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do you think this site really works, i read some stuff on this website proving that you really get a free ipod...what do you think, cause i really want to try it, but i dont want to take a risk on something

do you think its a scam?

there's no such thing as free. remember that.

there is nothing for free

Raven Guardia
there has to be a catch somewhere down the line wink

Its probably not free

No, it's not a scam. My sister's best friend got one in the mail the other day. Seriously.

are you serious? and she didnt pay anything??

Damn you ipod, damn you cry *falls on her knees dramatically*
Just another fashion trend schmoll

I want the pink one love

Darth Surgent
A lot of the recent Free offers actually do work, but I'm too lazy to work out which ones are legitimate. is one of the most mainstream ones, and seems pretty reliable to me, but I wouldn't rush into anything like this.

This site seems fairly respectable, and backs up freeipods.,2125,64614,00.html

One common problem that people get into is when they begin signing up for an offer tha requires a credit card, yet they either don't have one or the people they refer to don't have one.

Google searches should yield useful information for specific giveaway sites.

Silver Stardust
I'd research it before trying it.

Well, my sister's friend sent the link to 50 people and only 7 signed up (you need 5 to win). So, you need to know lots of people who will go through with it to work.

heres the website i was talking about

he went step by step on how he recieved his, but teh only thing he dosent mention is the 5 referals, which my friend who tried the freeipod thing today, said it was a *****....

there was this link I just looked at this one site for Ipods

and in order to get the free ipod you have to sign up with at least one of the items they suggest- they have a very long list of things to choose from...
such as: Free trial of Renting @ Blockbuster online
or BMG CD thingy...
and some credit cards... ok there are tons of things they list.. doesnt seem so bad...

yeah but teh things you sign up have like a monthly payment, the block buster one was lke 15 dollars a month

i sort of want to do that BMG - i mean you get a free IPOD_-those things are expensive!!!!!!!!!! so actually if you are only paying $15 for something
it is almost like $15 For an ipod

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