What if James Cameron directed T3?
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In my opinion, he would have made it more violent, more realistic, less cheesieness, it would have been about an hour longer as well. What little things do you think he would have changed?
i think he would do the things you said but i don't think he would of had Sarah dead.
1. It would have been much better
It might have been better than T2.........if thats even possible.
Actually I reckon nothing would have beaten T2, however had Cameron directed it probably would have beaten T1 at least.
Better dialogues and more depth would have been instilled.
True, and the story/plot/script along with the effects would have been absolutely mind blowing to say the least. If James could manage to land a 200 million dollard budget for the Titanic in 1997 then just imagine the budget he could have landed with T3 in 2003.
sarah wouldn't have died cos hamilton only didn't wanna come back cos there was no cameron
i think Cameron would've got Arnie to be bad for longer and got rid of that damn TX and replace her with a real baddie
Haha 'a real baddie'.
Very well put.
I completely agree with y_monkee, James would have really made T3 an epic and something new and fresh that movie fans would have never seen before. It would have been as importnat a film to the film industry as Terminator 2 and the original Matrix were.
His vision for T3 would of been better.
if you are asking: what if Cameron had directed, using the same (or slightly altered screenplay and premise) then:
more of the 'little things' would have been fixed, or paid attention to
things like John Connor's age, how and why the 2004 T-101 seemed to have 'learned' as much as the 1994 T-101 ( example: knowing to look under the sun visor for keys rather than hot-wiring the vehicle)
more back and more future story stuff, connecting to the present story stuff
Sarah Connor might still have 'died' but only to take herself off the grid, as John had done (and as revealed in my version of T4) she would return, to help John save the day...
oh, and best of all: imagine all the boo-hoo fanboys who would be falling all over themselves with praise over the 'ultimate Terminator flick' using essentially the same damn script and story, if Cameron had directed, vs Mostow's direction of T3...
that would be the funniest and most ironic thing to witness!
Of course, we'd never know those same idiots were the hypocritical critics they are, since we can't go back and relive, and alter, timelines with just a few modifications... but you can bet some of these punks would be all over T3 as the 'greatest Terminator ever made' rather than the greatest steaming pile ever made, simply based on the director, all other things being equal...
I think he would have elaborated more on what john went through from his t2 to t3 experiences. Just a guess
Originally posted by SlickRick69
things like John Connor's age, how and why the 2004 T-101 seemed to have 'learned' as much as the 1994 T-101 ( example: knowing to look under the sun visor for keys rather than hot-wiring the vehicle)
In the book version of Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines, Kate Brewster had one of the HR Techies(a guy that knows how to reprogram Terminators) with the keys under the sun visor and where the coffin full of weapons is.
P.S. : I would have been cool if they put more future battle sequences.
I've been meaning to get the T3 book. Sounds like there is some interesting things in it.
For those who have read the book, is there any things that would of been cool if it were in the movie?
I think Cameron's T3 would be more about the future battle and focusing on that.
**** then it would be the greatest movie of the year
Cameron hasn't been doing much directing lately has he..
o kiMMii o
Originally posted by vvvrulz
Cameron hasn't been doing much directing lately has he..
He probably still hasnt got off the titanic high i guess.......

James Cameron is one of my fav directors yes he would make it better
He did direct Titanic, which I thought was crap..
If had James Cameron directed T3 it wouldnt have sucked. T3 would have better explosions and at the start when the new Terminater kills the kids in that house it would be slow motion and dramatic like every death in T2 and T1
Can't see how better explosions would improve T3.
Originally posted by barand1
Can't see how better explosions would improve T3.
Something has too. They could blow up another building or two.
There is more to the Terminator films than explosions.
Originally posted by barand1
There is more to the Terminator films than explosions.
Well they could put all of that stuff in too. He could just make everything better. No doubt.
U Neek
If James Cameron directed T3 we probably would have had a much better T3 movie then what was released. Also if rumours are anything to go by, a T3 movie directed by Cameron would have given fans a movie that was different from the first 2 Terminators, and also the T3 that did come out.
Rumour has it that Cameron wanted to take the Terminator franchise in a different direction, whereby Skynet sent back Terminators to go and work in Cyberdyne to speed up the Judgement Day process. Thus speeding up the Judgement day process. This idea seemed good and I would have preferred it to another movie where a machine is sent back to get Johnny.
If Cameron directed T3, Sarah Connor would have been alive. I say this because the ONLY reason why Sarah Connor is "dead" in T3 is because they couldn't convince Linda Hamilton to reprise her role. They originally wanted her alive, but they quickly had to change the script and make her dead because she wouldn't come back. And Linda Hamilton has said that the ONLY way she would have come back to make T3 is if it was directed by James Cameron. So yes, if James Cameron directed T3, Sarah Connor would be alive and well...
