Batman and Batman Beyond Vs Spidey and Wolverine

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Max Spidey 24
Batman alone is more than enough but with batman beyond that could fly(kinda) has radar and suit that makes him stronger vs Spidey and wolverine

BM beyond has that repulsor array in his suit that would electricute wolvies ass. then while he's unconcious spidey would be easy pickins

Is BM Beyond a comic?? Who new???!!! I always thought it was just some stupid show... which just took batman and stuck him in a dumb new suit with millions of powers which kill BATMAN (not shouting, emphasizing).
Wolverine beat by BMB?? Hellz naw!! Here's what happens: Wolverine kebobs BMB. Spidey and Bats duel. Logan desides to go get a beer to kill time. returns to battle field to find Spide on te ground. Logan and Bats duel...

well spiderman is just as quik thinking on his feet as bats (ok not realy but u know what i mean) and he is way to strong for BmB, so i say its close, but team marvel wins

Max Spidey 24
BMB takes out both of them and batman just cleans stuff up

Spider-man would win with out Wolverine, and rather easily. The suit gives you 10x strength and being as Terri is a teen (and not a bulky one at that) BMB would still be under the one ton range one hit from Spider-man would destroy Bruce or Terri.

Wolverine could also beat them both on his own.

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