Qui Gon Jinn Versus Jolee Bindo

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Battle of the old guys. Who wins? Who doesn't? And who cares?

Darth Mantis

I agree.

Qui Gon

I think it would be too close to call. Jolee has some awsome force powers.

I agree, I think Jolee could win.

I don't think Jolee could hang as well against Darth Maul, going pure offense like Qui Gon did. Jolee was a Jedi consular and not an Ataru master like Qui Gon, either.

Darth Mantis
Darth Janus take a break on Jolee; He does not have social security.tomato

Not any longer, for sure... lol...

Poor old sucker.

In lghtsaber combat sure Jolee'd be wasted for sure. But if you added the Force into the battle I'd say Jolee has the edge over Qui-Gon.

I'm confused on one thing... The Force is ALWAYS a factor in lightsaber combat. And when there is not a clear enough margin to defeat the other opponent with sheer Force power, despites are always settled with the lightsaber. I mean, if you could just force choke/lightning/push/slap anyone just like the games, all the time, why would Maul have even wasted a second or two melee fighting Qui Gon and Obi Wan? Why did Vader is ESB even trade blows with his son when he could have just levitated and held his ass in the carbonite? Why why why?

The answer? Because unless one takes the other by complete surprise, or there is a fundamental lacking in Force knowledge to counter an attack, such attacks on another Sith or Jedi aren't anywhere near as effective as they are on say, a normal citizen or non force sensitive alien. That's just the way it is. If sheer Force power was a deciding factor in combat among Force users, there would have been no exchanges of blows between Obi Wan and Anakin all those times.

Think about KotOR. Think about when you use Force powers before you start fighting someone whether it's insanity or stasis field or whatever you pick to stun your opponent. That's what I'm talking about when I say Force powers. Jolee has a better command of the Force so he could use those powers more effectively than Qui-Gon who would probably just come at him with a lightsaber. While Qui-Gon's incapacitated, that's when Jolee draws his lightsaber and makes quick work of Qui-Gon.

See, this is the problem with pitting movie characters against characters from KotOR. It gives the video game characters and unfair advantage because of the variety of Force powers they can use. We don't see characters in the movies use Force powers all that much. I don't really think it's a good idea to make vs. threads between game and non-game characters.

Well, it's pretty straight forward and outside of game mechanics just how far the Force is effective in Jedi versus Jedi or Sith combat. Even Sidious, for all his unholy power, draws his lightsaber when confronted by Mace and the other Jedi Masters. For the sake of making the game fun (whether it's Jedi Outcast, Academy, Dark Forces, KOTOR etc.) the Force is used rather liberally. But in the movies and books, we know that this is not the case, and thus we can apply it to game characters and come to reasonable conclusions. To simply say we cannto judge them based on one another defeats the purpose of this whole section of the forum. Jolee, outside of gameplay combat (Which is not a good thing to cite as proof of ability, since all characters can use all the powers in that game) demonstrates nothing that shows he is better than Qui Gon, and since he is more of a gray Jedi and a passivist, I don't think it's likely he'd defeat Qui Gon in a pitched battle. Simple enough.

I get what you're saying there. However, outside of the game we don't know just how Jolee would fight. Using game mechanics as my argument, all characters fight with the same movements and more or less the same speed. The only variable is statistics which can be modified from game to game to increase defense or strength or whatever you want. Take Jolee out of the game and pit him against Qui-Gon and we may see Jolee pull some moves we've never seen before because he couldn't use them in the game.

And alignment (neutral, light, dark) gives us an idea of ability how?

Well, if he was a full out Sith, he would be an offensive styled fighter and thus stand a much better chance. But since Jolee was a laid back recluse who's more into passive resolvement of most conflicts, I don't think he's a better warrior.

Darth Mantis

Well just because someone doesn't fight, doesn't mean they can't.

Darth Mantis
That is true, but it seems that Qui-Gon's skill is a little better than Jolee's. It is just my opinion anyway.

Naga Sadow
i dunno, i think jolee would win.
in kotor 1 he is just an expirienced ex jedi. in kotor 2 he is treated as a legendary jedi,
u can get his robe and he is mentioned in dialogs a few times i think.
anyways, he had to be a good fighter to survive in shadowlands, and also, it matters not that he was gray. he just pushed away the council but did not embrace dark side, so he was still servant of light. indeed u cant tell which powers he can use and ehich he cant, but still, he was best NPC in kotor 1, and i played that game like 20 times(so u can trust me, with the differences made, he was still best) and why dont u think he couldnt fight maul? he fought revan(althou he lost, but so did qui gon) and i think we all agree that revan would own maul

Jolee is only a legend because of the people he travelled with

Naga Sadow
he must have been good if all those ppl traveled with him, dont u think?

I've played KOTOR I and II enough times to write their strategy guides, and I honestly don't have much good to say about Jolee. Other than being great for long winded stories and subtle old man humor, he wasn't a very worthwhile character in combat. ANd yes, he did fight Revan, with help, and lost horribly. But that's hardly a measure of his capabilities.

I'm not trying to say Jolee isn't worth the fabric his robes are made of, I'm just saying he isn't Qui Gon Jinn, revered Jedi master who was taught by the only living Form II master of his time, teacher of easily one of the most powerful Jedi Knights in post Ruusan times.

Not really, he just needed to give them acces to the Star Map... Thats what Revan needed him for. He probably thought Jolee could be helpfull though otherwise he would have just send him away, but that doesn't make Jolee one of the most powerful Jedi.

And actually i do think Jolee could beat Qui Gon because he has more experience and is imo a good fighter, skilled enough to beat him. But to say he is a legend is a bit overboard if you ask me

Naga Sadow
well i never said he was best jedi, and ok i guess i went bit bit too far with that legend thingy. anyways, i still think he would beat qui-gon
and in kotor he was very usefull. the old man owned with insanity, kill, storm and plague.add master speed and hes owning with savers. i did go with dueling thou

Duelling is better than dual wielding, for sure.

Naga Sadow
well, in duel, there is advantage of more crystals. so if u collect 4 best crystals in game + the ones u buy on yavin, then i think 2 sabers are better.

True, but especially in KOTOR II duelling is better because it gives you defense much needed for some of the duels against Jedi masters and against Sion.

Bump smile

10/10 Janus Marius description

lol Jolee has nothing to keep up with Qui-Gon in a duel.

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