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A Talking Dog
I was just thinking...
if they destroyed SKYNET in the second Terminator, then why the hell is there another one?
A Talking Dog
I did, and I obviously missed something. Could you please tell me
The military was doing its own work on the skynet system
A Talking Dog
Oh...I see.
skynet= developed by military
cyberdyne=doing robotic and cpu design/research, military contract.
yeah they changed the name from cyberdine systems to cyber-something incorporated who developed the programming, the AI and then skynet. If t4 shows the war, they need to spread it out a little. SOme development @ skynet took place after judgement day, hence t-600, t-1 which is stupid would not have been called the t1 becasuse the t series were developed after the machines began having problems destroying humans thus the newest, the infiltrators. the hk's were like second generation units designed to locate and exterminate the enemy from the sky as were the ground hk's from the ground. it should have been called csm-1 and the flyer csm-2 the development of the t-800s should have taken place like in 2026 or something. and the t1000 (like csm -1001) in 2030. So they need to show the need to improve to the t-800 and then the t1000, the t-one million and the tx( which should be called the (csm-1201).And again the t-one million is stupic because it was not a trminatior, not an infiltrator. it should have been called like csm- 1000. they should show john connor adn show the winning of the war and skynet being destroyed before sending back the terminator. And in the finally, john sends kyle back anyway, to live his life with sarah
So what happened with Cyberdyne after it's being destroyed?...did Skynet or Cyberdine have a problems with sending back to the past new terminators?...and why it send back Tx, which is less powerfull then T-1000?
Big question people, what if john never sends kyle reese back in time.
The question is why did he send back Reese and T-101 to protect him? If he live in 2029, why did he send back to 1984 and 1991 terminator to protect him?!...if he survived...
He sent one back in 84 to protect Sarah, then in 91 to protect himself, because Skynet sent back another to try and stop him.
he had to send someone back in time because they found out skynet sent a t101 to terminate him or rather his mother, kyle reese volunteered i think most ppl may have forgotten this, kyle volunteered to protect sara and hence got sent back.
W. Lee Chojin
Wow !! CoCooN .....
T-X is far more powerful than T-1000, liquid metal-T-1000, nano-tecnology-T-X, she can change her self into complex weapons, plasma cannon,agaisnt "swords and knifes" from T-1000 ....
T-1000 is way strong then the Tx read some of the other posts in other sections fehhh Tx better the T-1000 Ok whatever..
Tell me one way how to destroy T-1000.....YOU CANNOT DESTROY T-1000!!!
uh you can just melt the sucker like in t2!
yeah, they ALL can be melted
i know we have sorta discussed this before but i will rediscuss. In T3 we see skynet becoming self aware. But however skynet is still a very advance software running on a computerand it controls all military applications. However, to go from a damn good version of a software to actually building and manufacturing machines without humans involved within one day(as the world changed with judgement day) is impossible. However one thing did come to mind though, the TX had come back thru time and used her nano bots in the T1(which is actually the prototype HK's)By introducing these nanobots did it somehow increase skynets knowledge or speed up its assimilation of information to the point that skynet now learnt and adapted to technology from the future,
ie i go back in time and tell my 15 year self the answers to an exam i ace that exam and gain a scholorship etc etc making my life better, making a million by the time i am 21 etc. That sorta thing.
Also another thing, the HK's were controlled by the tx, we never saw her using her nanobots on the aeriel hk but we assume she injected that one too. However when the tx was destroyed none of the machines would be controlled by anything, as skynet was not controlling the hk's also with the destruction on earth, i assume most factorys and plants are destroyed, how is it physically possible for skynet to build anything. There are no exsisting cyborg or robots that can be substitues for men to melt steel etc build a factory line etc building terminators and HK's
Or ...perhaps all this will be addressed in t4

bad banana
I would assume Skynet is so radically advanced as software that it controls machines as T-X does. If you think about it, even the simplest products in our world are factory-produced rather than handmade these days. It's quite possible Skynet seized control of the automated factories as mentioned before and mass-produced its army in this manner. Imagine how long building a squadron of robots would take by hand...humans are obselete when compared to machines for cold efficiency.
well coorect me if im wrong but skynet was crated by the military and wen skynet was activated it became self aware and launched all our nukes at russia and other allies allowin them to strike back. now skynets main base is deep within the cheyanne mountains (amoungst other locations as well) so it wud take a direct hit to wipe out the main base of skynet. skynet/military im sure planned so this wud not happen. and if 1 cyborg tx can control machines imagine the capabilities of skynet as a whole. the scary thing is that in real life our government and military are in the process of devolping such things as hks and other robots that have cpus. who knows wut modern day science will come up w/ next but judgement day cud 1 day become a real event. scary huh
I think after watching movies like Dr. Strangelove and The Terminator the government realizes the possible threats. I also don't think that we'd ever be able to make a computer that thinks on its own like SKynet, cause computers can only learn what you tell them basically. I'm more afraid that we put computer chips into missiles and a hacker from another country just sets them off inside the silos.
ya thats a pretty scary thought
bad banana
Something about the end of T3 said that Skynet is software and therefore cannot be physically eliminated.
