Dooku vs. Anakin and Obi-Wan

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Revan Darkstar
What would have happened in AotC if Anakin didn't rush Dooku and him and Obi-Wan went in together, would they have won or lost?

Dooku will probably push them away alternately like Maul did when he fought Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. I think they can hold Dooku off long enough for Yoda to arrive. Then Dooku would be toast.

Ah, a fair fight at last. Hm, this is a close one. Well, if ROTS is any clue, then Dooku would hold them off quite well. It would be pretty close indeed until, like jedimaster2000 said, Yoda shoqed up to seal his fate. Though Dooku may find a way to escape once he knows he's done for.

He would have gotten his arm severed

Revan Darkstar
who would have gotten his arm severed?

But anyway, I think that Dooku would have beaten Anakin still, but Obi-Wan would have held him off long enough for Yoda to arrive and then Yoda and Kenobi would beat Dooku. Any thoughts about this?

Anakin would have gotten his arm severed.
The thing is, Dooku takes them on at the same time again in ROTS, and does extremely well considering there's two of them.
I don't think the outcome would have changed at all because Dooku is a master of Obi-Wan's form and thus would be able to take him down easily. Anakin will beat Dooku because he surprises Dooku, and is IMMENSELY powerful.

Well, a few things...

Dooku, while probably quite learned in Forms IV and III, is not a master of either. His expertise is in form II. Obi Wan, from what I know, was a dabbler in form VI until after AOTC where he then embraced form III to the utmost. And while a form III practitioner is extremely difficult to accurately attack, they are also at a loss for gaining the initiative, often resulting in stalemates in combat.

Revan Darkstar
about your, "he does very well against both of them in RoTS" thing, might I remind you that Dooku dies in that

Yes, but he dies because of Anakin's beginning to join the darkside.

And Janus, you're telling me in Dooku's 80+ years of training he's only mastered form 2 only? I misspoke when I said master, but I'm willing to bet he's got it on locl.

I'd be willing to bet he knows of it, since Form II does require extensive knowledge on manipulating lightsabers in combat. But since Dooku is the only Form II master I know of, perhaps it takes a damn long time to master. I mean, it takes about 2 years to have the rudiments of form I down, and another ten to even consider oneself to be a practitioner of the less than stellar VI.

Revan Darkstar
actually I would think that it would take 80 years to master two lightsaber forms, the first form takes around 4 years to master so the second would take a very long time as well. I have been playing the clarinet for 6 years and am am hardly a master, my dad has been playing for 30+ years and he is exceptional, but not the worlds bests. Dooku is one of the galaxy's best, and learned a duelling style, a duelling style would be even harder than a musical instrument, so yes, I do think that he may have just mastered one form (not counting form 1) and have passing knowledge on the others

well, I don't see how you can even compare instruments to lightsabers, there aren't enough parallells there IMHO

I think as skilled as Dooku is, and after everything I've read on him, he's mastered form 1, 2, and possibly 3 and 4

i think dooku could have mastered as many as he wanted, but just prefers form II

Revan Darkstar
don't see any similarities? if it takes a musical instrument that long, it would take a duelling form twice as long, thats my point. Espically to be considered a master, it would take a long time.

And jackstain, I doubt he could have mastered as many as he wanted, if he did, then he would have been nearly invincible, also, he was only 80. Now I know thats a long time, but it takes 10 or so years to master the pathetic form VI, even say it takes 15 for form IV, and 25-30 for each of the others. He would still have to be over 150 to master each form, and remember, those year things are simply guesses, I still say it would take longer to master the truely powerful ones like II and VII, more like 40 years. It is possible and indeed likely he knows the basics of each, but that is far from mastering it.

i didnt mean it like that, but whatever.

u guys take this dumP too seriously

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Jack.

But I think you're right about the length it takes to learn forms. IN particular, it says that almost noone practices form II in the Jedi Order in the time of Dooku and the clone wars. So that means that unless Yoda mastered it and taught Dooku (Which, while Dooku was his padawan, Yoda is no Form II master, as we can all see.) -or- that he had to find information and basically teach himself. That's a far cry from learning that, and then moving on to II... etc.

I agree, Dooku is self taught and that would make his dedication even more incredible to it. But the point of this thread is deciding if the outcome would have been different in AOTC, and I still say no.

I think Dooku would still win in the end, but it would've been a better fight to see.

yeah, but a skywalker always needs to get his arm slice off somehow

Revan Darkstar

Darth Mantis
In episode III, doesn't obi-wan and anakin get a other shot at dooku and kill him?

Anakin kills him, because obi gets knocked out of it somehow.
Anakin cuts off dookies hands and grabs his saber and uses em both to cut off his head.

ya thats what I predictited would happen back in 95


-old vietnam vet voice-

"yea....back in ol' know when count dooku, and the new movies didnt exsist and junk.....i pur-dicted this 'uld happen. i had a vision ah tell ya!"

what the piss r u tallkin about?
thats what really happens. wait till u see the movie, ull see.

Darth Mantis
laughing out loud

Revan Darkstar

and its true that they got another shot at him and defeated him, but that's in RotS, but Obi and Anakin are far more powerful and have been on the front lines, Dooku has not. I'm saying who would win, AotC Anakin and Obi-Wan vs AotC Dooku


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