half dead doctor will do something about the poison..
I dont think that the 1/2 dead doctor can do much ¬_¬ atm



One Piece is amazing.
Also, Monkey D. Luffy
Is made of Epic Win.
Damn Straight!
Hardcore Bitches!!
Luffy's also one hell of a pimp. Imagine, getting the most beautiful woman in the world to fall in love with you. I mean...damn, dude.

I reached the last chapter!
Yeah. The best Naruto can manage is a bunch of psycho's and a cripple. And no-one likes Ichigo, 'cept boobs-for-brains-orihime.
Losers. excellent
Originally posted by XanatosForever
Luffy's also one hell of a pimp. Imagine, getting the most beautiful woman in the world to fall in love with you. I mean...damn, dude.
Too bad he's as oblivious as it gets.
Damn, sad chapter. It's a really depressing night. Poor Bon-chan though..... cry

Bon is Badass with a capital BADASS. Anyone who says something bad about him can eat dick.

The Blackbeard pirates have a new member.
seems like Jinbei have some issue with Luffy..maybe he's going to fight Luffy after all this is over..
Indeed, it has something to do with Arlong.
Holy Shit. Big, big revelation. What an obscure twist.
You think so? I always figured Luffy had to be related somehow. This just confirms it.
doesn't this confirm that they are NOT related?
About time Whitebeard showed up!
Originally posted by AverageSavage
doesn't this confirm that they are NOT related?
I stand corrected...I would have bet my bottom dollar that Luffy was related to Roger, though.

One heck job of a family tree.
Here's an interesting thought: If Gold Roger was the Pirate King, did he have an ability? If not, how the hell did he keep up with the likes of Whitebeard and others? He must of have been one Hell of a pirate.
If it was me, I'd give him the power to manipulate water. For a pirate, on the sea, he'd be haxxed. Though I've always thought it would be awesome if he was just some ordinary guy who fought his way to the top with no power's or training, just pure force of will. I also suspect Shanks of doing this, becuase we know he can swim.
But damn! Can Whitebeard really destroy the planet do ya think? That's insane, not even an overpowered ass like Eneru can keep up with that. Not very useful in close combat though, but I suppose he has Haki and his weapon for that.
id say rogers knew about the lost civilisation and the lost century. uber strong king haki and power over the lost civilisation's technology as well as the ability to tell the world the role of the government in it wud have made him a power to defeat the world government. even now, nami can read the glyphs and is wanted like crazy by the government. heck, the very phenomenon which led to the creation of the devil fruit might be connected to the technology of the lost civilisation.
btw, i also think that DRAGON was related to rogers{brother maybe}. they have similar ideals in giving personal freedom to people, whether that be throught starting an AGE OF PIRACY or liberating entire nations. it has to do with overthrowing the will of the powerhungry. thats probably why dragon is the most wanted criminal in the world, putting him on a similar station as rogers.
roger can't be dragon brother..cuz that would make him garp son..they don't seems like father and son..

Gol has been confirmed to not have a Devil Fruit I believe. He likely just had really overpowered Haki.
Luffy challenging Whitebeard!
LOL Luffy is a really snotty bastard!
Kuma going all "IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZAH"..
And Hina saying "Hina Fail!"
Latest issue's translation is full of epic lulz.
Hancock is ****ing awesome.
Damn straight she is!!!
Not half as awesome as Smoker.
Stopping Luffy in his tracks = badass
Only because he used kryptonite. >.>
Originally posted by Martian_mind
Not half as awesome as Smoker.
Stopping Luffy in his tracks = badass Stopping Luffy in his tracks because of exploiting his weakness <<< kicking the shit out of Smoker in smoke form with haki. It's obvious she will pwn him. LOL shes going to feed his pieces to animals thats gold man.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Stopping Luffy in his tracks because of exploiting his weakness <<< kicking the shit out of Smoker in smoke form with haki. It's obvious she will pwn him. LOL shes going to feed his pieces to animals thats gold man.
Badassery isn't just power man, it's also testicular fortitude. Smoker just found out that Luffy is the son of the most dangerous man in the world, and knows that if he harms him in anyway he'll most likely have to face bloody vengeance. He also knows that Luffy has been able to take it to 2 Shibukai and what does he do? throw himself at him. Then he takes a cheapshot from a shibukai, and barely seems phased and willing to take her on too.
Even if he loses, the man's got balls of ****ing ganite.
Indeed, Smoker is t3h ****ing leetness.
Also, how about that Jinbei? Even out of water, is taking on a powerful Shichibukai.
Originally posted by NemeBro
Indeed, Smoker is t3h ****ing leetness.
Also, how about that Jinbei? Even out of water, is taking on a powerful Shichibukai.
I really can't see anyone who could take him when he's actually in water.
I'm just waiting to see how they manage to reunite the whole crew, and what's going to happen to Buggy.
Originally posted by Martian_mind
Badassery isn't just power man, it's also testicular fortitude. Smoker just found out that Luffy is the son of the most dangerous man in the world, and knows that if he harms him in anyway he'll most likely have to face bloody vengeance. He also knows that Luffy has been able to take it to 2 Shibukai and what does he do? throw himself at him. Then he takes a cheapshot from a shibukai, and barely seems phased and willing to take her on too.
Even if he loses, the man's got balls of ****ing ganite. I agree

. Hancock is still bloody awesome.
And really really hot.
Nami's hotter though.
Normally, I'd agree. I have thing for red/orange hair (more the former than the latter), but there's something about Boa that just has me all aflutter.

Originally posted by Martian_mind
Nami's hotter though. She's hot.
But Boa, hell, Robin too, are hotter. Brutality is hot.
I'll give you Robin.
If only for the fetish fuel she provides.
Holy shit!!!! Luffy's gonna fight Hawk Eyes! Does this mean he'll get pwned? Or will he pull through and win(though that might make Zoro start gunning for him).
Great chapter, seriously. Boa = Badass. Eva = Badass. Crocodile = Badass. Diamondguy = Badass. Doflimingo = Gay (wtf). Awesome.
I didn't know Eva was strong enough to beat Kuma holy shit.
Some guy at onemanga said Buggy should fight Mihawk. While it does seem ridiculous, his power does seem to be perfect against swordsmen so it might not actually be such a bad idea. Thoughts?
And Eva curbstomping Kuma (well for now) made me lol. I guess those improvements of the WG are really up to scratch.
For some reason, I think Mihawk could beat the shit out of Buffy with his bare hands.
Not to mention if Mihawk has Haki, he can kill Buggy with his sword.
Reread most of this arc
Donflamingo is ****ing badass. I'll be happy if he teams up with Crocodile for an epic beatdown, or gives said beatdown to crocodile.
Also,what happened to Kuma sucks, and Luffy is gonna get shitstomped.
psycho gundam
i stopped watching one piece around Arlong era, from where should i pick it back up again to get back into things? (obviously skipping lame parts like filler)
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