3D Sidewalk Art

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Ken Kenobi

That is some neat stuff and where is this?

Ken Kenobi
I dunno.

damn that last one is awesome

Those are so cool!!!

Those are frigg'n incredible!! eek!

If I was the artist I'd shoot myself when they wore off... scared

those are so cool! eek! whoaaaaa

Yeah, those are awesome!!!!!!!!!

wow awesome, they shouldnt be off, a political should protect that thing u know.........

the first one sucks but the rest are great.. but lol @ everyone forced to walk around him

Ken Kenobi
Just getting the perspective right when drawing them up would be tough.

Originally posted by SaTsuJiN
the first one sucks but the rest are great.. but lol @ everyone forced to walk around him

I thought the first one was great- more realistic than some of the others. theyre some amazing pictures- but wouldnt the perspective be right only from the angle the photo was taken?- i imagine it must look odd from the side.

yes but the title says 3d sidewalk art.. if it doesnt look 3 dimensional then its the wrong subject matter

we're talkin bout the fly right? it looked 3D to me- the way he's composed it makes it look as if the legs are coming up from the pavement and the shadow and tone... well i thought it was pretty three dimensional messed

omg, those are amazing. I wish i could do stuff like that lol. They all look 3d, absolutely amazing.

Maya Zurak
funny and cool.

I like 'em, I like 'em! eek!

thats ****in crazyman id freak if saw last one id think i would fall...lol.....CRAZY!!!

Flying High
they're sooo cool....wow ha ha....i wish i could do that stick out tongue

Ken Kenobi
I have some new ones to add that I found, I'll do it later on when I'm on my own computer.

Piggle Humsy
Well the images aren't showing anymore (for me at least) but I'm pretty sure I know what your talking about..
This one guy did one in London the other week, was a bank vault full of money (wads of notes) with the lid open laying flat next to it.. it was so awesome! looked like you were about to drop right into it... eek!
I looked for a pic of it but couldn't find one erm

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