Oh yah, the "TX" wouldn't have been in the movie at all, it was just all gimmicks to begin with and I don't think Cameron is a huge fan of winning viewers with gimmicks...
First of all, all of his terminators are designated with numbers, not letters, "X" is another gimmick, like the number 13. I don't know why, but apparently people think "X" is somehow cooler than other letters in the alphabet... They are all letters, they are all equal, geez...
But yah, naming her "TX" was a gimmick, how the hell did Skynet go from T800 to T1000 to TX? I mean, in Roman numberals, isn't X = 10? So wouldn't she be the T10, meaning she's the least advanced out of all of them so far?
And yes, she IS the least advanced. They try to sell that she's more advanced, but that's complete BS because it was easier to damage her and destroy her than the T1000. The T1000 was the ultimate villain because it was by luck they just happened to run into a steel refinery because without the molten metal, it would have been almost impossible to destroy the T1000.
While the TX, her "built in weapons" were damaged because she ran into a tree?? I mean, come on...
Then didn't you guys find it funny how Arnold's character can magically remove his power supply without any interuption, while in T2 when his internal power was disrupted it took a few minutes for him to reboot. But even funnier is how it just pops out so easily, you would think it's more protected, and then the funniest thing is that he already took out his primary in the beginning of the film, then at the end, he takes out his backup power supply and he is still able to move and talk? Oh, and even funnier, lol, it gets funnier and funnier, is how he was holding up that big blast door while holding the TX with the other hand, THEN he takes the hand that was holding up the blast door to remove his backup power supply... did anyone notice that now BOTH his hands are occupied, yet the blast door magically is not coming down anymore to crush them?? LMAO!!!! WHAT IS HOLDING UP THE DOOR THEN???
So not only is he able to function perfectly fine with BOTH his power sources removed, but he is also able to use the force (yes, from star wars) to hold up immense objects like that blast door...
And I'm pretty sure that blast door closes with more force than a hydraulic press at a factory back in 1984, but I guess magically he's now stronger than that...
Originally posted by lau_timmy
In my opinion, he would have made it more violent, more realistic, less cheesieness, it would have been about an hour longer as well. What little things do you think he would have changed?
you also would have gotten 3 and half hour long directors cut with lamest, most pointless, and some of the most poorly acted crap inserted into it
1991 they had the technology to create a T-1000, I am sure there were people like us back then who was like "what a load of SGI crap". Perhaps not because it all was NEW. Our generation are too used to Hitech things.
James Cameron would have had a beter storyline and ending. Simple as that. There would still be explosions and that. Maybe not so much a crane scene but something similar to that.
The ending was just sheer b*llocks. It pisses me off that all the work they have went thru (the characters of course) in the past 20+ years to simply delay the war. I was gutted.
T4 is just gonna be a set of rubble and hi tech machines. BOOOORING.
Darth Martin
I will go see it if it has Bale in it.
lord xyz
If Cameron directed T3, first thing, it would be an adult film.
When it first came out and it had a 12A rating, I thought, this is gonna be like MIIB, isn't it?
It's a good film, but Cameron would've made it a much darker film. To say T2 ended with destroying everything, it should be like the past, or future rather, is coming back to haunt you.
It would've also been more mature humour and absolutely no gimmicks.
And most importantly, a better story line.
It would have been better, sure, but the topic is kind of irrelevant.
Cameron considered the story over with T2. He rebuffed request after request - by Arnold & others - to do another one.
If he had his way, the final shots of T2 would have been Linda Hamilton as an old lady, waking up under a tree in a park, like the whole experience was a long ago nightmare that was undone by her, John & the T-800. That's only been seen in some Director's Cuts.
So what would he have done differently, other than making sure - once again - that the war was averted?
I think Cameron's T3 would be future war based (alas Salvation) but when you think about it, those who wanted more after T2 really needed the T3 as we know to happen. What would be the point of seeing a future war Terminator film knowing that everything would be okay, because Sarah and John prevented Judgement Day? The only reason to see that would be to see the rise of the machines in the future, in a cool post apocalyptic world, which we can see now in Salvation and any future Terminator films.
Originally posted by barand1
I think Cameron's T3 would be future war based (alas Salvation) but when you think about it, those who wanted more after T2 really needed the T3 as we know to happen. What would be the point of seeing a future war Terminator film knowing that everything would be okay, because Sarah and John prevented Judgement Day? The only reason to see that would be to see the rise of the machines in the future, in a cool post apocalyptic world, which we can see now in Salvation and any future Terminator films.