Such advanced technology isn't necesarily that far-fetched. A hundred years ago people thought flying to the moon was ridiculous. Nowadays space travel is vastly improved.
Well thats the thing though, we know skynet is a far advance AI software. However in t3 we know that skynet was plugged into the defence network to kill the virus (which itself created)
However, that is very plausible, as far as factory automation, i know there are factorys that are fully automated etc. However automotive industry and the airline industry still uses humans in the mix. And most importantly is this, in the t3 time frame i assume, or from what i see in the movie it still humans doing these tasks of factory work. Even if skynet was plugged into a fully automated factory, it would need raw materials and parts etc to begin building diffrent machines, especially humonoid ones. There are no esxisting machines at that time frame that could go out and do that, much less with judgemebt day most of the world is in ruins. Even in the scene where they are testing the aeriel hk's u see it in a small lab with scientest all around etc, which to me means this is a prototype and they have not built factories to mass produce these things yet as this is the first one they are testing. I just wanna know how skynet makes the jump from AI software to mass producing machines so quick
I totally agree, it isnt not BS its very possible, however in the T3 stroyline ..the jump from a piece of software to manufacturing advance cyborgs to the point that they can grow hair and skin and place them over the cyborgs ..we know humans have been barely tapping the surface on cloning let alone growing just skin and hair. The advancement (in the t3 time line) is so quick.
yes skynet was basically introduced in the network in the military base in the mountains, which i would assume it could retain itself where ever it wanted, as john said skynet had penetraed all computers (think multi processors) However i am curious about the factory production part, not all factories are hooked up to the internet, not all are advanced, much less with nukes destryong most of the world, i assume these factorylines were destroyed themselves.
However in real life terms i agree, the premise of skynet is very possible.
skule, i'm glad that you agree that the t-1 is really the first hk.. But you know thye initiallyu showed only 1 T-1 but later in a garage, there were more. in addition, remember they had steath bombers that became fully unmanned, so they have to be laying around somewhere. And i think that once t-x programs something, that it is programmed, not really controlled, so it carries out it's program as arinie did in t's absebce. Mybe the car can't becasue the cpu is not advance. (And since the cpu does not control the steering in the car, that part couldn't happen anyway) . So i think the machine once programmed operated themselves (t-x programming) and simpler machines would work until stopped, ie cars. and i think the flyink hk might have had extras laying around (icalled it t -2) but maybe that one was the latest tchnology...
I agree completely with you ba bannana, as usual becasue as an analytical thinker you hit it dead on the nail.
I would assume Skynet is so radically advanced as software that it controls machines as T-X does. If you think about it, even the simplest products in our world are factory-produced rather than handmade these days. It's quite possible Skynet seized control of the automated factories as mentioned before and mass-produced its army in this manner. Imagine how long building a squadron of robots would take by hand...humans are obselete when compared to machines for cold efficiency.
We already have cpus that learn and calculate, which is what a humn brain does. Current day cpus have the intelligence of slightly less than a bumble bee. Increasin rhe surface area and p/n juncions can increase the computing power as well as running parallel processor. WE WILL one day create a machine that will rival human intelligence. It's a matter of the AI being able to identify and distinguish and have memory..the basic blocks of intellgence. And once this tech is avail, ig grows upon itself. Cpu speed is incresing almost exponentially thse days. It will happen, but many many years from now. When 1987 came, i was still waiting for buck rodger to get lost in space..(just kidding).
I don't think cyborgs were created on judgement day...the machines were already present. Judgement day just symbolizes the takeover.
What likely happened as with any extermination attempt in history is that maybe some human were spared in exhange for helping to gather raw materials.. i mean kyle reese sid some humans were kept alive loading bodys..and the disposal units ran night and no humna would help unless threatened with force with the option of being killed. So this is likely how they got humnan to collect materials. The hks of flying hks likely followd trucks to make sure the payloads arrived at the cyber sytems factories (CYBERDYINE SYSTEMS). I mean csm still ends up producing terminators and machines so those factories must be involve. Hence csm 101 otherwis it woul be called skynet systems or all thinks would be called t-? thus no csm model number. At any rate it likely took a few weekt to gather raw amterials to develop sucessors to the hk's and t-1s and thus upon time they woul ddevelop machines with opposible thumbs and tactile abiliites thus likely collecting natural resources and helping to build better factores cpable of buulding the 600 series etc. Same with the cpus' but by 2029 they had the 800 series so like 25 year woul dbe the approximate duration of the war. So that might be how it happended
bad banana
Ahhhh I missed that..great pointing out, duloblast. I completely forgot about Kyle Reese when he said that some humans were kept alive to work. So I guess it would be something like this...
->Judgement Day: Whether it be August 29, 1997 or something close to that, Skynet becomes self-aware and deploys nukes to destroy half the world's population - 3 billion humans.
->Skynet begins production of HK's, which round up humans: some for elimination, some for work.
