life sucks

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poor u... sad

The Tired Hiker
Keep trying, maybe take what you can get and just keep looking for something better, then you'll at least have cash flow'n in. erm

true... smile

work aint easy to find...
epecially when your still young and in experience...

some jobs recruit you when you are young(15-17) cause the salary rate is low...
and others want experience
which you mat not have yet...

Welcome to my world, I have all the experiance and really good refferences. But cuz I'm 18, its WAAAAAY harder to find a job than a person that unde 18, cuz the pay goes up like $3 and hour erm.

The Tired Hiker
Trust me, I know. You may have to take a shitty job at first to get that experience.

Circadian Rythm
No s*** Sherlock. What's your next f'n clue.
Uh Oh. (P.O.G.)

all is true but it pisses me off when u see the people that get employed instead of me at the jobs i apply for ...

Circadian Rythm
My First Job Paid me almost 8$ an hour.

well thats why you buy a big gun and go in to the supermarket and shoot people, just like in the video game evil face *twitch twitch* Mind passing me my medicine? *strokes M60*

sowwie to hear it
but it's nothing new erm

What skills do you have ?

The Tired Hiker
Have you tried a pizzeria? They are great places to work for many reasons.

big grin.... mayb peopele that cant get jobs/good jobs now will be become something good later on in there lifes..


Jackie Malfoy
Your find one!JMhug

i hope so ...

If I were you I would take out a lot of people with me like a real life grand theft auto evil face

Jackie Malfoy
IF it does it.Well I will make sure that it will!JMshifty


Jackie Malfoy
Did you read what I put in the Slytherin room?You shoud you will like it.JM


Jackie Malfoy
It will cheer u up!I promise!JM

i hope ur not looking for a job thats just a dream job. for right now a shitty job will do, maybe doing cashiering or something

no im just looking for a normal job i have applied for supermarkets,small shop work... Tday i applied for a job at alton towers cuz poeple sed it was easy to get on there ... so fingers crossed

ill be prayin for ya grim. good luck with that

cheers mate wink

here here beer

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