The Lesser Known/Talked About Mangas/Animes

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lets talk about all those mangas/animes that are forgotten
or just aren't talked about.......
random stuff about them......

does anyone else know about Demon Diary???
or is it just poor little me.......

how bout Sgt Frog???


The Vampire Game???

Alice 19th???


Demon Diary, yes. SGT Frog, yes. Ceres, yes, The Vampire Game, no. Alice 19, yes.

Help ya at all? *grin*

I mean is always trying to make me buy those!! I've read a bit of Ceres, not the other though. Only read reviews and the backs of them to see if I would like em or not.

Reborn Again
Jin Roh

^Oooh! That's an awesome Anime movie! yes

The Wolf Brigade kicks ass! Ending was excellent.

Read/seen them all...Some of those are actually pretty popular XD

happy that i'm not alone...
anything else you guys wanna talk about...
just go ahead
how bout favorites???

Hmm..anything Ai Morinaga is underappriciated(Your and My Secret, Yamada Taro, Duck Prince)

raenef v
never heard of that manga author

yeah my name's changed!!

formerly HPaddict

Your and My Secret was good...but I've only read the first book. I'm beginning to wonder whether they'll release the second...*pouts*

raenef v
pet shop of horrors is good
so is XXXaholic

Aholic? Tee hee....

raenef v
that's the title...i think...there might not be an a thus being XXXholic

Yeah, that's what I was getting at....

Its XXXHolic....Very weird manga if you ask me though. Our library somehow got ahold of them though. So I happily read them! Free manga! WOOT!

raenef v
yes manga is the bomb
sometimes i just sit in the manga section of the bookstore and read...kinda weird yes...but then again no one ever stops me.

Yeah, really. It takes less than a half hour to read one anyhow. Or so it seems. Plus Barns and Noble have the big comfy chairs for a reason :P

raenef v
i go to borders coffee, manga, bigger comfier chairs

Pretty Face anyone? It was mentioned on Megatokyo and its a great manga.

GTO anyone?


IF anyone cares there's A virus thread......... reading

To tell you the truth, never heard of Virus...

yah cool mad

raenef v
Originally posted by sai12
To tell you the truth, never heard of Virus...

i saw that thread.
what's the manga about?

It's A cartoon I have the dvd It has 12 episode's and I want 2 know if anyone else has seen it It says manga on the dvd

raenef v
i'm not understanding...

Originally posted by TrAnCeDuO
Pretty Face anyone? It was mentioned on Megatokyo and its a great manga.

I've heard of Megatokyo!! big grin

Best online comic/manga I've read! I love it soo much!

raenef v
Originally posted by sai12
I've heard of Megatokyo!! big grin

Best online comic/manga I've read! I love it soo much!

yes i go there a lot

hey i just found out there's a sequel series to Ceres!!

great for you!

What about Ragnarok? That's a great manga, but no one ever talks about it. You don't even have to be a fan of Nortic Mythology, but it helps.

I loved both Juline and Shaolin Sisters, and now they're releasing Shaolin Sister's Reborn.

Oh, Sgt. Frog is very funny. Excel Saga is good too.

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