Daxamites are Kryptonian variants?

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From STARNET metahuman database.

The being called Superman appears to be a human male approximately 26 to 35 years of age. His actual age and aging process is indeterminate. In actuality, Superman is a highly advanced, genetically enhanced or modified, sentient life form from the planet Krypton. As far as we are aware, he claims to be the last of his race, though variants are believed to exist, q.v. Daxamites. While possessing a human appearance, at the cellular level, he is quite different than Humanity.

I've got an issue of Superboy where he fough with Valor, who possess superstrenght, fly, heat vision, but i tought that Daxamites were just a race with similar powers to that of Kryptonians, but from the site it's right to suppose that they are Kryptonians that live on another planet or not?


I liked the end of 'Superman: Red Son', where it was revealed that the Kryptonians were actually humans from earth with 1 billion years of further evolution, and that kal-l was descended from lex luthor.
I know it isnt mainstream DCU, and is only an elseworlds tale, but it does have a good ending

ash pretty much summed it up but the daxamites get thier power from a red son, the same whay kal gets his from yellow but they have a potential to be more powerful that kryptonians due to the whole life force thing

Emil Hamilton

Emil Hamilton
The fatal flaw in Kryptonian cellular physiology is the unique radiation given off by kryptonite. In the most minute amounts, the radiation waveforms and high-energy particles emitted by kryptonite can react catastrophically with the very ribosomal chemical that grant a Kryptonian powers. The briefest contact can strip these powers, and further begin a fatal poisoning that totally shuts down cellular activity in the affected areas.

As kryptonite radiation makes its way through the bloodstream, a Kryptonian becomes instantly weak and ill in its unshielded presence, and prolonged exposure will render him or her unconscious (after 30 minutes to an hour depending on the size of the sample, and the current state of his solar reserves), and will eventually (after two to four hours) reach all parts of his body and bring death, usually as the body's immune system attempts to expel the deadly toxin. However, the rate of recovery once removed from the emissions is as rapid as the rate of damage, and the Kryptonian will be back to normal in under an hour after exposure in optimal conditions. Kryptonite emissions can be blocked by lead and other super-dense materials.

Further, the radiation signature of the red sun of the Krypton system (and similar M-class stars) instantly causes the ribosomal structures to lose their stored energy, reducing a Kryptonian to normal humanoid levels.

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