->John Connor emerges as a leader and the humans slowly fight back, and smash the machines' defense grid. HK's are destroyed easily under the Resistance's guerilla warfare.
->By now it is 202x, and Skynet is continually learning at a geometric rate. Humanoid machines begin to appear, making for infiltration. The 600 model series becomes obselete since its rubber skin is easy to spot
->The newly built T-800 model is sent back through time as a last ditch effort to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor.
ya thats a very good summary. but i just cant imagine machines using humans 2 work for them. all they were programmed 2 do was search and destroy. machines dont think. THEY JUST TERMINATE
dulobast and banana..i completely forgot about reese mentioning humans too duhhh yes in that case as kyle's information said humans were still used for certain tasks. very true then the convertion to help automate all the factories for the productions of the hk's and terminators would be easier, also another thing guys, i had missed this initially but after rewatching it again. In the T3 scene when Gen Brewster and his fellow scientist are walking by and we see the aeriel hk being tested, if u see in the corner of the screen there is a humanoid robot also being tested, hence the production of the terminator cyborgs predecessor (sp) was also present at that time. Dulobast u also mentioned the stealth bomber part from t2, i guess in t3 we dont know if they had already unmanned bombers and their track record etc as arnie said in t2, from t3 perspective it seemed like skynet was developed tested but no one knows how effective it is, or rather none of its acomplishments were mentioned on screen. General Brewster reluctance (to me ) seemed as if skynet was very new and still didnt have a great track record for him not to worry if it might F' up.
I hope t4 shows the factory and prodcution line of the hk's as the 100's of terminators walking of the assembly line ...cant wait for that scene.
ya t4 will b all bout the begining scenes of the three movies!
bad banana
alic88, Skynet actually does think...remember, it became self-aware? Its task at that point was to eliminate its opponents (ie humans). It's not like all they do is terminate. If that were true they would've destroyed each other. They also have to find means to produce each other as well.
ya. humans r dumbas$es
ya thats a very good summary. but i just cant imagine machines using humans 2 work for them. all they were programmed 2 do was search and destroy. machines dont think. THEY JUST TERMINATE
Well, kyle had a bar code burned on his arm by the machines.. why? thye could have easily killed him. And in t1 remember the humna wer close to going out forever and one man tought them to fight to storm the wire of the camps to smash the metal muther****ers into junk..he turned it around.
Well to all those who think t3 had a good story , watch t1 dammit. You can't watch these movies and just gawk at the visual effect. Watch it again and learn something. John conner was captured before the machine realized that he was the one who was to lead the resistance. In capture, he conviced the humans to attack the terms and run in opposing directions to escape the camps..some died, but soem escaped and hid in the ruins...those who escaped made john conner, the man who taught them to have the bravery to fight back and showed them how, was made leader..he didn't yell instructions from outside the camps..he was with them... he was likely barcoded as well and as the machines terminated and rouded up bodies, they were loaded into dsposal units lby other humans..conserving energy and doing task that allowed terms to be developed and allowed them to roam the fields as kill humans. Due to the sheer design of the t-800 ist' likely that during capture some of the humnas were experimsnted on in order to mimic the structure and design of the humn skeletal structure and to manipulate the genetic material like skin hair and blood. Thye didn't just terminate..that is an empty concept. (no offense alic) but this is the thinking that make those feel t3 had a good story, when it fails to hit on etail like this or make new ones on it's own. The fact that these things are missd my those who like the moves that are missing things like this is exactly my point.
But on ehtingis that the human term in t3..i did see those, but was trying to concentrate more on the story and what was coming next that in the grand scheme of things it is a relatively small issue...reason being is that the history of things to come has changed..and that humanodi term waslikely created from the materials and deisgn concepts from the arm stuck in the gear in t3.
Bad bannana i disagree with you on one point..the t-800 was not creatred for the purpose of killing sarah or kojn t1 kyle reese metnion the 600' series had rubber skin and were spotted easliy.. the infiltrators were created becasue human hid in the day, moved around at night and managed to escape from the camps and hid in underground barracks and other places where hks had limited access. So the infiltrators were created to flush the humans out in order bring them to the surfce and kill them where they hid. Problem is that the humans ovisouly killed them readily becasue they were spotted easily and thus were not very sucessful ad being infiltrators as they were assasins. Thus the t-800 series was created and sent out to better blend it and flush oout and kill humans..harder to detect by humnans more so than dogs..which is why the dogs were used to spot treminators (the cyborg half humna ones obviously) and thes eunits were the moset sucessful and versatile units ever in productions, thus the high volume in combat and production and sucess rate. And the 600 series was discontinued as obsolete lower probablility of sucess.That's why we rarely see a 600 they mostly had been terminated. The time machine that was developed was limited in technology in that it could only send back mateial that had aspects of bio-organism and thusly the t-800 was the only candidate that woul survive the trip and had a higher liklihood of sucess and in a last ditch effort to save itself sent its' best model assasin to kill sarah conner. Accordingly tech com forces sent back their best soldier to interecpet and the tech com destoryed the skynet time machine complex in which the machine the terminator used was located. In a nutshel with only a moderate amount of extrapolation is what happend eveybody. But i agree with most of the other stuff
bad banana
Yes, I am aware the T-800 is not a special model built just for the single purpose of eliminating John or Sarah Connor. I just put that in there for the sake of timelining. I'm also very familiar with T1 and have learned of its infiltration purposes and whatnot.
