Do Pictures Of Me Warrant Such Filth?

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Like, OMFG... disgust

Ok, opinions please, what would you do?

tell him to **** off

Da Moose
I already have....what a useless piece of crap...

Exactly what a1hsauce said.

The *******'s a perv, do something awful to him.
What the hell is with that guy? He probably thinks you're a whore or something.

What he said! For sure Sy, thats just friggin freaky!

Get him to post on this thread. What a ******....

Phoenix Aska

Just wow...

when i first saw you i thought you were gorgeous but i diddnt want to see ur in ur birthday suit, i mean it would be nice but... heres a story,

a couple of us went to hooters, cause "we like the food" lol anyway theres this cute girl waitress, i mean she was really pretty, i thougtht to myself shes too cute to be working here, and i was like no i cant think dirty about someone that cute

I was thinking along the lines of a1hsauce's first sentence, above.

He thinks I'm a whore? That's exactly the type of immediate judgement I deplore disgust

Seriously, I know I post provocative pictures but do they really send out those signals?? pissed

fever red
__Well, I'd say this thread has been a good response.
__It's nothing you should take too seriously. It would "feel" insulting to me, too, if I got this PM, but with objective distance, it just seems to me a throw-away PM on his part. Like he just saw you, thought "What the Hell, why not," it's only reflective of his social inconsequence.
__But more to the point...wouldja? Huh? Huh? Wouldja go all the way?!
roll eyes (sarcastic)

Da Moose
i guess due to the internet lacking intimacy, people could assume...but it's still wrong..

I am so pissed right now...

And thanks all of you hug I was really shaken up at first. To come on KMC, a place that I trust, and open a PM like that, well...

Anyway, I dealt with it the only way I know how. Up front and personally.

If the guy is horny, then probably yes.


Kate, you disgusting pervert shifty In answer to your question, no.

syren i dont think so, youre gonna come across sh!t like that all the time, dont pay much attention to it

honestly kear-bear , i dont know how old that kid is but i get damn tired of these horny desperate ass kids trying to get some internet action .

disgusting to see such desperation to get their jollies off .

Good answer.
Not like you had any choice.

fever red
No, only to a person who on the completely consumer level of sexuality; totally buying into the presentation of sex as a commodity rather than a shared personal experience. He's not registering anything but physical aspects?

yes Ok, I probably overreacted embarrasment Sorry guys... I guess a little itty bit of me simply pounced on a perfect thread count opportunity laughing


wow, fever red, nice post

fever red
Well, I did get a nice compliment!

I think I'd take it as a compliment partially, Oh and if you do send him pics of you cc me in please yes

But seriously I think I'd make him send you his pics first before you send yours - and then you know what to do wink

Alpha Centauri
Well, what he did is wrong but by posting any kind of provocative picture you should realise that there are some people who are upfront in the wrong way. He took it to PM and didn't spread it around the forum, you should have PMed him back and said No and that you don't appreciate being viewed in that context nor being spoken to like that.

He is more in the wrong but I think everyone is over reacting.

Syren has every right to post her pictures here but at the same time, this is an internet forum. Hardly the best place to be picky about who sees your pics. If you're not picky then you have to realise that there are some disturbing people on the net who will act in the way that they did.

My advice WOULD have been, PM him back, say no, say that it was offensive and that you don't appreciate it. Then if he kept PMing you, consult admin. I can't say I'd ever post a PM on here. It's a private message.


laughing out loud corrans got an idea there, but hey moose, i think its time for the tartan baron to come out

fever red
Yeh, if he's red-headed and young, forward 'em to me, along with his address and any allergies to common anaesthetic agents.
__Oh, RUDE me, I forgot to respond to the thread title: No, Sy, pictures of YOU warrant FAR superior filth.

I know that everyone will hate me, and I by no means support the guy, but if you putup provocative pictures, you have to expect some less than desirable responces.

The word provocative means "tending to provoke or stimulate". Wel, I guess you suceeded. You stimulated him for sure!

Da Moose
Ok...this was his dignified response to me telling him to never send Sy a PM like that ever again...

Nice guy isn't he?

erm Thank you, as always, for your completely indifferent way of looking at things. I'm serious. I did overreact, and I'm perfectly aware of the fact that in posting my pictures I am opening the doors to unsavoury people.

But, please don't expect me to receive such a PM and think, immediately, that I should be grateful that he didn't spread his request around. Because there is no way on God's green earth that I am about to feel any kind of gratitude towards someone like that. I don't have it in me.

what an a$$

No hating from here Kharma... I do see your point. I guess I'm just not accustomed to handling things like that erm So I did the only thing I knew how, I approached people I trust.

