The Moosette vs The Moose

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English Moosette
Apparently, it's been heard around the forums that Scott and I are being compared. Now, as you all know, I come across as being quite the diva at times. It's no act, it's perfectly natural and I'm happy in my position. Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that a certain someone is vying for my top spot; none other than my supposed partner and twin soul, Mr Moose. Well, I thought, I ain't havin' that! So, let's put this to the vote, I ask you, one and all, to vote for the one who makes you shiver inside, makes you drool with anticipation of their next post and quite honestly, has the right to uphold the title of KMC Tyrant,.


I never liked the name Moosette. Though Syren would have gotten my vote.

Yeah, I'll agree with that, and Moose always seems to think up an amusing name every time I post anything... so, sorry.


TEX? stick out tongue


Silver Stardust

Well it's got to be the Moosette!

Sorry Moose you look good in kilt but it just still aint my thing...

However Moosette... shifty

whaat? confused

Canadian Moose
You're so needy... roll eyes (sarcastic)

So let me get this're a diva, an attention whore and now you're afraid I'm stealing your thunder? was never your thunder anyways dahling.

I guess I'm a what? DivO? alucard

Canadian Moose
Thanks Eggs Benedict, you're my man. wink

Canadian Moose
It's understandable sweetie, you'll get out of the closet soon in your own time. wink

Silver Stardust
I dunno....I thought that was really funny.

Kez gets my vote...sorry, Scott, I love you and all, but I gotta stick with my sistah!

Canadian Moose
It's ok darlin, I'm not needy. *smirks at Kez* It means more to her anyways...poor thing. stick out tongue


Anyone wanna go moose hunting?

You know I do.

Silver Stardust
Anyone want this guy to shut up and stop being so bloody annoying?

Sorry I dont have an off switch

Silver Stardust
I'm sure this hockey stick I have right here will do the trick.

Mr. Mayo's words of wisdom:

Shut up fool.

yes do it



Canadian Moose
He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot.

Happy Dance

Just the time I need an 'owned' picture.

LOL, i'm the idiot

Canadian Moose
Hulloh TGL...welcome. smile

who? huh


Yes I know... sad

(btw it was funnier when I made the closet gag wink )

Napalm, duh.
But no Napalm is cool, he says stuff so I don't have to say it, and then he gets bashed not me.
Oh and I don't know no neither one of you not, so well, ya know.

I am not sure what exactly I said but maybe you iunderstood anyway.

LOL, typical

That ain't typical in no way not, you know.

way its ur opionion snot mine

The pic in your sig doesn't show up do something about that dammit

ok u ***

I don'At know a bad word with 3 letters tell me, now, please.

its Another name 4 breast

English Moosette
You absolute bastard pissed

It was due to your mentioning things people have said about us in a PM you wrote to me that gave me the incentive to create this thread in the first place. I requested that you confirm your part in it and you said you would, but lo and behold, I make the thread and you portray me as being needy and overly diva-ish? How dare you? And don't even tell me it's all in jest, the entire thread was made as a form of entertainment. You have, however, succeeded in severely pissing me off and that's something that even you didn't want to be doing right now cry Thanks Scott.

English Moosette
I really didn't think you of all people would be one to base their choices solely on KMC handles. With the experience you have of those close to you changing their names? But thanks anyway wink

oh I don't like the multiple names changes she goes through...

I just answered the question assuming it was a moose vs. moosette thing.

Not a Syren vs Moose thing.

English Moosette
It's a Moosette formally known as Syren but still Syren through and through VS Moose thing wink

Canadian Moose
OMG...I can't even BEGIN to tell you how wrong you are there, but I'll save it...

English Moosette
Aha, I knew it. You are so predictable.... are we on or what? Someone has to be the final winner.... this poll is up for seven days, therefore, you have seven days to take your sorry ass outta my sight. Or, you could bring said sorry ass over here, ask me real nice and we can forget the whole thing. So long as you forfeit, tell everyone I rock and be my sex slave for the rest of your miserable life.

Jesus Christ......are you two married or something?

Canadian Moose
Bring it BYATCH.gunsmilie

English Moosette

I think you'll find I already 'brought it', PREPPY fab

b-b-buttt....i want to vote for both cry

Canadian Moose
I really wanted to be nice, and let you have your moment in the sun, but if you want a fight, you got it...and believe me sweetknees, you have one.

