Deadpool VS Bullseye

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long pig
Takes place at a Chucky Cheese b-day party.

I just read a few articles that shows Bullseye charging up a nail with kinetic energy....before gambit was even thought of. I didnt even know this at all.

King Burger
I don't think that there is anything Bulleye can do to Deadpool to
bring him down, let alone knock him out or kill him.

By the way long pig, like the new signature picture. Plenty of
good ol' boys down south would probably flip their lid of they
saw it.

Cosmo Kramer
Well I for one think its hilarious and Bullseye can win this fight. He did put up a pretty good fight to Batman before he got punched out but that was because of the magic of DC scruing us over again.

long pig
the fight between bats was moronic. Bullseye has throw a toothpick into a granade shaft to keep it from blowing up...he coulda reemed batman.
Bullseye could definatly knock DP out.
A knife in your ear messes with yer equilibrium.
thanks, but i doubt most of em know who the guy is.

Cosmo Kramer
You know that I worship DareDevil as a God...uh oh that'll cost me.

long pig
Anyone wanna comment on BE's ability to charge objects with kinetic energy??? am i the only one who didnt know this? or did the guy lie?

Cosmo Kramer
Know he actually did do this and it was pretty weird and then one day he commented on Gambits cards immedietly kicking his ass afterwards.

King Burger
Doesn't Deadpool have super-amazing healing abilities?

How can Bullseye hurt this guy?

Anyone else know that Bullseye's skeleton is laced with adamantium? Then again Deadpool can regenerate limbs. Bullseye would have no trouble hitting or even knocking DP out, but same goes for DP being able to knock BE out. Tougher fight than I thought, but DP takes it barely due to his regeneration abilities.

long pig
so, he has gambits powers ...never misses with his weapons...bones are unbreakable (broke his back right?)
deadpool could be taken down by a well placed nerve attack....think of acupuncture...needle in the right place will paralyze him.

long pig
Erm, bump. smile

Bullseye, he's a better shot, better aim, and yadda yadda yadda.

Deadpool has beaten Bullseye twice before. Once by letting a bumper bullseye whiped at him like a boomerang come back and hit him, the other time by letting him shoot him while he got close.

This thread is pointless cause deadpool's new healing factor is as insane as wolverine's.


He takes this. His threshhold for pain is crazy, and he heals. He could just run through all of BE's crap an shoot him in the face.


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