MTV movie awards Reloaded gone?!

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anyone know if there is an Easter Egg that will allow us to see this hilarious clip in the ultimate matrix collection?

errrm i don't think its in there full stop. You have to have the origional version

yeah, i do not believe their is a way to get to it on the ultimate collection, but i know if u just go buy the reloaded dvd, its on their.

The only easter eggs I've founf so far is on the Roots of the Matrix disc where you go to the disc credits and it has an extra link and it sends you a picture of Matrix code, and different starnds are there to click on the see extra pices of footage from the massive documentaries on the disc.

I have heard of an easteregg on the umc dvd, I just can't remember damnit. Anyways I'll post the link later on if I find it, but don't stop the search because it would be a shame not to find it.

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