Why does no-one ask...???

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big gay kirk
All last year I had all sorts of people asking was I big, was I gay, was I a real Kirk.... Now no-one asks.... please ask me again... the answers might be different....

Are you big? Are you gay? And are you a kirk?

Phoenix Aska

are you a kirk?!?

Heh..you really enjoyed all that attention didn't you?


i never noticed the 'gay' part of your username confused

Are you big? naughty

Are you gay? eek!

And are you Kirk? pimp

Kirk Hammett?

Are you from the United Kingdom? stick out tongue

Dr. Strangelove
Where you really born in 1969 ?naughty

big gay kirk
yup... I really did love the attention....

big gay kirk
Clovie.... how long have I been here??? The "Gay" s the important bit... big grin big grin

So are you really Big? Gay? And a kirk?

big gay kirk
Yes to two of them... no to the other...

Which two?

big gay kirk
yup... thats why its my favourite number.....

big gay kirk
Well... I'm definitely a Kirk....

Cool, and are you big, or gay, or both?

big gay kirk
I am... right in the middle, a small place you've probably never heard of called leicestershire....

your name should be big sweet kirk happy

Jackie Malfoy
Sorry to tell yu this but that is the price you pay for having a username like that.Which is why I just picked a simple one that is my real name and a last name I wish was mined.JM

big gay kirk
awwww... shucks.... you always make me blush.... embarrasment smile

big gay kirk
17 stone and very happy.... so I guess I could be....

Jackie Malfoy
So I have a question for you.Why did you pick the name?You must had been thinking that it would have people ask yu these questions?JM

big gay kirk
its a nickname I was given on Scout Camp.... apparently I reminded a Guide of Big gay Al from South Park.... in the nicest possible way....

JM I think you good him wrong hes an attention whore he wants people to notice him, which I quite frankly don't mwahahahahahahahahah, Anyway



London boy, where have you been?

big gay kirk
Absolutely correct... I am an attention whore!!

do you like spoons and monkeys?

big gay kirk
My second best friend is Spoon....

is he a big gay kirk too?

big gay kirk
no, he's a spoon....

fever red
Maybe it's time for a new provacative name, big gay kirk. Something, bigger, gayer, and kirkier...

BiggerGayerKirkier? confused

laughing out loud

well your still one of my favorite people here!hug

big gay kirk
Thank you, BK... so are you.... wink big grin

Holy shit, you live in Leicestershire?

I live in Leicester big grin

big gay kirk
OMG!!! Whereabouts??

Braunstone, if you've heard of it... Chav capital of the world.

big gay kirk
I know Braunstone... Cort Crescent, Hallam Crescent, Hockley Farm Road.... whats the new swimming pool like..??

Not been in there, I go swimming at a school.

big gay kirk
I remember when you could swim in Braunstone Park.... sort of... if the paddling pool had had enough rain!! Hand Avenue's looking a lot better now, though, isn't it??

OMG lol i actually know someone who was born in 1969

so are u gay?

Lol, the pool hasnt been open in about 6 years, its full of broken glass.
Problem with Braunie Park is just that its full of tramps and drug dealers.

big gay kirk
and did you hear that the good folks up Shakespeare way want a fence put up to separate Braunstone estate from Braunstone town??!!??

big gay kirk
like i say... I'm happy...

longer then me..
i just tought it says 'guy' bag

big gay kirk
excellentay!!! Big Guy Kirk... sounds kinda ..... tough....!!

i'm sorry bag

No ones ever asked me if I'm Straight, Gay or Bi or not!! I tell them what I am depending on who's there! Some random old guy was talking to me at the bar and I told him I was a lesbian, and that my girlfriend is standing over by the DJ box! He still didn't give up! But luckily when my friend came back from going up to the DJ box to request a song, she gave me a big snog... purely coz she was pissed, so it all worked out quite well really! The guy left me alone after that!

I'm straight by the way, but I still think people should ask sometimes!

I live literally about 500 metres from Shakie.

thumb up

For about 2-3 months, I had a huge obsession with one bloke! I knew he was gay, but for some reason, I had the biggest crush on him! No one understood why I liked him so much and neither did I really. It didn't work - He was a gay guy and I was a girl!! It doesn't make sence!

I don't like him as much as I used to. No-where near as much!! He likes himself more than I like him!

the blonde guy in the pic was the gay man who u had a crush on?? lol hez not gay hez with girls!

fever red
Syren's right.
A name change to BiggerGayerKirkier is really your only option at this point. Hey, I'm pulling for you, man.

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