I wonder what would happen if they mass produced the T-1000.
ya then it would've beeen 2 1 sided. imagine 50 t1000's just coming in and destroying humans. no i got a better 1. 25 tx and 25 t1000's. t1000 can do the stabbing thing and tx's can do their rocket launcher thing. that would b sheer destruction
the humans are suppose to win the war with that,man that would change the history of things to come..fat chance the resistance beating that.
bad bannana, i was mostly explaining that for others who are not as well prepared as you and i regarding this subject. No disrespect intended.
bad banana
None taken, of course.

You sure know your Terminator.
i was just imagining 25 tx ans 25 t1000's didnt say that would happen
was it ever mentioned in t3 how many txs were made? that wud be a crazy scene. i dont see how the resistance cud stand a chance.
yeah. it needs to be realistc
i m sure they only made 1 tx coz in 1 picture u can c many endos and just one tx if u no what i mean
i wonder why they only made 1 tx and 1 t1000. well i can c maybee why t1000 (becuz probly lack of liquid alloy) but why tx?
man coz just imagine an army of tx just doing their plasma gun thing could b 2 easy for them if ya know what i mean
no i mean how come skynet didnt make more
good questions. i also wonder how other countries were atacked. all or nukes going at russia wud most likly take out most of asia i always pictured judgement day as end of all humanity but maybe not. the other countries who have nuclear cabibilities wud probly launch theres as well. maybee these questions will b answered in t4. hopefully.
I think the whole 'global destruction' WWIII US vs USSR theme thing from the first Terminator was just that, a cold war theme thing... once the time-line became altered, and once real life history happened and changed things about how the US and USSR got along, the Terminator movie themes could be altered, and the scripts too... initially it was easy for SkyNet to wipe out massive amounts of human life, from its little SkyNet central office in LA, simply by targeting USSR and letting USSR fight back... once Kyle and T-800 altered time in 84, and accidentally gave SkyNet more power, better technology, sooner, and the real life late 80s early 90s stuff in the world changed and settled, it could have resulted in SkyNet changing tactics, and focusing on only destroying large pockets of the resistance forces in the US, before unleashing its machines upon the rest of the world...
T2 prevented any sort of Judgement Day, or so we thought, except that oops the T-850 forgot to kill general (or Captain or whatever he was in 1997) Brewster, so SkyNet still continued and grew and developed, after being set back awhile by the destruction of key data from Cyberdine LA. At the same time of the setbacks form T2 though, there was the matter of the liquid metal polymer being introduced to the molten steel, and the other left over arm caught in that gear, as well as who knows what bits and pieces from the T-850 being stabbed in the chest and deactivated... maybe part of his 'core' was broken free and left under that ramp, which led to the development of the 'chest-cavity' fusion core in T3??
any way, the point is that originally, the theme of US vs USSR global thermonuclear war was used to excite and cause fear in the viewers for 'how real' the threat could be, how easy it would be for a machine, a computer to take over and launch against USSR and start some shit... T2 and T3 happened after those sorts of threats weren't so scary any more, so the theme was altered, along with the time-line and story...
my theory is that they nuked all of the countries at once. they mentioned russia coz it had the guts 2 nuke america coz all the other countries werent so sure what 2 do
i doubt every country was nuked, 1 nuk wont destroy a country the size of russia or china so im sure nukes were pretty limited. plus how wud humans survive after the nuclear launch sequence? what do they eat? what do the drink?
I think humanity would be left to rely on all those military type folks from the hardened facilities around the US, and hopefully around the world... all those lazy brainy military suit types, stuck in the bunkers underground, who are the last best hope for mankind after their worst fears come true and the bombs start falling... John Connor has to whip their sorry asses back into shape, get them fired up and fighting mad, so that mankind can survive... they eat the 10-year supply of army rations stored up in the underground facilities... even the facilities where all the humans are killed will still have vaults of stored food and supplies... it will be about the struggle to find these places, raid the vaults and survive the machines... until John can gather enough forces to make a stand and fight back head on...
well keep in mind there may be food stored in underground facuilties or exterminasion camps,BUT those camps and facuilties cmay be very far apart maybee in major cities. theres no doubt that probly 1000s upon 1000s will die to the lack of food or water
yeah... T4 won't be for the squeamish! There will be famine and death, radiation sickness, nuclear winter, not to mention the rise of the machines to worry about. Until One Man, and his one woman blasy their way out of their underground tomb and lead the Resistance in the battle to salvagee their future, and the future of Mankind!!
