Have you guys seen that movie 'Saved'?

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The Tired Hiker
Please dont merge this to the movie forum, I want OTF Folks opinions.

I loved that movie, McKauly Kulkin was hilarious and there were times where I laughed so hard I almost peed my pantalones. big grin

Jackie Malfoy
No I had not please tell me the plot through if you like it I would like it.JM

The Tired Hiker
Originally posted by Jackie Malfoy
No I had not please tell me the plot through if you like it I would like it.JM

Okay, me expaining it won't do it justice, but here it goes. There's this girl and her boyfriend is gay so she screws him to 'save' him, you know, make him not gay, but that doesn't work so she ends up getting pregnant, mind you, this all takes place at a Catholic school. So then her best friend, who is Mandy Moore, get's mad at her and trys to 'save' her, 'save' as in giving her life to Jesus and that sort of thing. Then, McCauly Kulkin is a handicapped guy in a wheel chair and he falls in love with the punk girl who smokes, and they have many funny scenes, it's just a lot better than the typical teen comedy. embarrasment

jason maddox
i loved this movie,it had a great cast and i loved when caulkin dressed up as a roller skate,it was funnier than most teen movies

The Tired Hiker
Originally posted by jason maddox
i loved this movie,it had a great cast and i loved when caulkin dressed up as a roller skate,it was funnier than most teen movies

Yeah, that roller skate thing was hilarious. laughing out loud

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