F**kin hell, who the hell does he think he is? Some stupid little ass***** really just don't get the fact that *** isn't everything, and most of the time they aint ****ing worth it!

fever red
That's true; but DON'T imply that she must assume responsibility for his completely depersonalyzing her. It's NOT Sy's responsibility to comport herself in such a way as to not provoke that level of antisocial "interrelational" behavior! It's impossible anyway; someone who sees bodies/animals and not people isn't going to be forestalled by a Burka.

__The problem isn't the stimulus, but his behavior following it; a response no healthy person would have!
__Now let's get back to me being the bad, nasty lecher round here.

Alpha Centauri
"But, please don't expect me to receive such a PM and think, immediately, that I should be grateful that he didn't spread his request around. Because there is no way on God's green earth that I am about to feel any kind of gratitude towards someone like that. I don't have it in me."

I never said you had to be grateful or express gratitude. I'm saying that it was a PM to you, none of us. If you want to make a thread about it, fair enough, that's your right. Mentioning names and actually posting the message is something I personally cannot say I would do, speaking for me there. Not you.

He was being rude and apparantly offensive, I'm sticking up for you here. Just saying that my advice (seeing as you asked what you should do) would have been to PM him back and say whatever you want, then tell him to never PM you again. If he continued he'd be banned.

I just think that's a slightly better reaction than all this. Just an opinion.


You can see why the nets a pervert infested wankpit.

lol i love fever reds posts, theyre so intellectual

I did not imply that, but nor do I think any of us should be suprised by his behaviour. Have you been paying attention to some of the people that frequent this place? There are some pretty sick puppies.

fever red
Wanktastically intellectual, that's me.

Da Moose
More from our loser friend...

Junior Member

Registered: Feb 2005
Re: ...


Da Moose wrote on 02-07-2005 11:44 AM:
Asking her to show her naked pics? You loser.

Oh, btw, why don't you take a look in the OTF? I think you'll find the thread dealing with what you wrote to her VERY interesting.

Don't f'uck with you? F'uckbag, you have NO idea what you're getting into.

Ooooh I'm scared. moooose booooy. C'mon, I'm waiting for you to ruin my life moooosy. Muahahahaha!

fever red
Oh, yes. I find throwing them in my basement to be the best response.


yes I do understand, and I wasn't trying to initiate a disagreement erm I appreciate comments from everybody, regardless of opinion.... that's why I made the thread. I truly didn't know how to react upon receiving the initial PM. You know me, usually I'd just be like "hey! fu ", but I honestly was completely stumped. Like I said, no matter the consequence, this just adds to my thread count roll eyes (sarcastic)

Moose, to argue with an idiot forces you to stoop to his level. Don't bother.

He's compelled in his love for me love

I don't think he's getting the message roll eyes (sarcastic)

Moose....he's worth less that the crap on your he probably smells worse than it too!

Shouldnt whatsit be banned for trying to trade porn through a PM?

Alpha Centauri
Haahahahahah I got my first KMC Signature quote!

I feel official. Thanks Mooseport.

Syren, honestly I don't wanna come across as defending him. I had an internet stalker and they are very very shit. Just saying, direct action is often the best action. Admin can ban him if he carries on and then it's done.


lol i love moose

Da Moose
You're right.

fever red
This Riel IS lame; but we knew that by the PM!

Da Moose
Ya welcome mate. big grin

And I am NOT an internet stalker. I just think you're cute. embarrasment

I wasn't prepared to request a ban immediately, I much prefer the slow haul. Don't you think that turning half a forum against someone is a much better course of action?

Da Moose

Junior Member

Registered: Feb 2005
And 1
Only a ****** wouldn't wanna see syren naked. Better live up to your words moosy boooy, cause I can. Tick Tock... Tick Tock... time is clicking. Mind Bomb

2:59 PM February 7, 2005

Someone actually thought I was right about something eek!

I would say something intelligent, but you'll have to give me a few minutes to kinda take that in....


He just sent you that Kharma? I guess he got his heart's desire... infamy.

Actually, you are probably just giving him more of the attention that he craves.


But hey, I'm getting a decent slice also big grin

Alpha Centauri
Not really Sy, I think turning an entire forum against someone is rather silly. Moose is already PMing him, now everyone is against him.

Just think it's gone further than it ever needed to really.

Your choice though, just my opinion.

And Moose, just coz you quoted me doesn't mean I forgive you for that Antler seduction technique.


wink this also warns others about such desperate loosers hug thanks sweets .


Ok AC, so throw it all at my feet. As if I did anything excessively out of line. HE PMed ME and I made a thread. You gonna keep on laying it on me? cry

Alpha Centauri
Calm down, I'm standing up for you not laying it on you.

You asked me a question so I answered, damn.


You're not laying it on me? FINE, I'll take my business elsewhere schmoll

fever red
Hey, I'm WITH Sy- I am thankful she exposed his superficiality. It's good to know he's not worth getting to know, ya know?

Alpha Centauri
sad Damn!

That RielKid is browsing the forum BTW.

