Flag Football Team

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I'm the owner, I assign you to be the GM to bring the home Vince Lombardi trophy.

I need a head coach and 8 starters....

...a QB, 3 Off. Linemen (one of which must be a long snapper), 3 WR's, and a TE, RB, or 4th WR.

Oh, the commish says that players can't use flight, magic, time control, psionic capabilites, etc..on our team. sad

We can ONLY use "human" physical gifts...speed, agility, knowledge, strength, accuracy, etc...
Ex... you could use Supes, but he can't be allowed to fly
Players feet must be on the ground at all times too...this eliminates someone like Surfer USING his board, but not from playing.

Show me my team!! mad

ps Linemen are eligible receivers too!



I came with Batman as my head coach, and Flash as probably one of my wideouts. I initially wanted him at QB, but not sure about his throwing prowess or accuracy.

Hey, BobbyD, I will get into this as soon as I see other people making teams. However, I should warn you, a good deal of the members take this forum too seriously. They may not want to participate and a few uptight losers may actually make comments about how they feel this thread is useless and stupid.

Matches, thanks for the FYI. I understand that these threads can't please everyone. If one thinks this is somehow stupid, then my apologies. I know you mean no harm too. People should just bypass it altogether then if think it's frivolous.

My rule is if I think something is absurd, I'll hold my judgements. If Paola wishes to destry this, that is ok also. I understand I'm at her mercy. The other "cardinal rule" is also to each their own.

Again, thanks for the heads up Matches....think I'll go put my goalie equipment on to withstand any potential backlash.

Besides, I think Hulk could make a good TE....jump some 50 yards forward and two miles high to catch a pass...now if someone could only throw it to him..... But, he'd also have to land in the endzone without someone jumping and picking off the ball up there.

I hear you loud and clear, BobbyD. I like the way you think. If we get some people interested in this thread, I am definitely liking Juggernaut as my RB.

Ahhh yes....never thought about Juggy as my RB....but I think he'd be even better in the NFL vs flag. Great pick, MM.

Bullseye for QB, he never misses.

BobbyD, I forgot that this was "flag" football when I said Juggernaut. He would be too slow for flag. Thanks for catching that. Nataku8188, nice choice, Bullseye would be the perfect QB.

Hmm, very interesting, I think I would take Doom as my coach, just for all the dramatics, and it would make for an interesting game play...

Head coach - DOOOOOM.
QB - Snake Eyes
Linemen - Thor, Thanos, Superman (long snapper)
TE - Hulk
WR'S - Sabertooth, Flash, Spiderman

(My understanding of this form of foot ball is only very basic mind you)

I'd also take Taskmaster, Domino, Reed Richards, Beast, and Colossus.
Can anyone say fastball special w/ beast, receiving a pass by Bullseye 20 feet in the air ?

Yes, sounds good. I was just trying to imagine the same thing with Galactus instead.... doesn't work nearly as well.

Does Flash possess the ability of jumping? I don't mean amazing heights like the Hulk necessarily, but can he get off the ground with any significant vertical? If so, I'm thinking he would be the most disruptive defensive player....that is unless he unfortunately found himself getting blocked by one of the big boys?....SPLAT!!!! No more Flash!

Not too familiar with Sabretooth. What does he bring to table?

But, Spidey's agility would definitely give people fits out in the open field.

Sabertooth is a lot like Wolverine, only in my mind a bit tougher and more animalistic. And I think the Flash would have the potential to jump reasonably high, but probably closer to a normal persons jump abilities then someone, as you said, like The Hulk.

Cosmo Kramer
I say Iron Fist he could just stiff arm everyone

Kramer, (giddy-up) stiff arming is not allowed in flag, unfortunately. We'll promote him to the NFL!

Nataku, I saw your recommendation earlier,...what does Beast bring to the grid iron?

Extremely strong and agile, he's considered to be one of the top 3 (Spidey, beast, nightcrawler, the order is always disputed) most agile characters in Marvel (And possibly DC)

Agility is king in flag football, Nataku.

I would want hulk and juggernaut as tackles........ouch
flash as a quaterback and batman as coach

there is no tackling in flag football.

No, but you can still block the crap out of your opponents!! I thought Flash would make a good QB too but if he's cornered and one of the big guys on D just so happen to decide to take a cheap shot at him....squish, like grape.

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