Just because it invalidates everything Cameron was trying to go for in T2 - the notion of sacrifice (Miles Dyson letting his career & life be destroyed to stop his work, the T-800 willingly letting himself be melted down so no corporation could get their hands on his tech.)
Originally posted by roughrider
Just because it invalidates everything Cameron was trying to go for in T2 - the notion of sacrifice (Miles Dyson letting his career & life be destroyed to stop his work, the T-800 willingly letting himself be melted down so no corporation could get their hands on his tech.)
True, and the Terminator films should of ended with T2 (and I'm not saying that as if I'm a T3 and TS hater). T1 & T2 were complete films with a fantastic vision, characters and story. It was the fans and people in general who wanted more from Arnold and co. and without the vision and lead from Cameron the series became a cash cow, giving in to people's demands (which as we know, isn't always a good thing). But - if a story can somehow be concieved from what was left from T2 then I say let's have fun and continue the journey into the futuristic world, even if the journey isn't as enjoyable as it once was.
lord xyz
Actually, the story wasn't that bad, it would've just have different mood all the way through.
When T850 says judgement day is inevitable and he cannot kill T-X, John is like "oh that's just great" instead of a dramatic shock with dramatic music and a "Oh no" like the saviour of mankind would have!
JC would've done this movie right and made it the best of the series.
15 or 18 film for definate.
Well i know Cameron did have plans to do T3 but of course he wanted a bigger budget.
Originally posted by lord xyz
Actually, the story wasn't that bad, it would've just have different mood all the way through.
When T850 says judgement day is inevitable and he cannot kill T-X, John is like "oh that's just great" instead of a dramatic shock with dramatic music and a "Oh no" like the saviour of mankind would have!
JC would've done this movie right and made it the best of the series.
15 or 18 film for definate.
When that conversation takes place, you can see throughout the scene that Connor feels comfortable and safe with the T850 right beside him. I love the conversations in T3, and the dread that is mentioned would of been greatly enhanced if there was more a sense of panic and time running out.
lord xyz
Originally posted by barand1
When that conversation takes place, you can see throughout the scene that Connor feels comfortable and safe with the T850 right beside him. I love the conversations in T3, and the dread that is mentioned would of been greatly enhanced if there was more a sense of panic and time running out. I also didn't get why people hated Arnie's glasses, I just thought it was funny. You're thinking, "Oh my god, those glasses are horrible, are you serious?" and then he destroys them like he should. It's like, why does he wear glasses anymore anyway? The only time to wear sunglasses was in the first one, that's the only time it made sense.
Wow.Great thread. If James Cameron helmed T3 it would have been absolutely epic. It possibly would've been another milestone in Sci-Action movies like T2 was.
Don't get me wrong, i enjoy T3 for what it is;a respectable summer action movie.It's just that it isn't a James Cameron film. And i can see that every time i watch it.However i think Jonathan Mostow did a competent job. He had some pretty big shoes to fill plus the masterpiece that is Terminator 2 to follow up.Mostow will have had intense pressure to recreate shots to pay homage to the previous classics.The style was well-established and well-known. He had very few options and followed the previous installments well with the material he was handed.What are your thoughts?Thanks
If James Cameron had directed T3 there wouldn't have been so many plot holes! in T2, John Connor was 10. in T3, they said he was 13 in T2. If he was 13, then it would be 1998 when T2 took place, which would be impossible because Judgement Day was supposed to be in 1997. i don't know why Mostow changed that.
I think T3 was pretty good besides all that. the plot made sense. It was a good continuation of the story. Jonathon Mostow did a very good job with it.
But I think that if James Cameron had directed it with the same plot and everything (minus the plot holes), it would have blown everyone away. seriously. it might have been better than T2 (if that's possible!)
lord xyz
Terminator can't avoid plot-holes, there are plot holes from 1 to 2, such as Sarah Conner's age, John's father, and the whole sending the T1000 back, like why that time?
Terminator 3....I am not happy with that movie. It surprised me lot.Rise of the machines is probably the weakest entry in another much-loved trilogy, but let's be honest, T3 was doomed from the day of the franchise creator James Cameron decided to take him out.
Sarah Conner would have been left floating on some wood in the ocean and the Terminator would have been left freezing in the water and looking at her until she pushes him into the deep, freezing abyss below.
Originally posted by lau_timmy
In my opinion, he would have made it more violent, more realistic, less cheesieness, it would have been about an hour longer as well. What little things do you think he would have changed?
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