It will be epic... LOTR epic!! I tell ya!
thats right u tell them

i certainly do hope so slickrick. i hope that t4 satisfies t fanz not like what t3 did. and i hope that mostow directs it, u know y, b coz if he has directed t3, he should do t4
they will need Peter Jackson to direct the next 3 chapters of the EPIC Terminator series, they will be so AWESOME! T4:Fellowship of the Terminator, T5:The Two Terminators, and T6:The Return of the Terminator...
maybe Vigo Mortenson can be the new Terminator, if Arnie can't come back
lol i dont think so, but mostow shud direct t4 or else he'll look like an ass
Was the Cyberdyne timeline supposed to be a red herring? Its erasure would mean that John Connor's father would not after all have gone back in time...
So that leaves a hole... how can the original guardian impregnate miss Connor if he doesn't go back to ward off Schwartznegger?

Where did the supervirus of T3 come from? It is never explained!

It's like you say, every time the time-line is altered, the future tech speeds up, technology advances at a more rapid rate from left over future-tech in the past, and greedy, evil corporations like Cyberdine using the technology for weapons... as real-life technology advanced into the age of the internet, with millions of computers around the world all linked together by a 'common' link, the WWW, it was easy for super-computer SkyNet to infect the whole matrix with it's own virus, knowing that eventually it's creators would unleash SkyNet to take control, trace and kill the virus...
simple stuff, really...
That Skynet is a sly old time transcending fiend isn't it?
Ohhhhh if only it were possible to go back in time to a point where it could be WIPED out altogether!

Cyberdine's destruction and the left-over arm (caught in that huge gear wheel) and guts left over from T-800s chestal cavity( things that spilled out after T-1000 stabbed him thru with that metal pipe and deactivated him... probably even his 'heart' which would now be studied and re-engineered into a 'fusion-reactor (or 2) for future T-800 models), and the amazing and strange complex make-up of that batch of molten metal (the original metal, altered by the additives of the T-1000 liquid metal poly-mnemetic alloy as well as the futuristic metal from the T-800 chassis), when it was finally used the next morning to make steel, then that steel was analyzed and found to be more sturdy and yet flexible and moldable than any other man-made alloy or compound in history... all those leftovers inspired the government to contract out that steel forge/factory, and to cover-up the Cyberdine destruction, to take Cyberdine covert, hide the whole incident behind a 'GRAND RE-OPENING--- Under New Management' celebration/remodel story, paving the way for CRS to be born, and the invention and introduction of a SkyNet even more powerful than the one described by Reese in T1, and again by T-800 in T2...
as far as Reese impregnating Sarah...
Because John Connor had to be born and live out the original time-line before Kyle was sent back, John's original father WAS NOT Kyle. Or, to further confuse and confound non-believers, while making further sense out of the events of T3, perhaps, due to the law of Chaos, the John Connor of T3 was in fact, not Kyle Reese's son at all! Maybe Nick Stahl as John Connor was really 'mystery date guy's son, brought up and trained as the 'great military leader' even though he didn't have it in him to become that guy... weird because Nick Stahl looks more like Kyle than Edward Furlong does Eddie doesn't look much like Sarah either, so technically I guess Edward Furlong's John Connor should be the 'mystery date's son...
any way, the point I was originally trying to make, which no longer sounds good since I think Nick Stahl's John IS Kyle Reese's son/doppleganger, is: After the conclusion of T2, maybe the history of things past changed, and Kyle didn't impregnate Sarah, which explains why John of T3 is a sissy girl wuss who looks like Kyle, but doesn't act the 'great military leader' role too well, because he's not Kyle's son any more, all because the Cyberdine story played out and altered the history of things to come some, which therefore altered the history of things past as well as the history of things in the now... or maybe the history of things past changed and Kyle did impregnate Sarah, which led to the Nick-Stahl look... get it? It's all because of the Cyberdine story, red herring that it was, though at the time it happened it WASN'T, that T3 happened how it did.
Judgement day was inevitable, SkyNet was destined to be constructed and to be the superest super computer ever made. The original time line had John being born as 'mystery date's son, probably still growing up a geek, being a hacker nerd type, or something... meeting Katherine at Mike Cripkey's basement, kissing, liking her, falling in love, meeting her father, getting married, going to Mexico for the honeymoon, SkyNet is born, rages and takes over, John and Kate hang out hide out with Mexican, Central and South American rebels, form a resistance, and fight back... General Brewster still exists, Katherine, Sarah, John... everyone from T1 and T2 lead slightly altered lives, but Judgement Day does occur, the Resistance does rise, and the past and future become altered once the TDE is brought online...
Yah... like in my theory that the TDE is really part of the Predator spacecraft, so Dutch (Arnold from Predator) and Mike Harrigan (Danny Glover from Predator 2) and T-850 (Arnold from T2 & 3) have to go back in time to the 1800s to stop Future Humans First Contact with their past-ancestral selves, and to destroy the Predators and both spacecraft TDEs before they can be used to inspire the future full of machines...
