The Official MxO Thread
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I don't know how many of the Usual Suspects still frequent this section of the boards but I remember that when the Matrix Online first was uttered, we had a thread talking about what our names would be and how we'd hook up in the game.
Now that it's out, this forum has died.
I'm here to rebuild it...
My name in every world is/will be xeous.
I just got the game last night. Where you at, yo!?
maybe u can help me.
i've done everything and i still cant get in.
it says>graphics card does not meet minimum specs of this game.<
if you had this could u tell me what 2 do.
Just search on google for installing a video card and you should get something on how to do it. My name is BigTicket on the Regression server. I'm only a level 8 right now because I haven't been able to play it that much lately. But once the true storyline starts in April, I'll be on a lot.
can i download it?
man I thought someone with a Morpheus avatar would be wise but one of your questions does intrigue me! can I down load it?
Originally posted by Morpheus
can i download it?
No you need to buy one that meets the requirements for the game.
thanx. c u in the matrix
Well I would just like to say my in-game name is Freemind and I am located on the Linenoise server for anyone who wants to meet in the game.
Method is going to be my server.
How do you transfer your character from server to server? I know I saw that you can do that somewhere...Else, why wouldn't you be able to make one with the same name in two or more servers?
just buy a new cheap graphics card.
My names MasterShake im level 32 on the regression server
See you in The Matrix, folks. Ever need some help hit me up.
Why the hell do we pay 15 bucks a month to have all the servers down?
Originally posted by IRTMU-Dragon
just buy a new cheap graphics card.
My names MasterShake im level 32 on the regression server
See you in The Matrix, folks. Ever need some help hit me up. All I gotta say is a level 32 from a guy who said the game was boring and not very good.
11 days 32 levels.. either the game is too easy or you played 24 hours a day for 11 days
Lol, I was level 10 within the first day, hyper jump beta helps out a ton.
Regardless, I made level 20 in about 4 days, and hit 30 in a week.
Bad part of it is, im sick of the game now, I leveled so hard the first week or so im sick of it now.
He's back!
The Unknown
I played in the beta, but it got boring for me. Either you would hunt to gain levels or do repetitive missions. Also, no one knew how to do the upgrades or anything and customer service would never answer my questions about it, so I quit. The game has probably improved a lot since then, so I might join back.
lol. Its not different, I still remember too.
Yeah because the live events started more than 4 days ago so you can REALLY remember how good the game is.
Played since the near end of Beta, and here's my verdict.
It's not all that like they claim. Majorly screwed up is more like it. Mission System is repetitive. Leveling up and combat are BORING. I get the feeling the development team wasn't so worried about the Matrix storyline making sense as they were about making money. The Tech Support was always nice, but when that's the best part it's not worth it. There were twenty one servers, but now it's down to seven. It's alright, just not worthy of the Matrix name or the money in my opinion. I'll continue till the end of the month, but after that I'm just reading what I find on websites.
Are you the same people that loved Diablo I and II?
If so, shut up. If not, ok, I'll accpet your opinion.
Most people LOOOOOOOOOOVED Diablo and I never understood why. I know they're two different types of game but it's the same GENERAL concept. You play with people to beat up on the computer/other people.
Diablo never had this storyline...If it ends up pathetic, I probably won't renew my membership. If it ends up a decent story, I'll probably renew.
I'm liking MXO, but, sometimes it just gets boring. When all you're doing is raising your levels, and you can't get to any other part of the city.
i dont have the matrix online yet..but where do u get it at??i heard its pretty kewl..
E-B Games.
Any place that sells games.
Good place to get it is either eb games or gamestop
but does anyone know if they are gonna come out wit The Matrix 4??
i mean that would be pretty kewl...and they could make some more money..
Originally posted by Morpheus
sorry i'm a complete ass some times ignore me and be happy!
I would get it I was gonna save the small amount of money I had for stuff but then I was on Ebay and I saw an X BOX that ended in three minutes and it started at .99 cent's and I thought "WOW what a good deal so I bid on it and later I found out that it was only a decal for the X-Box!!!! damn i'm an idiot!!!!!! I'm ****ing broke now and the shipping was a ton so i'm not a bum thank you very much!!!
Originally posted by DirectorFitz
I'm liking MXO, but, sometimes it just gets boring. When all you're doing is raising your levels, and you can't get to any other part of the city.
You can go anywhere in the city.
As long as you keep moving, chances are the Agents won't kill you...
Canceled my subscription. I wasn't playing enough...Summer's too nice.
I'll start again in the winter...Too bad I need to remake my character now too.
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