Why dont you two just beat each other up on national television

let me join it, i hope its a FLAME fight

Rampant Fire Sex!

I was under the impression that TEX was our resident diva

i got the condoms

I believe that this may be one of the stupidest threads of the day


English Moosette
And who, may I ask, do you think you are? Darling, when you leave your name will fade into insignificance and stupid, pathetic little comments like that will be forgotten. I, however, will be remembered forever schmoll

Canadian Moose
I would ask why you think so, but that would indicate that I care.

I might not be famous but I'm Infamous

Canadian Moose
LMAO! That's spelled insignificant.

English Moosette
Well, look at this, a rare moment of unity for the Moose and his Moosette eek!

*eyes Napalm*

Shall we, Scott? boxing


Come on Ill take the both of you

u ****ing wanker of a bastard!

English Moosette
*eyes Napalm some more*

Bahahaaa!!! You absolute moron. You have no idea who you are dealing with do you? Bless, it's rather endearing actually.


Canadian Moose

I can't....I'm too busy ignoring him...


laughing out loud that horse cracks me up laughing out loud

I was just giving this thread my stamp of approval.

Jackie Malfoy
I think I would vote for moose I know him alot more.Sorry.JM


Candy Kisses
Urm Sy all the way! No Schott! Urm help!


English Moosette

If I'd asked you to vote for Syren, you would have schmoll

I voted the n00bish newbie

Hmm but Moosette is hotter.
I can't decide where is bardock on that poll?

lol @ bardock

Candy Kisses
Oh syren you know i lover you

i think your both attention whores

if anyones the KMC diva its gotta be Raz or whatever his name is lol

Canadian Moose
Nice.... sad

Raz is no where near Mooses league let alone Moosettes!

fever red
Napalm, you coat-tail-ridin' skirt-clinger...thanks for giving the Moose and Moosette something on which to sharpen their horns and hooves.
__Is it just me, or do they call themselves moose in an obvious cover for being devils?
__Devils, I say...horns, hooves, sharp wits, allure- it's all there.

Candy Kisses
Aww Schott dont cry im confused i love you both

dont fight girls!

My answers still neither your both attention whores

Canadian Moose
Thanks sweetie, now kiss my a$$

Whats with all these wackos trying to be "KMC Divas" I mean how much more retarted can you get.

more retated than me & that is something!

Just asking, Napes, what title would you give yourself?

Canadian Moose
*points at Napalm*
I'd say that much more retarded.

"Circus Freak"

Nice, I refer to myself as 'KMC's Armpit'

I think a good point against moosette is that she wrote her name first that is rude.

Canadian Moose
You're KMC's Eggman! Dude, don't put yourself down... big grin

But Moosete said SlipknoT, you moronic, moronating moron. Quit being an ass, that is a point for her.

Candy Kisses
Hey im not a diva im a hottie! raz said so!

I cant believe she said that Slipknots one of the coolest people around here

It was funny in that situation I read it,
Slipknot is fun though I agree.

yup slipknot is funny

English Moosette
Holy shit, you people take things way too seriously.

First off, I wrote my name first because I knew Moose wouldn't be too bothered, he's a perfect gentleman and would have appreciated the fact that I made the thread, ergo I came first.

Second, SlipknoT is an absolute idiot. Moron, in fact. I've obviously experienced a completely different side to him than you guys, which only leads me to the conclusion that he's a raving homosexual simply because he doesn't have the ability to treat a lady with respect, yet all you 'men' seem to adore the guy.

Third, I couldn't care less who 'wins' this thread. Thankyou to all those who labelled me an attention whore. I love that, no, really I do. I am an attention whore, I crave the spotlight. OMG, like, notice me notice me notice me. Puh-lease. If you noobs knew me even half as much as you blatantly think you do, you'd know I'm all about entertainment. I'd like to see any of you haters making a semi-amusing thread.... until that day I think I'll sign off with a big, fat F.uck You and a Happy New Year fab

Canadian Moose
Woooooooooooooooooow..... droolio

English Moosette
blushing Gee, thanks baby, and to think this all began as a You vs Me. To be perfectly honest, if you win, I'll drop to my knees and worship you....