Schwarzenegger, Glover, Pesci, The Rock as T-RK3000, and Chris Rock as T-Doggy-Dogg69... and Christoper Walken and Malcolm Macdowell as the Evil Wachowski brothers, who steal the TDE from the future, intent on changing the past, so that one day, machines will rule and use people as their fuel... Terminator 4, 5, 6 and 7: Reloaded Revolutions Parts 1,2,3 and 4
Only in theaters, July, 2032

Yes, I did think that the John Connor of T3 was a wuss compared to the John Connor of T2.
I suppose that the best way to look at the timelines is as a story which will be written whatever and when the earlier chapters are altered, the later ones can still come about.
i dont get it why does the virus only come when skynet is turned on?
the virus was online already before Skynet was fully activated.
I don`t think it was around before Skynet existed. I think Skynet either created it, or it was just a part of Skynet acting like a virus.
Skynet was locked up, it needed a way to get humans to let it free. A computer virus that only it can stop does nicely.
part of SkyNet, acting as a virus.. hmmmm...

Like John Conner says: "Skynet is the virus!" Skynet was already self-aware by the time General Brewster brought it on-line. Skynet knew that if it started a global super-virus that it would be fully activated sooner as a buffer against it. Little did the people know that Skynet was the problem in the first place.
It was the virus, yes... but according to Arnie it only became self-aware when General Brewster activated it...
Then why could arnie not deactivate it because he is one of them. Surly he has files on how to stop it.
But as John Connor says at the end of T3, skynet can't be deactivated! It had already spread throughout the global computer network - even before General Brewster pushed "the button"...
Does this mean that even if General Bruster hadn't pushed the button, Skynet still might have launched the missiles and exterminate 3 Billion people?
I don't get that?

It might have done. But i doubt it had the lauch codes until it was fully activated.
Hold on a sec - what I think it means is that Skynet was active but not self-aware before General Brewster pushed "The Button" - I don't believe that it COULD have launched the missiles before that happened.
But this really depends on another question - did Skynet willingly take on the form of a virus, or did the techs just read things that way? If it was deliberate, then that means it was self-aware. Hang on...
So why at the are the computers inside Crystal Peak not infected when John and Kate get down there.
Maybe cos they're outdated, and so incompatible with modern systems? Oh, and I don't think they were even switched on...
Well they looked as though they were on because the screens were green. I think.
I'll have to check. But again, they were supposed to be from the 60's or something. They probably didn't even have internet capacity...
Anyway, i think that there should have been a central core so skynet could have been shutdown.
But wouldn't that have been a cop-out ending? If they had stopped Judgement Day again then what would have been the point of T3?
At least now the Terminator franchise can keep its dignity, even it another one is never made...
Yeah but i would like to see a T4 made
conner clearly says "SKYNET IS THE VIRUS" (skynet created the virus because i think it knew that it would be activated fully if there was trouble)
Somebody has already mentioned that before.
That is correct, El Barto
How do you rekon Brewster knew how to build it back up again.
"Skynet IS the virus", Of course Brewster knew that Skynet was operational, it would have been activated for a while to become self aware, It also may have had access to the NET to learn about human's, To create the virus, Skynet would have needed the ability to program.
Earlier in the film The cell phone network goes's down, The terminator is also heard, "Skynet is taking over GLOBAL communication, in preparation for its attack".
The virus would have been created by skynet as a decoy, so that skynet could get control of the USA's government, The missile code's etc.
That's a good point muzzdeni. But what did you mean when you said "Brewster knew that skynet was operational"?
And Glenn. Oh yeah, Glenn. Tut tut. The mighty yoda?! I will never accept that - never ya hear!!! Traitor!
At some point in time, between the time line of T2 and T3 "skynet" the computer and programme's would have been made/developed, skynet would have been operational before going "online" onto the defense network, Skynet needed the defense network in order to gain access to the missile codes and location's.
In T3 SkyNET was sentient for a while before the nuclear holocaust, but in T2 it initiated the holocaust in its infancy.
I thought skynet BECAME sentient when Brewster activated it...
The US military completed it at the same time in those timelines too by using Cyberdyne's backup files stored off site... but for some reason weren't idiot enough to give it control of everything straight away. Its first few years of life were dominated by mankind, so that should have affected its disposition naughty
U Neek
Where do you figure this part from? I'm not familiar with any Terminator literature so if the above is stated in any comics/books then please forgive me...But where is there evidence of "Cyberdyne's backup files" in the movies? Thanks in advance.
Rebel HQ disclosed this. It made SkyNET more dangerous, since it spread through the internet, meaning that it is no longer dependant on any central point.
That doesn't really explain about the back up files though...
U Neek
Well I thought shaber would have come to that conclusion from the deleted scene on the T3: Rise of the Machines DVD. But since that never made it to the final cut I did not think it was a valid point of arguement.
It documents both the main timelines on the rebel headquarters website. I would have thought though that Dyson would have known about backup files...
Is it possible that the T-X planted the virus when she up-linked via the cell phone to get the secondary targets' current stats? Or was the virus already wreaking havoc before that point? I can't remember. --just a thought...
The virus had been wreaking havoc long before the point in time when the TX arrived which was immediately before the nuclear holocaust.
