Don't read if you know whats good for you

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"A girl died in 1933 by a homicidal murderer. He buried her in the ground when she was still alive. The murdered chanted, "Toma sota balcu" as he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little girl. In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling. She will suffocate you like she was suffocated. If you post this, she will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded."

roll eyes (sarcastic) you think i girl on my cieling trying to choke me is new?

Jackie Malfoy
Ok I will not read that book!(Crosses her fingers in teh back)jm

Hell, and I thought I was free of all that Ring, Ju-on stuff. Why can't murderous kiddies just leave me alone?

I hate those sort of things, but just incase...

Wahahahaha......go die!

y'know someones gonna get so pissed of receiving one of these e-mails one day, thay'll make their own about some mysterious person who was tortured and their curse is that they come to your house and torture you with your own computer, he gets a list of locations using email address from the forwards, he keeps hunting shifty my future

Somebody already has

The Ones
been there done that stained the t-shirt

my present shifty

Go over there! *points*

Originally posted by Demarthl
y'know someones gonna get so pissed of receiving one of these e-mails one day, thay'll make their own about some mysterious person who was tortured and their curse is that they come to your house and torture you with your own computer, he gets a list of locations using email address from the forwards, he keeps hunting shifty my future

You need Gmail...

gmail is of no use to me roll eyes (sarcastic)

Originally posted by Demarthl
gmail is of no use to me roll eyes (sarcastic)

roll eyes (sarcastic)

syko freak
beter ryt somethin bcoz i dnt wanna chick hanging from my ceiling

There already is one, roofus.

I better go tell the little boy that meows and the girl that crawls and makes a scary noise that they got a new one comming in, girl that chokes is what i will call her

Yikes.... stick out tongue

Agent 69

Originally posted by Storm
Yikes.... stick out tongue

Thank you for the link Storm.

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