*sigh* I have a tendency to do that in front of an amazing guy naughty

Canadian Moose
I was going to add to your rant, but I was spellbound...and simply in awe...I couldn't think of anything else...

English Moosette

At least you're safe from me now, I've ranted and I'm spent wink

spoken like a true attention whore.

Have a merry christmas.

Canadian Moose
Good...I don't EVER want to be on the receiving end of one of those...

And if anyone treats you like your affore mentioned rant stated again, even though I know you can handle it, TELL me....ok?

English Moosette
I repeat;

I am an attention whore, I crave the spotlight.

Satisfied? wink

you left me satisfied after the first PM sweetie.

English Moosette

You lost me B.....

English Moosette

Has to be said; Linkalicious, I demand an explanation, you confusing sod mad

fever red
*Directs spotlight onto Moosette.*
Better late than never, hmmm?
Sorry I missed my cue, but I'm not a light really should hire a professional...ah, light director. Professional light director. Or any kind of professional you want- it's the Christmas season, and you deserve your fun.

Canadian Moose
There is no Moose v Moosette right now.... love

Canadian Moose

If I could follow you, I think I'd fall in love with you.

fever red
Well, she said she loves the spotlight...figured that was my cue.

Canadian Moose that you have explained it...*falls in love with Kate*

you didn't have to admit that you're an attention whore for me to be satisfied.

i was satisfied with you the moment i met you.

fever red
Awww, thanks- now if I could only get a certain RL fool to do the same- sigh, I suppose I'll have to settle for a sneaky application of a taser and duct tape...again.

Canadian Moose
laughing out loud He must be a fool darlin. But when all else fails, tasers and tape are a nice fallback.

fever red
Men do remarkably well in captivity, too. I once had one that had learned to put its laundry in the hamper.

As much as I love you sy..... happy

That's a blatant lie really yes
It's really no competition, not only is Scott funny and charming and gorgeous, he's also Canadian droolio
So Moosio gets my vote diva

Don't take it personally darling winkiss

Canadian Moose
Someone is DEFNITELY getting a present when I get to Toronto tonight!hug
Thanks Irene.


Neither of the proffered candidates - I don't really know anything about Canadian Moose.

fever red
Oh, Irene has ANOTHER sig that gives me fugue states...

Change your name back to Syren, then we'll talk.

Untill then, neither of you get my vote.

English Moosette
I think... it's obvious *sniff* that Syren is on her way back in cry Not for votes, I really don't give a shit (thanks for your honesty Irene) but simply because I miss my name. And Raz kept it for me especially big grin

Jedi Priestess
I am not touching this with a 10 foot pole as I like ya both.......

English Moosette
hug I love a person who can cop out in style big grin

Jedi Priestess
heh eyes

Canadian Moose
Show me the LOVE darlin! The LOVE!

ha you said polewhip

Your both attention whores

ha you said whoreswhip

Canadian Moose
I can't begin to tell you how little it means that you decided to post that. There are no superlatives.

I really dont care that you care.


getting a little mad naplam?

Canadian Moose
I know you're talking, but all I hear is blah blah blah...

Silver Stardust
Shut up and go away.

Hi Scott!!!! I haven't seen you around in a while!!!

Canadian Moose
Lana!! *huge hug* How are you darlin? Did you have a good Christmas and New Years?

Silver Stardust

Yeah, I had a pretty good holiday....I worked a LOT the last couple of weeks, though, and had to work New Years Eve and Day (it was sooo incredibly packed it was ridiculous), but now that the Christmas rush at the theater is over I'll be less busy; which is good as I start back up at school soon.

How're you doing?

I'm just invisible *laadeeda*

Canadian Moose
Glad to hear that Lana.
Mine was ok I guess. I was sick the day after Christmas, and it took a couple of days to get over it, but I survived. I went to the club I work at for New Years (Original, I know roll eyes (sarcastic) ) and again, somehow survived. Now I'm back to work, and SO far behind, it's utterly ridiculous! roll eyes (sarcastic) eek!

Time to die moose

Silver Stardust
Haha, my friends and I always wind up going the theater I work at...hey, free movies, why the hell not? laughing out loud

What the f**k?

Silver Stardust
Trust me, Storm, he annoys the hell out of me....

Imagine that everyone reacts like this when he or she gets annoyed...

Thats okey the only people that like me are in the sig evey one else thinks im a douch bag