wonder falls

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Has anybody seen this show? Is it any good? There's a lot of interesting info about it on www.budweiser.com/1 .... I haven't seen it, though.

Darth Revan
I've seen ads for it, but I'm not watching it... Looks like a repeat of just about every sappy romantic comedy ever...

i was worried about that....also it looks like a joan of arcadia (which i dislike) rip-off. oh, well....i tried. anybody seen it?

i saw it. i thought it was good in a sappy kind of way. like it could have been actually good if somebody had tried harder making it or it wasn't so commercial.

ugh...i hate those "almosts"...do you think it could get better?

I agree

Stargate sg1 wins out ageist that wonder falls even though I will to see the wonder falls premier at one am. What a sad life I lead sad I have to do something on Friday nights rolling on floor laughing evil face

after reading the stuff on the bud site, i'm more interested in this show than i was before.... it seems funny

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