why did trinity have to die?
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because i hate her
so neo could go do what he had to do
Korri was right....
after she talked for like half an hour she deserved to die i mean Neo couldn't get a word in.
question for you...why did you have to make a thread that gave out a critical spoiler in the title?
Because she was a shitty character.
this is the matrix forum so you must have seen the films to discuss it
For once i agree with you BF
well i must admit she was no good
but why did she have to die she could have lived off they may even have done a movie spin off
She had to died becuase in the Matrix 4 Neo returns and goes after Persephone. In the end they get married and they lived happily ever after.
*hides from korri*
*chairs WindDancer* chair
I wish neo had died.. he sucks (specially keanu
) trinity rocks... rocked lol... I hated the scene when she died
ur in the dangerzone darling and I think Ill be speaking for the most of us here....
so dont you do that again
I wished she hadn't died, mainly because she is very sexy. I'm a Carrie Anne moss fan...
rajah kalantiaw
her purposed was served and she was terminated.
um, Neo pretty much did
well you dont know if he did most probably yes but the "specially Keanu" bit is just tooo much for the most of us here
(I was just hoping to get my asss kicked by korri)
becase it was her time to die. i actually kinda wish neo wouldnt of revived her in teh 2nd movie, but hey.
I think the better question is why did her death scene suck so much? She took WAY too long to die.
Another question would be, why didn't Morpheus die? Trinity died. Neo died. Why didn't they go ahead and finish off the last guy in the Neb crew?
i was expecting morpeous to die but not trinity or neo
i hate beeeehotch
Hero's motivation.
Nah, people would scream black rape.
Yeah I guess so, maybe morpheus had to make babies with what was her name to make sure humanity lived on in zion.
In most Hollywood films the black actors always die first, it's the norm, which is what makes the matrix different from the norm; I thought you would have figured that out by now.
im not saying it like that but he would be an obvious choice to go
and i didnt think trinitys death was that long but like i said why did she have to die she and neo could have made little neos to protect zion
she'll come back2gunsangel
wait isnt neo's death still debatable
actually the reason is because the wachowskis wanted her too and its their movie
fine disgust
Originally posted by dizzyblondegirl
im not saying it like that but he would be an obvious choice to go
and i didnt think trinitys death was that long but like i said why did she have to die she and neo could have made little neos to protect zion
Beacuse Neo could not have scarificed himself if she were still alive. She was the love connection which Neo could not let go of, which was why he ended up in Mobil Ave.
well if not for her then what about the children and people of zion that would of done the job to
Trinity was the only person he really cared about, hence the choice he made at the end of Reloaded.
Question- "why did trinity have to die"
Answer- " Cuz she sucked"
there i hope that helped lol
keanu and carrie had one great thing in common in that film they both acted so wooden and in manner in which i would have paid more interest in what was coming out of my dogs arse lol
Originally posted by Korri
because i hate her
you hate her because she love neo?
because she's shit...
no chemistry with reeves (though his fault too as well as the casting guy), and she wasnt even great looking...
you think the messiah would have a better looking girlfriend...
Originally posted by forumcrew
actually the reason is because the wachowskis wanted her too and its their movie
Exactly, she died because that's how the script was written.
Originally posted by Bubbapilot
Exactly, she died because that's how the script was written.
Originally posted by dizzyblondegirl
becuase she sucked..as did her death scene...as did the films...they ruined the Matrix for me..cry
seem like most of the forumers does not like her..ohoh....
I was her own fault that she died she should have got the logos started when neo told her to then she woulden't have two metal rods impaled through her stomach.
Yes she had to die.
If she hadn't, the fight between Neo and Smith would have lasted forever.
If that would have happened, Zion would have been destroyed. Deus Ex doesn't have THAT much patience.
LOL..im amazed at the response to this question.
by you
:alien She coulden't have done anything anyway if she did survive what was she supposed to do go to the machine world mac donald's or something.
she died because neo would never have given his life to save everything if she was alive...thats why
and yay! my first matrix related post in a long long time!
/me looks at ((The Anomaly)) and xeous's posts and nods
She died she did
I think deep down trinity knew that she die again and she wanted to be with neo when he went to the source and the machine mainframe and the giant architect head
Originally posted by forumcrew
so neo could go do what he had to do
Yeh he had to take a dump
Freaky Zeeky
Originally posted by dizzyblondegirl
Guess she deserved it.
Well, I'm coming in quite late to this thread, but I do have an answer as to why Neo and Trinity had to die. First of all, if you think in terms of how they finally destroyed the spaceships in Independence Day, you'll remember that they had to bomb it from inside the main source of power for it to have any results at all. That is the same thing here, in order for Mr. Smith to really be destroyed, it had to be from inside the main source of his power -- inside him -- which would affect all that sprung from him... and Neo was the One, the "bomb", to do just that. It was finally revealed to be his prime purpose in the whole of it. Nothing else would have worked. And, in order for that to happen, they would have to become one, and it would have to kill Neo along with Mr. Smith, since Neo was hooked up to the Matrix, which he could not survive in if his mind were to die, as would have to be the consequence of such an explosion. There was no other truly logical way for this to have been done. Had it been done any other way, it would not have made as much sense, or have been as satisfying. Regarding Trinity, as already said in other parts of this thread, she took him as far as she could, and if she were there waiting, it would leave Neo with too much to worry on, making it very difficult, if not impossible, for him to make the necessary decisions and steps he would have to make, since he wouldn't want to leave her. ALSO, with Trinity and Neo both dead in this temporary realm, they would soon come together in the whole of it all, where it really counts: the next world, plane of existence, Heaven, what have you, where they would be united forever. So, in essence, they did end up together in eternity. This is the ultimate lovestory, one with no ending. Their love is one that was meant to last through all time; therefore, it would not, and could not, die simply because their bodies life-force ran out. And if you get one thing from this story, it is that we go much deeper than that of the shell of our bodies. Yet, this could not have happened immediately if one was left behind, making it more of a tragedy... and if Neo didn't do what he did in order to save Zion, they would soon both be dead anyways, since the machines would have destroyed them all, anyhow. This was all very necessary, how it had to happen, and it was brilliantly done. And if you truly understand the story, which might take a few DVD viewings, along with pauses throughout, you just might come to see the true happy ending that came from it all, not only for the people of Zion, but for Neo and Trinity, as well.
ok first of all...some of you don't understand the bond that neo and trinity had do you? When she was dying she had to say those words, it was all relivant and flowed with the movie. She said what she had wanted to say to him when she died the first time and he gave her that second chance to say what really matters.
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