Maybe he'll post here.


Whoooa! Wow, I've become so popular already in my rookie season. You know, there's a word spelled N O. You've could've just simply said that pretty lady. It was just a suidical attempt. Like I said, I've never done it before. what an a$$. If any guy wouldn't ask for your naked pics, they're a ******. And you wouldn't feel so gooood now... wouldn't you.

Hahahaha! 'That'll be the Dae-oo!'.....hehehehehe, always loved that ad!

Popular my ass kid!

fever red
Heheheh. Plucked poultry coming, chicken, the dead poultry dance for us!

popular yes, everybody seems to now his name.

Hey!! wavey

Welcome to the forums! I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay geek

ya i said wat an a$$ and you got a problem with that you butt muncher

What a suprise he's a noob!

Sign his e-mail up for a ton of gay porn spam.

fever red
As I thought, he fails to perceive a THING! Not ONE thing about interacting in an adult way with people! He doesn't know WHAT he did wrong... told you, social inconsequence as a result of social INCAPACITY. He is emotionally/intellectually, and therefore sensually impotent.

You know something... I need to ask him this. And I hope he answers.

Riel... did you truly expect me to be at all flattered? Or even just reply with a simple 'no'? Considering the pictures I post, did you honestly think I would deign to keep this a secret? Just a query.

Yeah Popular... have you heard of sarcasm Devalion... Popular. I am popular. Blink Blink. (Started to feel the chicken groove) Step to the left, step to the right, everybody start dancin' with me tonight.

ya, he's a dumba$$

Alpha Centauri
For the record Riel, there's only one historically significant rookie impact made on these forums. It belongs to me.


fever red
He does, Sy. He thinks the essence of a woman is sexual value, and that it is natural for a woman to regard herself in this way. He is a child who has completely bought into the presentation of sex as a commodity.
__He may never be more aware than he is now, but very likely he is NOT done developing his perception of self, world, and others.

AND NOW, back to regarding me as a filthy perv...would it help if I began a thread with the theme of devising filth WORTHY of your pictures?

yes Kate, my darling, I would be truly honoured.

Riel, I'm willing to move on if you are roll eyes (sarcastic)

If your a great woman, you know what's best. But making a thread of what I did, which was nothing more but a silly fun thing to do which everyone, you we're pretty immature. And now everyone, is up agains't me. Hey I have no problem with that. bring it on b1tches.

Shellie I hope this post goes on your favorite quote thread:

"I soo wanna go Brown Baron on that motha Fockers A$$"

You've made a great start here expression

You've been here what? A couple of days, and within that time you're asking a well respected female member of the forums to pose NAKED for you? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT?!?! messed

If you want to see girls naked, why not goto and search for "porn".

Have fun. thumbsup

Alpha Centauri
"And now everyone, is up agains't me. Hey I have no problem with that. bring it on b1tches."

Everyone isn't up against you.

I personally don't see the point, as I've said, of creating a thread for the purpose or to achieve the result of getting a whole forum onto you. However what you did was immature and offensive. Pictures of Syren's nature aren't sending out any indication that she would do what you requested. You should apologise and leave, then I'm sure others will do the same and not be all onto you about it.



Hey I've been through some hard knocks in my life, moving around place to place, people not showing me not one respect. My family leaving me. A dude of the age of 20 who doesn't have a girl because of College. Trying to survive day in and day out. Why not have a little fun. Bring it on b1tches.

Alpha Centauri
"Hey I've been through some hard knocks in my life, moving around place to place, people not showing me not one respect. My family leaving me. A dude of the age of 20 who doesn't have a girl because of College. Trying to survive day in and day out. Why not have a little fun. Bring it on b1tches."

That's a pretty story, sorry for you. But it doesn't mean you are able to make offensive requests and get away with it.

Just issue an apology.



just dont come on to a movie forrum looking for action erm

Thats why I told him to search for "porn". stick out tongue

Syren's a well respected idiot if you as me. Later, got to go to school.

You have fun little guy. You might learn something while you're there. no expression

ya the word is ask, not as, go to school

This isn't over yet assh01es

Alpha Centauri
And you're an idiot with no respect. Either way she's above you.

So just apologise and leave it.


Oh man I just shit myself. no expression

fever red
Self-pitying Null-head and Null-heart.

Please, NOBODY does that, and it is very immature that you did so.

no expression

Moron. (Rielkid)

So what's your point? Does that make you special? Should I now excuse or condone any idiotic behaviour you exhibit?

Wake up dude, everyone has a sob story and most people are too busy with their lives to worry about how hard your life has been.

Grow up, move on and act as civil as possible.

Like the avvy eggy! droolio

lil bitchiness
Personal Messages are called so for a reason.

If you have a problem of harassment by the member put them on the ignore list and if such things continues on the boards alert the moderator.

This kind of threads are unacceptable.


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