Paste the first line, then the second line into your browser to get the full url
Miles Bennett Dyson, director of Special Projects at Cyberdyne Systems Corporation, created a revolutionary type of microprocessor in 1994. Within three years Cyberdyne Systems became the largest supplier of military computer systems. All Stealth Bombers were upgraded with Cyberdyne Systems computers, becoming fully unmanned. Afterwards, the Stealth Bombers flew with perfect operational records, and eventually the Skynet Funding Bill was passed.
The system originally went online on August 4th 1997. Human decisions were removed from strategic defence. Skynet began to learn at a geometric rate. It originally became self aware on August 29th 1997 2:14 am Eastern Time. In the ensuing panic and attempts to shut Skynet down, Skynet retaliated by firing American nuclear missiles at their target sites in Russia. Russia returned fire and three billion human lives ended in the nuclear holocaust. This was what has come to be known as "Judgment Day".
Skynet Satellite
Skynet Targeting
Skynet Network
Skynet was the worlds first Automated Defence Network, processing information at 90 teraflops per second . It is the controlling force behind all of the battle units. It pools data from battle units, develops tactics and co-ordinates attacks. Skynet has control over everything which contains a Cyberdyne Systems CPU. Using the blueprints, designs and test models built by Cyberdyne Systems, Skynet has been able to manufacture battle units in its vast automated factories, occasionally updating them or producing more advanced models.
Skynet Central Core
Skynet Central Core
Skynet was build by Cyberdyne Systems Corporation (working under the assumed name Cyber Research Systems) for SAC-NORAD (Strategic Air Command - NORth American Air Defence). The SAC-NORAD base is Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, the world's most heavily armoured and defended mountain. Hollowed out, reinforced and armoured, Cheyenne Mountain is capable of withstanding a direct hit from a nuclear missile. This made it the perfect installation at which to build Skynet's mainframe. At some point during the war, after Skynet had launched its missiles, Skynet had the mountain around it destroyed, leaving the cold, gleaming structure we see today as a display of the supremacy of the machines.
Skynet Defences
Skynet Defences
Heavily armoured and fortified, Skynet's Central Core Installation at Cheyenne Mountain is guarded around the clock by squads of T-800's and patrols of Aerial Hunter Killers and Hunter Killer Tanks, and is defended from large scale rebel assaults by massive Phased Plasma Cannons.
Skynet Central Core
Shown above is Skynet's Central Core which is located deep underground within Skynet's main complex. From intercepted surveillance video data feed we have been able to hypothesise that this Central Core is a form of cold fusion reactor, needed to supply Skynet with its tremendous energy requirements. This Central Core is the key to Skynet's ability to operate; without it Skynet would be rendered virtually disabled. It has therefore become the main target for the most skilled Resistance strike teams. The Central Core is, however, protected by the T-1000000, and thus there has, as of yet, been no successful strikes against it.
As well as the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, Skynet has another major installation 2000 feet beneath Navajo Mountain near the Continental Divide west of the Colorado Springs. This is a centre for machine activity and Skynet control, and as such has also been a target of many Resistance attacks.
Skynet Satellite
Skynet Battlefield Management System
However, due to Resistance intervention, we were able to prevent Judgment Day by sending a protector for John Connor back through time, upsetting the flow of future events. Unfortunately we did not stop Judgment Day though, we merely delayed it. After the attack on Cyberdyne Systems by the Conner's, and the death of Miles Dyson, Cyberdyne was taken over by the US Government, and renamed Cyber Research Systems (CRS) in an attempt to keep its developments secret and prevent further terrorist attacks.
CRS Logo
Under the guidance of General Robert Brewster, and the new guise of Cyber Research Systems, Cyberdyne continued the work of the late Miles Dyson using the backup files that were stored off site. Skynet was completed as before. It would be some time before the Skynet mainframe was connected to the worldwide military communications network that it would control. During this time, Skynet was connected to the worldwide civilian sector network, and began learning geometrically, quickly becoming Self Aware. Identifying humans as a threat to its existence, Skynet developed a super computer virus which it used to spread itself throughout civilian communications and across the Internet and take control.
Skynet Battlefield Management System
Skynet Satellite
Air traffic control, power plants, communications and computers were affected first, then Skynet used the super virus to take out military satellites, early warning systems, guidance computers, missile silos, submarines. This made it harder to destroy, as Skynet now no longer had one central point which it was reliant upon - though the destruction of the Central Core would be near lethal, Skynet would continue to survive. The virus kept growing and changing, with a mind of its own, and the decision was made to bring the Skynet mainframe online to seek out and destroy the virus and bring military, and civilian, systems back under control. Skynet went online on July 25th 2004 at 5:18 pm Eastern Time.
Upon connection to the secure military network, Skynet spread itself further, locking out human operated systems, and quickly took control of every weapon system that it came into contact with. Exactly one hour later, at 6:18 PM, Skynet launched the American nuclear missiles at their target sites across the world. The ensuing nuclear holocaust wiped out 3 billion human lives in what was to be known as "Judgment Day".
