Dom And Billy Quotes!

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COme on and tell us your favorite DOm and Billy quotes! you know you want to!

i have so many favorite dom quotes... its so hard to choose my favorite... well im gonna have to go with this one b/c i laugh whenever i read it!

"Huge news, that they've cloned this animal. They're all the same anyway. I mean, sheep are know, they go 'Bah!' and they wear wooly sweaters. That's it."

i mean really sheep all they do is go bah! there is some logic behind dommies thinking process... right... RIGHT!

your in the wrong forumerm

what ru talking about?

a Quote thread doent go into the moviestars&celbrities forum

just now saw this thread :::: eek!

bunny badger bunny badger bunny

Personally, I don't think quotes deserve their own thread. You can just share them in their respective threads.

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