What the Hell is wrong with My eyelid?
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Ok my left bottom Eyelid keeps having like these weird spazums(sp) about every 10 seconds and it is really annoying. And it shakes really fast.
i get it all the time, i just close my eye for a bit and it usually goes away.
The Tired Hiker
I think that it's caused by anthrax.
It's normal, means your eyes are strained or something. I get that when I play videogames all day long.
must be videogames then, cause i play videogames alot.
I dont remember anything that happened this weekend
Id say you have a probe in your butt! I bet Hiker abducted you and did all sorts of experiments!
Jackie Malfoy
Just rest your eyes alittle bit or take a nap and hopfully the eye thing will get better.JM
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