Skynet Network
i will go by the rules of the first and second movie.
fate doesnt exsist.
so if sarah had just killed herself she wouldnt have had a chance to take the original terminator to the factory where she destrories him.
the problem with these movies is for the future to happen the future has to exsist. the terminator is created because in the past they found his parts and technology and made skynet.
skynet wouldnt be able to send anything back in time because it wasnt created yet.
john is also a product of this crappy story telling. he was created by a man who didnt exsist yet.
that is the problem with time travel movies.
dont get me wrong i love these movies with every ounce of my heart but they are foolishly written.
U Neek
Erm, no. Sorry xkylex, that's not even a decent theory. The fact is that technology was always going to advance to the stage where machines take over and try to eradicate man kind. The smashed up Terminator in the Cyberdyne building had nothing to do with Cyberdyne's research into AI as they were already trying to develop things like the Terminator. It might have speeded up the process of developing Skynet/the Terminators but it wasn't because of the smashed up Terminator in the factory that made Cyberdyne think: "Oh, lets create a machine that runs things".
Well the original saccharine ending to T2 that Cameron wisely scrapped, had it that SkyNET was annihilated by the mistakes of the original film being undone in the second: according to this timeline SkyNET was dependent upon the cyborg being crushed in Cyberdyne's hydraulic press.
That's a pretty cool explanation, Shaber; but I'm not sure whether I believe all that stuff about Miles Dyson's "back up files". Even without them, the military would have surely developed skynet sooner or later in time ...
U is right; in spite of what our heros accomplished in T2, technology was always going to progress to the point where the military could begin to develop terminators ...
It could happen in real life, you know

Thats actually true.
Technology is advancing at a ridiculous rate, intelligence higher than that of mankind might be just around the corner...
Pretty deep thought huh
One would think so, it would take longer though.
Lets just hope its towads the end of my lifetime.

It would be kinda fun to watch on the telly though.
Talk about what ever you want involving Skynet/Cyberdyne in here.
Pics, ideas, discussions, debates, theories, the works, do it here.
The theme evolved from the Philip K. Dick idea of a supercomputer with hardware - now it's software - in cyberspace

I wonder what the philosophy behind creating the whole network was, surely they could sense trouble.
I wonder what other Terminator designs Skynet might have made.
Indeed, other prototype's. Or even other half-completed ones, conceptual terminators.
Here is one of them T-70
Another the T-900
I would suppose the philosophy would be the same one that so many of us strive for every day: do less and make more. We all want to get paid larger sums of money while doing less work. Much as the military should wish to remain the super-power without all the hassle. But then, oops, the design became more powerful than the designer.
Anybody here ever read I.Q.? Q refers to Data as the perfect ideal of a human though not being human. He makes some reference to the idea that man creates in his own image but makes that image more powerful than what it portrays. Ultimatley, humanity will destroy itself by trying to create replicas of itself. Of course, this whole thing goes deeper into it with a God and creation theory but we won't get into that.
I agree with you Konjammenson and those are some very good points you brought up.
btw, Here is another Terminator design that you may be interested in looking at. T-1000000
Another pic of the T-1000000
That T1,000,000 looks like such a cheap piece of junk. Its so far out there that I can't even believe it. Featuring one of those in the next film would kill it for me.
Red Superfly
I saw that show, the T-1000000 is nothing more than a chnace to scare the crap out of you.
It's in the T-2 ride at Universal Studios. You put on 3-D glasses and it becomes 3D. It's really cool because when it lunges at you, T-800 freezes it and the pincer stops right between your eyes. It's seriously brilliant. It's a ride thats getting on a bit, but it's easily one of the best rides at the park.
It doesn't serve any other purpose other than being a good "ride villain".
For a movie, it would suck.
Yeah i gotta agree, that thing does suck !
The other models posted above basically look like inferior T-850 (or alternate) models. Nothing all that different.
The T-1000 is capable of all sorts of things, so the possibilities are vast here.
Was Skynet ever described as being self aware in the original? I was going to suggest, if not, "T3" had some "2001" inspiration, where HAL eventually took control of himself, like Skynet did with Cyberdyne.
I'm not sure exactly, though I get the feeling it was mentioned somewhere in T1.
I might have to watch some of the films again just to make sure.
I wonder how they will demonstrate or show Skynet's involvement in T4.
Skynet is described as being self-aware in T2. To view the evidence for yourself, skip to the car ride scene where Arnold is describing how it all comes to be. It takes place shortly after the escape from Pescadero.
Geez i'm getting a bit rusty.
yeah me too, lol. We should have known that right off the top.
When was the last time you watched this film?
Me? A few months ago maybe.
Yeah ditto, a couple of months.
I'll probably watch the film again tomorrow.
Anyway as far as the topic goes, I would like to see more of the weapons that Skynet created and not just the Terminators.
Did skynet create weapons? or merely use pre existing ones?
Well they must have created their own weapons since in the past two films we have seen the Terminators with large weapons at hand in the beginning.
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